Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4067: Miracle (2)

The early morning light has not yet shone on the city walls of Ruhr Island. The residents of Ruhr Island have already woken up. Even the sleepiest children can't wait to get dressed and stand in front of their parents. There is only one purpose for waking up so early, and that is to look at the so-called miracle of heaven.

At this time, the work of the Void Spirit Race and the Earth Xing Yasha was almost over. What they are doing now is to use the huge stone slabs to show their faces. Of course, these tasks are not challenging for the Void Spirit Race.

The genius was overwhelming, but all the residents of Ruhr Island City were stunned to see all the residents of Ruhr Island City that rose up from the ground overnight. At this time, the expressions on their faces were both surprise and excitement.

When the last stone slab of the Xuling tribe was laid, it happened to be when the first morning light shone on the tower in the center of Ruhr City. The golden sunlight shone on the tower with the main white color, making it appear tall and tall. Mystery is grand.

As the light shifted, the entire city of Ruhr was fully revealed in front of everyone.

The city of Ruhr at this time is completely different from yesterday. All the houses are neat and tidy, and the streets are wide enough to pass twelve cars at the same time and are spotless.

The residents of Ruhr Island immediately ignited.

Without Li Tian's greetings, these people screamed excitedly and poured into the city.

Some people rushed directly to the high tower in the middle of the city and looked up at the huge tower with a height of more than three to four hundred meters, wanting to get a closer look at the tower.

Some people rushed into those buildings, carefully stroked the walls of those buildings, and carefully felt the extraordinary craftsmanship of these buildings.

But more people ran up to the city wall and stood beside Li Tian and followed Li Tian to look far away, taking in the scenery of Ruhr Island.

"A miracle! This is a miracle!"

An old man in his 60s and 70s knelt down on the wide street and kissed the road with his mouth. At this time, the old man was already in tears.

"It's a miracle! This is definitely a miracle! Except for the gods, I really can't think of anyone who can build such a big city overnight." The old man agreed.

"No, you are all wrong. This is not a miracle or what the gods did. It must be done by Lord Li Tian! If you want to bow down, then you should bow down to Lord Li Tian!"

The old man stood up, wiped away his tears, and said firmly: "Lord Li Tian is a god! I want to find Master Li Tian to kneel down in front of him! "


Li Tian has never claimed to be a **** like a fierce warrior, but what he has done has convinced the residents of Ruhr Island that he is a god.

For this kind of worship, Li Tianran accepted.

Since ancient times, deification of oneself has always been one of the common methods used by rulers. If Li Tian wants to allow Dongying Island to accept the management and rule of the heavens with all his heart, then he must let them believe in himself and believe in himself with the members of the heavens.

Of course, for the Chinese nation, there is another most important method, that is Tonghua, just like those ethnic minorities in history have become rulers, although they all want to maintain their nobility and have taken various measures. But the final result was that they were all Tonghua by the Chinese nation.

Li Tian felt that the time was almost ripe, he coughed softly, and shouted: "Everyone..."

This voice reverberated continuously over the city of Ruhr. All the residents stopped and looked at Li Tian who was standing on the wall with admiring eyes.

"Everyone, this Ruhr Island City is a gift from the heavens to make up for our compensation for slaying the devil and the fierce warrior yesterday. This Ruhr Island City belongs to my Li Tian and belongs to our heavenly realm, but also to you all. Yes. Members of the Celestial Realm will perform statistics on you one by one, and then allocate your residences according to the statistical results.

In fact, when seeing the buildings in this city, everyone had already thought that there would definitely be their own residence, but when they heard Li Tian's words in person, they were still full of excitement.

Although the area of ​​the new Ruhr Island City built by the Ethereal Tribe is not small, it can hold about 100,000 people at most, and now there are about 10,000 residents in the Ruhr Island City, so there are still many places to meet Was vacated.

However, Li Tian knows that after the end of the end times, it will last for ten years or even three to five years. At that time, the city of Ruhr, as the headquarters of the heavens, will inevitably attract many people to settle down. It has become another tourist attraction in Dongying Island, so Li Tian will give these areas to the heavens to control them, and maybe they can be used for commercial purposes.

Of course, in the future, the entire Dongying island nation

"Also, I need to introduce a person to everyone. This person can be said to be the hero of the East Island country, the hero of all mankind, Otsuka Marina!"

With that said, Li Tian brought the Otsuka Kuangren from the space of the Void Yasha. Otsuka Kuangren was a zombie who had been injected with the antidote to the zombie virus, so he was not much different from humans under normal circumstances.

"Otsuka Marina? Is that the Otsuka who won the Nobel Prize?"

Li Tian nodded and continued to say: "He is now developing a zombie virus antidote reagent and has achieved initial success. It will not take long..."

Li Tian hadn't finished speaking, everyone was stunned, this time it was really stunned.

"I... I heard you right? The antidote to the zombie virus? So... does that mean that the end times is finally over?"

"The antidote to the zombie virus, the apocalyptic era is finally... finally over!"

At this time, some people started to laugh and some people started to cry, but whether it was joy or crying, tears of joy flowed on their faces.

"It's finally over, and finally don't have that fearful life!"

These people are completely boiling, they hug and kiss each other and high-five each other.

However, people laughed and someone started to cry again.

"If this potion could be developed sooner, my son would not die!"

"in case……"

There is not so much in life. If Li Tian hadn’t met Situ Ningbing at the beginning, Li Tian would not leave Liaocheng, and there would not be so many things happening later, and the Three Corpses would not escape from the gate of the restricted area. After coming out, maybe there will be no end-time crisis.

But now, this apocalyptic era is finally coming to an end.

"Mr. Otsuka, have you seen their expressions? Their sorrows and joys are in your hands, so you must speed up the research progress. Tomorrow I will personally send you to the Zombie Research Institute on Southern Shikoku Island, where are they? Everything you need!" Li Tian said.

A sense of responsibility of the people of Otsuka Marina emerged spontaneously. He clicked a little and said: "Seeing that you have to speed up research!"

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "No, there are many ninjas coming in this direction, okay...it seems to be Iga ninja!"

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