Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2855: Tortured

A human being has practiced multiple illusions?

Whether it’s the Demon Race on this Spirit Earth Continent? Still human beings are unique things.

In addition to those ancient legends...

When the Demon Sovereign heard what their subordinates said so, his face suddenly became extremely ugly in that moment.

"Molodo, is this true?" Just listen to the demon king asking.

Then Morodo knelt on the ground and said: "Yes, yes, his subordinates will never deceive the Demon King."

The Demon King thought to himself that Morodo would not dare to have such courage.

After thinking about it for a while, he said in a silent voice: Is there really such a weird person among human beings? Can you practice multiple illusions at the same time? This is incredible.

"But why did Holy Sovereign Asura suddenly want to see those two human illusionists?" Hearing the strange words of the Demon Sovereign suddenly said.

After the Demon King suddenly said this, Morodo and the Blood Witch King also looked confused, because they didn't understand the real situation.

"Forget it, don't care about that much!" In the end, the Demon Sovereign didn't struggle with these questions.

"Morodo, the Blood Witch King, I now order you two to make blood disciples as soon as possible! Once the blood disciples are made out of the world, huh, we will never fear anyone again! We will crush the human capital ."

After hearing the demon emperor's order, Morodo and the Blood Witch King hurriedly nodded there.


Demon, deep prison! Called the most terrifying deep prison.

Here it is divided into three floors, three underground.

The first level is the devil who is being punished, and the second level is the strong human beings.

The name of the third layer is: The Gate of Death.

It was the most heretical existence on the Spirit Earth Continent.

I saw the deep prison at this moment, the second floor, the eerie and terrifying atmosphere enveloped this deep prison.

The light inside was very dark and dark, only the bright torches were shining there.

In this deep prison, standing is a blood illusionist wrapped in black clothes, they are called: guards!

It is they who guard the tightest and most terrifying deep prison.

Entering this deep prison, I can hear the screaming screams first... and the weird sound of the ghosts flying away... It seems that there are countless lone ghosts hidden in this deep prison.

In the innermost corner, only 4 watchers stood.

Their black clothes enveloped the entire body, but their exposed faces were full of ferocious feelings.

What about Li Tian and the old Dean Hollis?

They are now locked in the second floor of this deep prison.

I saw the two of them were each locked in a very small iron cage, and they were hooked on their bodies by sharp iron hooks.

The sharp iron hook passed through Li Tian's pipa collarbone, and then directly came up from the ditch under the ribs... The blood flowed down his skin little by little.

Such a brutal and inhuman trapping method is the most brutal method of the demons.

Both legs were also pierced by sharp iron hooks, hanging tightly there.

No one thought that Li Tian would be tortured in this way!

His body is completely incomplete, covered in blood.

Slightly move his body, the iron hook that pierced his body will make a bone-piercing pain...it makes Li Tian unhappy.

At this moment, I saw Li Tian covered in blood, where he was hanging... his head was hanging down, and he could not see life or death.

"This **** human kid, I didn't expect to be tortured in this way, and he can survive? Haha, it's hard enough." Suddenly a demon guard was holding his poisonous eyes and looking at the hanging Li Tiandao.

"Well, indeed."

"Things that have been pierced through the bones of the pipa, and the hands and feet have been scrapped... Can not die, he is the first one." Another watcher also said slightly.

It turned out that Li Tian's pipa collarbone had been completely pierced!

Those two sharp iron hooks pierced directly under Li Tian's ribs. The pain can be imagined!

And most importantly, the muscles and bones on Li Tian's feet were also stabbed by the iron hook. At this moment, he was hung on the sharp iron hook and looked **** and painful.

After the guards had finished speaking, they never looked at Li Tian again, then turned and left.

Li Tian didn't know whether it was dead or alive, anyway, the whole person was hanging there... The blood kept flowing out of his devastated body.

At this moment, the stone gate of the deep prison was opened at this moment.

"Holy King Shura is here!" A voice suddenly came in from outside.

When this voice came out, the demon guards in the deep prison were all stunned there.

"Holy King Shura?"

After the demon guards reacted one by one, all of them hurriedly ran towards Shimen.

After running over, one by one quickly knelt on the ground.

"See Shengjun!" I saw those demon guards shouting in unison there.

As the voice came out, I saw the godlike figure of Asura suddenly appeared in this deep prison, and the place beside him was the yin and yang boy on his left and right.

After the sage Shura entered this deep prison, he slightly said: "Go out."

After the sage Shura suddenly said this, the guards in the deep prison were not only taken aback.


Although the guards of those demons were extremely puzzled, they did not dare to disobey the order of the holy monarch Shura.

So at this moment, they nodded one by one and said: "Yes, yes!"

Then the guards of the demons all retreated quickly one by one.

After the guards of the demon race retreated, the holy monarch Shura suddenly took the Yin and Yang boy beside him and flew towards the half-dead Li Tian who was imprisoned.

Inside the gloomy deep prison, suddenly the Shura sleeves rolled up, and the extinguished fires on the wall all burned.

In the entire gloomy prison, lights flickered for an instant.

"Master, that human being is there."

The boy standing next to the holy monarch Shura suddenly called out at this moment.

After the little boy suddenly called out a voice, Shura Ling's eyes suddenly settled on the iron cage.

Then he flew past with a flash of his body.

After reaching the iron cage, they blinked and saw the tortured Li Tian who was covered in blood and was imprisoned in the cage.

Looking at Li Tian, ​​who was covered in flesh and blood, the Yin-Yang boy next to Shura suddenly frowned.

"They tortured this guy like this..." the little girl muttered in that mouth.

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