Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3139: Mutation

Although Li Tian and others have lost the illusion skills of the whole body, they have the foundation of previous cultivation, and their physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people. However, after walking all the way down the snow mountain to the present, the three of them are somewhat exhausted, especially the goddess Xue. Ji, after arriving on Earth from another world, her body gradually began to feel a little unwell.

Fortunately, they are not far away from the nearest town. From a distance, you can already see the outline of the town.

The cities and towns located in the northwest are more economically developed than those on the southeast coast, and the population density is naturally far worse. The town in front of me doesn’t look very big. A rural asphalt road runs through the center of the town. Both sides of the road are the central area of ​​the town. Rarely, the buildings on both sides of the town rarely have more than two stories, and after these buildings are some. Low houses.

Before entering the town, Li Tian frowned involuntarily.

Because the town in front of us is obviously deserted, the weeds over one meter high occupy both sides of the rural asphalt road. The agricultural vehicles and cheap brand-name cars parked on both sides of the road are completely surrounded by weeds, and even part of the asphalt road is long. Weeds came out.

Although the buildings on both sides did not collapse, they seemed to have been attacked. The glass on the windows was almost completely broken, and even many of the broken glass had some dark brown blood stains on them.

Li Tian saw a "public telephone" sign hanging outside a street shop named "Xiaowei Tobacco, Alcohol and Non-staple Food Store" on the side of the road. He greeted Situ Bingning and the goddess Xueji, and quickly walked towards the small shop.

Before reaching the door of the small shop, Li Tian's heart was a little cold.

I saw that the attack on this shop was obviously greater than that of other shops. The huge aluminum alloy doors and windows were thought to have been attacked by some external force and were completely deformed and distorted. The glass on the doors and windows was completely shattered, and the glass **** was stained with blood. Paved the ground. The landline of the public telephone fell on the ground and it seemed as if someone had stepped on it, and the numbers on it were almost invisible when it was broken.

The goods on the shelves of this store were completely empty, and the glass counters were smashed into a mess. There were even more blood stains on the floor of the store. These blood stains, like the blood stains on the street walls and glass outside, had dried up.

From the inside to the outside of the shop, the only thing that is intact is probably the pendulum clock hanging on the wall, but it should be that the battery in the pendulum clock is exhausted and the pendulum clock has stopped working.

Like most small shops, behind the shelves of this kind of small shop is a small warehouse that integrates residence and storage. Unlike Li Tian and others' expectations, this small warehouse was also looted and was already empty and in a mess.

On the floor of the shelves and the noodles, there were still a few banknotes scattered, and even a hundred-yuan bill was seen.

Li Tian looked back at Situ Bingning, who also noticed this small detail on the ground.

"What do you think?" Li Tian asked.

Situ Bingning did not immediately answer Li Tian, ​​but picked up the paper currency, looked at the several paper currency in his hand, paused for a moment and said, "If we analyze the two situations from an optimistic perspective, it is after we leave. Suddenly some accidents occurred in this area. This accident has seriously endangered the lives of ordinary people. This kind of crisis came very quickly. The owner of this store left in a hurry, and had to leave without finishing the money. After that, this store was looted and beaten. But the second situation is not optimistic..."

Situ Bingning didn't say all her worries, but how could Li Tian fail to guess her thoughts.

Li Tian nodded and said, "It's getting late. I'm afraid we will spend here tonight. I really wanted to see a hotel in front of me. Let's go and see what's going on!"

At this time, the goddess who had been observing the shop suddenly picked up a yellowed notebook and handed it to Li Tian and asked, "What do you think this is? The text on it is so strange, it won't be a peerless technique in your world, right? ?"

Li Tian was immediately dumbfounded by the cry of the goddess Xue Jimeng.

What the goddess Xueji handed him was just an ordinary outpatient medical record. After opening the medical record, the words written on the medical record really resembled the tadpole writing.

"Is it a peerless technique?" Seeing Li Tian's expression, the goddess Xue Ji asked expectantly.

Li Tian handed the medical record to Situ Bingning and said, "Go and ask your good apprentice!"

The goddess Xueji's face was a little embarrassed. In the previous world, Situ Bingning was her apprentice, but after coming to this world, Situ Bingning was only the eldest sister, and she still ranked behind Ouyang Shiqing and Duanmuying. fourth.

"It's a rabies vaccine!" Situ Bingning took the medical record, looked through it, and the laughing expression on his face disappeared immediately and said: "It should be the hostess of this shop who was bitten by a dog before getting the rabies vaccine! But from According to the medical records, after the rabies vaccine, her condition did not get better. Instead, she developed fever and vomiting. After that, the symptoms became more and more serious!"

"So it's not a technique!" The goddess Xue Ji said disappointedly.



Suddenly, there was a human scream in the distance outside the store, followed by several howls similar to wild animals.

Li Tian was startled and rushed out immediately.

Situ Bingning and the goddess Xue Ji immediately followed out.

When he rushed out of the store, the screams and beasts had disappeared.

"It should be in this direction!" Situ Bingning said, pointing to the southwest.

Walking along a small road towards the back of the street, Li Tian and others soon smelled a strong and fresh smell of blood. Li Tian speeded up involuntarily.

After climbing over a dilapidated wall, Li Tian found that although the back of the main street was also houses, these houses had been completely covered by weeds, and many houses had even collapsed.

In front of a pile of collapsed houses, seven or eight huge beasts were biting at something.

These beasts are huge enough. Each beast is more than 1.5 meters in size and looks like a small calf.

Li Tian and others broke into the area of ​​these beasts and immediately aroused the vigilance of these beasts.


These beasts dropped the biting objects in their mouths, waiting for their blood-red eyes, and slowly gathered around Li Tian and the others.

"These are not wild beasts, they seem to be mutated wild dogs!" Situ Bingning leaned against Li Tian and said in a low voice.

"No wonder it looks so familiar, it turned out to be a mutated wild dog!" Li Tian said with a cold snort.

These wild dogs did not know why they had mutated, and the hair on the top and bottom of their bodies all faded and their gray-brown skin was exposed. And these dogs are without exception, the teeth in their mouths become sharp and long, and the dog's mouth can't hold these sharp teeth at all. Therefore, these dogs' mouths keep ticking liquid.

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