How powerful is the secret technique of Yin and Yang? This forty soldiers have been bombarded into fleshy flesh, but they still haven't died.

Tang Xiaolong and the others were completely overwhelmed by this mourning forty.

Kill, you can't kill.

It's impossible!

"No, even the secret technique of Yin and Yang must have weaknesses, otherwise the world would have been ruled by Yin Yang Sect!" Xue Ji was also stunned by the forty undead body, but she quickly figured it out. After this, he said to everyone.

"Weakness, but what is this weakness? The weakness of the zombie is the head, as long as the head is broken and the corpse crystal in the mind is excavated, then the zombie will definitely die, but this guy's head is actually empty!" Tang Xiaolong couldn't understand, he couldn't help asking.

The captain has released the forty mourning soldiers. The mourning soldiers who have become a mass of muddy forty are lying on the ground, and the rotten flesh on his body is creeping slowly, as if reshaping. The body of the dead soldier is the same.

"Yeah" Xiao Tianyi broke away from the arms of the barbarian suddenly, and rushed towards the forty soldiers.

This little glutinous rice noodles directly used two small hands to tear open the forty soldiers who were healing, and tore them into small pieces of minced meat.

"What are you doing?" Sangbing Forty said with some horror.


This is the first word in life spoken by Xiao Tianyi, not to lose money as a snack, but to be born for eating.

But this word seemed to shock everyone with magical powers, and forty soldiers said: "I'm not food, it's not tasty at all! It's not tasty at all!"

And how about Xiaotianyi?

This snack shop seemed to have no idea what Meng Soldier Forty was talking about, gulping the pieces of meat into his mouth and chewing.

Xiao Tianyi woke up the dreamer with a single word, the captain laughed loudly, sat on the ground, and tore apart the forty body of the bereaved soldier one by one, and then kept stuffing her mouth.

"Barbarian, do you want some! Although it's not delicious, it's chewy!" The captain turned his head, revealing two rows of blood-stained white teeth, and stretched out his hand to hand a small piece of minced meat to the barbarian.

"Enough Captain, you are enough!" The barbarian resisted his nausea and shouted angrily at the Captain.

"Wow," Xiao Tianyi actually learned the movements of the captain, and made the same movements towards the barbarians, and said in a plain tongue.

The barbarian couldn't bear it anymore, twisted his body, and began to retching.

"Don't eat anymore! I know it's wrong! Please let me go!" Funeral Forty begged for mercy in a crying voice.

Although Sangbing Forty was begging for mercy, it didn't seem to give up, and he was still speeding up the healing process. At this time, Sangbing Forty's body had a rough shape, and it was almost starting to stand up wobbly.





Four white bones grew from the bodies of Xiao Tianyi and the captain, and at the same time they pierced the limbs of the forty soldiers, and nailed the forty soldiers to the ground.

"Boiled ducks can fly, and it's impossible for my captain to let her fly away from the meat that fell on the ground!" The captain said with a sneer and smiled.

Speaking of Captain and Xiao Tianyi speeding up their eating speed, these two zombies seemed to be extremely hungry guys. Suddenly they encountered a delicious meal and gobbled them up. The food was really ugly.

"No!" Mengbing forty exclaimed unwillingly.

Tang Xiaolong and Xue Ji were stunned. They couldn't imagine that the captain and Xiao Tianyi would use this method to solve the battle.

Looking back now, for ordinary attacks, this loss of soldiers is naturally immortal.

Especially when you encounter ordinary bounty hunters who use knives, guns and sticks to attack the mourners, only to find that these attacks are of no use to the mourners. These bounty hunters naturally panic and lose without a fight, or even go straight into failure. escape.

But what about senior zombies like Captain, Little Tianyi? Although these high-level zombies can't use the body of the zombies, these zombies can completely swallow the zombies.

And there are other attacks, such as burning with flames.

As long as the body of the mourning soldier was destroyed, and the mourning soldier was unable to fuse his body, then the battle would naturally end.

It's just that when fighting, many people simply can't think of it.

This zombie forty had never dreamed that he would encounter two high-level zombies, and these two high-level zombies were still foodies. They would eat if they couldn’t be killed. Unintentionally, the captain and Xiao Tianyi had created a business. A zombie's way to deal with the Yin and Yang gate.

No matter how hard they struggled, the lost soldier was unable to break free from the bone nails nailed by the captain and Xiao Tianyi, and stopped struggling, but suddenly said with a sneer: "Hahaha! Even if you destroy my body, How? As long as my soul is immortal, as long as the sect master finds a body for me, I can still be resurrected!"

"Don't do it in vain, it's impossible for the two of them to give you up!" Tang Xiaolong said with mocking expectations.

"Just wait and see! I will definitely ask the sect master to resurrect me. At that time, I will let you repay the blood debt and double the repayment!" said Sangbing Forty.

"Okay! Let's wait for you!" The captain tore off another piece of minced meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and said with a smile.

"Wow" Xiao Tianyi also seemed to say: "Come on, I haven't eaten enough yet!"

Soon, the captain and Xiao Tianyi ate more than half of the body of the dead soldier.

At this moment, a ball of light blue material the size of a little finger flew out from the chest of the soldier forty. This ball of light blue material, which was as light as water, flew out. The movement stopped at ten, as if he had already died.

"The power of the corpse!" The captain said in surprise when he saw the light blue substance.

Needless to say, these forty zombies can have immortality. The most important thing is that he is controlled by the power of this group of corpses the size of a thumb. It is also for this reason that no matter how many zombies are beaten Whatever it looks like, it can heal slowly, and finally return to its original shape.

It seems that this so-called yin and yang secret technique should be a way for the master of the yin and yang gate to use the power of the corpse.

Seeing the power of the original corpse, there is no reason not to swallow it, the captain and Xiao Tianyi both showed greedy eyes at the power of the original corpse.

But at this moment, the two of the foodies both chose to control, as if they were deliberately letting each other out.


At this moment, Tang Xiaolong's mutant bat suddenly flew up and flew directly to the power of the original corpse, swallowing the power of the original corpse.

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