Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3412: The butcher knife (3)

All this changed so quickly that Li Tian and the mutant crow's jaws were about to fall off.

Situ Ningbing held the butcher knife horizontally in front of him and looked at the cracks on the butcher knife inch by inch. Above these cracks, Situ Ningbing could see two small Sanskrit characters: "butcher knife".

The name of this artifact is indeed called Butcher Knife.

But as Situ Ningbing’s fingers gently stroked the cracks on the butcher knife, suddenly Situ Ningbing’s fingers were cut by the raised metal thorn, and Situ Ningbing’s blood followed the turtles. The crack flowed into the blade of the butcher knife.

Situ Ningbing did not retract his hand, this small wound would not cause Situ Ningbing's pain, and retracted his hand.

The blood kept flowing on the blade of the butcher knife, and the cracks on the blade of the butcher knife started to fall off.


After the first piece of cracked skin fell off the ground, Li Tian saw the real body of the butcher knife, the blood-red blade.

At this moment, Situ Ningbing’s face showed a look of shock. Situ Ningbing felt that the butcher knife had such a connection with her. It was this connection that made Situ Ningbing feel that the butcher knife was already Her weapon is out.

Situ Ningbing looked at Li Tian in shock, and then at "Red Zhan".

Situ Ningbing didn't know the connection between Li Tian and the "Red Sword", but at this time, Situ Ningbing felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Is this the owner?

Situ Ningbing thought in his heart.




Pieces of cracks kept falling off, finally revealing the real body of the butcher knife.

With a red blade like blood and a black hilt like ink, this butcher knife seemed to be a combination of two extreme things.

The cracked skin fell off, and there was a string of small characters on the scarlet blade.

"The gods have no way, I will kill them!"

Among the eight heavenly dragons, the heavens refer to the gods, but the status of the gods is not supreme, but they can enjoy greater and longer blessings than humans. Buddhism believes that everything is impermanent, and when the life of the gods is over, they will die.

And the gods in the small characters engraved by this butcher knife naturally refer to the gods, those who enjoy the blessings greater and longer than people, but are desolate and innocent.

"Tudao Tushen! Your name will be called Tushen from now on!" Situ Ningbing said softly.

There is injustice in the human world, but the sword will slaughter it, the gods are innocent, and the **** slaughters them.

After seeing the butcher knife revealing his true sage, Li Tian's heart began to drool. Although this butcher knife is not comparable to the "red cut" for the time being, it is also an absolute weapon and a spiritual artifact. It is a pity that this butcher knife and that "red cut" Similarly, I chose the master and Situ Ningbing.

But fortunately, Li Tian had been considering the issue of Situ Ningbing's weapon before.

Xue Ji uses the Dragon Sword, the Barbarian has the Qinglong Sword, the Two-Dimensional has the Heizi, and Li Tian has the "Red Slash". Tang Xiaolong's ten-fold refining body has the body as a weapon. Only Situ Ningbing has never had a suitable weapon.

After Situ Ningbing held the Tushen in his hand, he appeared to be even more heroic, with such an indescribable charm on his body.

But at this moment, Situ Ningbing's face became more worried.

"What's the matter" Li Tian asked with some worry.

Situ Ningbing handed God Slaughter to Li Tian and said, "This Slaughter Blade and God Slaughter is a weapon before the Battle God Buddha. No doubt, this divine tool has already recognized me as its master. You can see that this divine tool is now completely reborn. , But this is the price that God Tu used the last trace of divine power. Now the spirit of this divine tool has fallen into a drowsiness, and has lost contact with me!"

"How could this happen" Li Tian asked.

Situ Ningbing gently stroked God Tu’s blade with his fingers, and said: “According to the message this butcher knife passed to me, this butcher knife was originally a weapon before the God of War Buddha became a Buddha. Before God of War God became a Buddha, there were countless killers. , And with the continuous killing, the demon nature is gradually emerging in his body. In order to control the demon nature in the body and not forget the godlessness, I will slaughter the original intention, and he will take all the negative aspects in his body Emotions and magical qualities were all forcibly injected into the butcher knife. Over time, the butcher knife also gained spirituality, and even the spirit of the butcher knife was born."

The person Situ Ningbing mentioned here was naturally the God of War before becoming a Buddha.

"However, the God of Fighting God had an epiphany, put down the butcher knife, and became a Buddha on the ground, and the butcher knife became the bond of the God of Fighting Buddha. For this reason, the God of Fighting Buddha used his Buddhism power to seal the spirit of the butcher knife, and gradually consumed the power of thought. The magical nature of the spirit."

"During the long seal, the magical nature of the butcher knife gradually weakened, and the power of the butcher knife gradually lost, and even the spirit of the butcher knife had an epiphany, producing a trace of supernatural power."

"It's a pity that the butcher knife is still sealed in the power of Buddhism, and it is also regarded as a magic knife by the Buddhists. Later, in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, the butcher knife was brought back by the eminent monk with the scriptures for unknown reasons and was placed in the underground palace. In."

"Over the past millennia, this butcher knife has become a divine tool with little magic, but his character is still so rebellious. When you push open the stone gates of the heavens, the butcher knife feels a powerful tool spirit, this tool The spirit should be in your weapon Red Slash." Situ Ningbing raised his head and glanced at "Red Slash".

"The tool spirit of the butcher knife is unruly and unconvinced at the sudden appearance of the tool spirit. Of course, this tool spirit also wants to rebirth him from Nirvana through a fierce battle and free him from that Buddhist power of thought.

"In the end, you can also see that the butcher knife was freed from the seal of Buddhism, so he was willing to absorb my blood and recognize me as the master. Unfortunately, when the butcher knife was fighting with Hong Zhan, that The already weak spirit of the spirit was wounded and severely wounded, but for Nirvana's rebirth, the spirit of the spirit gave up the last ray of divine power, which caused the spirit to fall into a deep sleep."

Situ Ningbing's words were finished, but Li Tian hadn't recovered yet, Li Tian was still thinking about Situ Ningbing's words.

The weapon spirit of Tudao Tushen is a weapon, and there is also a weapon spirit in "Red Sword". If the weapon spirit of Tudao Tushen has a demon nature, then the weapon spirit of "Red Slash" is evil.

Li Tian faintly felt that these spirits were inextricably linked to the world in the gap between the gates of the restricted area in Tianshan Mountain.

"But I have the feeling that the spirit will wake up sooner or later!" Situ Ningbing said with a smile.

Afterwards, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing searched the passages of the heavens, and found that in a secret room at the deepest part of the passage, the knife holder on which the God of Slaughter was placed had been decayed.

Although Li Tian didn't get anything, Situ Ningbing had subdued the butcher knife and slaughter god. Li Tian was also very happy, which also made Li Tian full of expectations for the underground palace.

Among the heavens is the God of Slaughter, what about the God of Dragon?

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