Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3393: Zombie Park (2)

"Li Tian! If I were you, I wouldn't do it!" said the zombie.

"Do you know me?" Li Tian felt very surprised.

"No, I don't know you, but I know your weapon and your skill with Qi Yujian. You are the master of the heavens, and now the principal of the northwest region!" said the zombie.

"Why brought me here? Is it like showing us the bodies of these bounty hunters?" Li Tian said, looking at the corpses hanging on the trees.

The zombie shook his head quickly and said, "Why? You think too much. In fact, most of these bounty hunters weren't killed by us! We collected them from this city, and we just borrowed them. Hanging here will serve to intimidate other bounty hunters and prevent other bounty hunters from entering here rashly!"

"We? Are there other zombies besides you here?" Li Tian asked suspiciously.

The zombie smiled and clapped his hands.



With the applause of this zombie, four or five more zombies emerged at the ends of the street, but these zombies were wearing clean clothes and holding guns. It is hard to tell from the outside that these are zombies. .

"Don't get me wrong, they are ninth-level, even tenth-level, eleventh-level zombies like me. But although we are zombies, as our human consciousness awakens, we are not willing to live a zombie life anymore. Now! We are eager to return to human society, eager to live the life before the end of the world, but, as you know, bounty hunters, especially the dawn organization of bounty hunters, simply do not allow us to do this."

"Once we enter human society, we must puck our tails up and be humans, living at the bottom of human society, living like a mouse. We must also face the possibility of losing our lives at any time. But this kind of life is the same as our current life. How much difference is there in zombie life!"

"So, some of our senior zombies in Beitang chose a different kind of life. This is also the purpose for me to bring you here."

"What you do in the heavens, especially your attitude towards zombies, makes us zombies admire. You dare to challenge authority, challenge Liming, and even behead Liming’s core member Liu Jun. All this makes us like The zombies living in this city seem to see hope."

"Hope? Is it the coexistence of zombies and human society?"

"Yes, maybe the time for this situation is not yet ripe for the time being, and humans are still full of fear of zombies, but they never thought about it. In fact, we are also humans. We have all the attributes and memories of humans, but Yes, we have changed into another form now."

"As for zombies swallowing humans, that's what happened to low-level zombies. How many high-level zombies like to swallow humans?" The zombie said, even talking a little excitedly here.

"But my heavens do not coexist with humans and zombies, it's just that some of my subordinates are zombies." Li Tian said the truth.

"It doesn't matter, put away your weapons, please come and visit our zombie garden with me! Maybe you will change your mind." The zombie said.

Li Tian followed the zombie through this narrow street, across a road, and then walked forward for less than a hundred meters, and a wall appeared in front of him.

The wall is more than two feet high. The wall is covered with blood and dried mucus, but it can be seen that this wall was definitely built after the end of the world.

And on the wall, there are sharp barb steel thorns poured with cement, and these steel thorns are linked together by steel wires, and the steel wires are covered with iron briers.

"When Li Tian saw this huge wall like a military defense fortress, he was shocked and a little puzzled, so he asked: "Is this...? "

The zombie’s face showed a trace of seriousness, and said: “Defensive from other zombies’ attacks. This Beitang city used to be a very large city with a population of several million. After the apocalyptic crisis broke out, no more than 50 humans escaped. Ten thousand people, all other people became zombies. It is conservatively estimated that there are more than ten thousand zombies above level nine in this city, but these zombies are in addition to the thousands of high-level zombies led by ghouls, other high-level zombies They are all like us, basically struggling, fighting each other."

"Oh, by the way, my name is Shen Yunyang, and my profession before the end of the world was a construction engineer. Now, haha, my profession is a zombie!" Shen Yunyang said with a wry smile.

Walking along the huge wall, I walked for less than a thousand meters, and a gate appeared in front of it with the words Xingzhu Park on the gate. The top of the gate is now also filled with masonry and reinforced concrete. The gate now looks like a hole left in the wall.

"There is no way. If you want to survive in Beitang City, you must learn the rules of survival. Like our zombie team, there are probably more than 300 people, but in this city, we are not the strongest, we can only Choose this way of survival!" Shen Yunyang said.

Li Tian nodded and said: "Your huge wall is like a copper wall and iron wall, plus you more than 300 advanced zombie defenses, you can definitely be called the overlord of Beitang City!"

Shen Yunyang shook his head helplessly, and said: "I have already said that in Beitang City, the zombies ruled by ghouls are the absolute overlord, and he controls more than a few thousand high-level zombies. Like us. Zombies, if they do not join their team, they will either be driven out of the core area of ​​Beitang City, or they can only be swallowed by them."

While talking, Li Tian has followed Shen Yunyang and other zombies into this zombie garden.

This zombie flower group toast is in Xingzhu Park, which covers an area of ​​more than tens of acres. In the park surrounded by walls, pavilions, pavilions, and waterside gardens are really red, willows, and green grass. There is a huge lake in the middle of the park, surrounded by weeping willows, and there is a small island in the middle of the lake.

The breeze blew across the lake, green waves rippling, and there were even a few zombies boating on the lake.

It is a picture of harmony on earth.

Li Tian didn't expect this scene to be in the Zombie Garden, and he couldn't help but look a little dazed.

Although Celestial Realm is one of the largest fortress cities in the northwestern region, the Celestial Realm is always full of open and secret struggles. Even the humans living in the heavens are not as comfortable as the zombies living here.

At this time, there was a melodious bell in the woods of the zombie flower group. Upon hearing this bell, the faces of several zombies including Shen Yunyang showed sad expressions.

"Teacher Shen, please be sorry!" A zombie behind Shen Yunyang said to Shen Yunyang.

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