Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4303: : TV interview (1)

Looking at Li Tian's domineering declaration, Huang Ke in front of the TV felt that his breathing was a little difficult!

What makes Huang Ke feel the fear is that the person in the picture seems to have seen him somewhere, giving Huang Ke a very familiar feeling, but he can't remember it for a while!

"Explanation? Who is this guy? What does he want us to explain to him?" Huang Kehao took about thirty seconds to calm the fear in his heart, then said slowly.

"My Lord, you...you won't really forget him, right? He is...li Tian, ​​the former commander of the Celestial Legion! I think all his explanation should be the notice above!" In the meeting room, someone Said to Huang Ke.


Huang Ke only felt his legs soft, his head was dizzy, and his body shook. He could have fallen on the chair behind him, but he didn't expect the chair to slide back, and his body fell softly to the ground.

"Li... Li Tian? Li Tian is back? Li Tian who once Megatron China is back?"

Huang Ke got up from the ground tremblingly. At this time, no one felt how shameful Huang Ke’s gaffe was, because now they in the conference room were also shocked by the man’s domineering in the picture. With their arms barely supported on the desk in the conference room, I am afraid they will be as embarrassed as Huang Ke.

"Quick...please contact the China Special Operations Department, no, contact me the Supreme Presbyterian Church of China, this...this matter is beyond our Jinghai's control..." Huang Ke said in a trembling voice.

Huang Ke did not speak, and a telephone installed in the conference room rang.

The conference room is not an office, and telephones are not usually installed.

The phone in this conference room has its own mystery. Of course, since this phone was installed to the present, this phone hasn't rang a few times. This phone will only be remembered when the most emergency occurs.

However, now the phone rings.

The eyes of the participants fell on the non-red telephone, their hearts beating a little faster involuntarily.

Huang Ke swallowed, walked quickly to the phone, and picked up the phone.

A cold and indisputable voice came from the phone: "Huang Ke, you must appear in front of Li Tian within two minutes! The China Special Operations Group is already rushing to Jinghai!"

There are no extra words, and Huang Ke can't tolerate too much explanation. The phone has been hung up. When Huang Ke hung up, his clothes had already been soaked with sweat!

The call was made by the secretariat of the highest-level China Presbyterian Church, and the voice in the call was a certain young elder in the China Presbyterian Church. This elder was once the commander of the Ten Legions before the end of the world. China also has a very important voice.

However, Huang Ke heard a tremor in the elder's voice! Although the brilliant elder was extremely successful in covering up, the voice still amplified the tremor infinitely when it was transmitted through the radio wave.

Huang Ke knows that this is the highest level of China that is full of fear for Li Tian!

That's right, just fear!

The man who once stood at the top of China is back!

The once strongest man on earth is back!

The man who used his own power to turn the tide and rescued China from the mansion is back!

Facing this god-like man, the memories of these high-level Huaxia should be full of fear!

However, apart from fear, they seem to be unwilling, so they will make this call, so they will let Huang Ke go to see Li Tian, ​​so they will shoot the China Special Operations Group to Jinghai!



Perhaps there was such a reason, but Huang Ke knew in his heart that this was just a delay.

Once Huaxia gathers the most powerful force, then there is bound to be a real battle between Huaxia senior officials and Li Tian.

"But...but why do Nima's people want me to see Li Tian now, in case...even if I see Li Tian, ​​what can I say? What can I explain?" There were tens of thousands in Huang Ke's heart. Alpacas rushed past.

But Huang Ke had no choice.


Huang Ke is gone, gone in a gunship!

The meeting room is temporarily hosted by the deputy mayor of Jinghai.

However, the meeting room was surprisingly quiet at this time, and everyone's eyes were on the TV. I wanted to know how Huang Ke would face Li Tian through the TV!

In the picture on the TV, a huge yellow salon cyclone with a height of more than four to five hundred meters has appeared in the distance. This tornado is exactly the quicksand storm displayed by the ground travel Yasha!

Wherever the quicksand storm went, those low buildings were instantly destroyed and covered by quicksand. If it were destroyed at this speed, Pudong would be able to sustain it for at least half an hour!

"Although Li Tian is very powerful, it is completely impossible to destroy the entire Pudong within three minutes! This is probably a scene of intimidation! Besides, the China Special Operations Department has already taken the special operations team out, and he will know by then Our China Special Operations Group is great!" The deputy city lord comforted the people with a trembling voice.

That beauty reporter appeared on the TV screen again!

After the initial panic, the mood of the beauty reporter gradually calmed down, and there was even a hint of excitement and joy in her heart.

She knew that she wanted to have a figure, a good appearance, and a temperament, but she was just a special reporter for China TV Station, a reporter who ran the news in the wind.

If she wants to have a better development, then she must take this opportunity, the biggest news opportunity of China in the last days to realize her counterattack.

The beauty reporter has just searched for some information about Li Tian on the Internet through her mobile phone.

There are very few information about Li Tian that can be searched on the Internet. This is mainly because China has implemented a strict blockade of Li Tian information. However, through the few information on the Internet, the beauty reporter quickly organized a newsletter. draft.

She grudgingly squeezed a smile on her face, raised the microphone, and said affectionately: "He used to be the commander of the Celestial Legion with hundreds of thousands of followers; he was once a guest of the Ten Legion. , The commanders of the ten major legions are proud to call him brothers and sisters; he once fought the three corpses with his own power, allowing China to be freed from the rule of the zombies first."

"After ten years of mysterious disappearance, he suddenly appeared in our sight. However, he is no longer a hero at this time! He, his temperament has changed drastically, he pointed the butcher knife in his hand at the unarmed ordinary people, Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Let us walk into the inner world of Li Tian, ​​the founder of the cult Tianmen..."

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