Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2446: storm

When he saw the weird purple cloud, the first officer Xiao Gao cried out all of a sudden.

"Lord driver, look... Then why are there such weird clouds in front of him?" Xiao Gao in front of him pointed to the front of the cockpit.

After the main driver heard Xiao Gao's voice, he slightly raised his head to look at it. At this look, his brows were also deeply wrinkled at this moment.

"Storm cloud?" After seeing the purple-black clouds in front, the clouds like huge waves, the main driver in front of him not only screamed in surprise.

Storm cloud?

As the name suggests, it is the ominous clouds that the storm is about to come! Its arrival generally indicates that a big storm will occur in the front place.

When the first officer Xiao Gao heard the words "Storm Cloud", his face instantly turned pale!

Because everyone knows that when a plane is flying in the sky, the most fear is to encounter storms...three terrible natural disasters such as squally wind and thunder and lightning.

Unexpectedly, now they have encountered the terrible thing ahead: storm clouds.

The moment the main driver saw the "Storm Cloud", his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Xiao Gao, let's see where we are now? See if we can change course and avoid the storm cloud!" The main driver in front of him said quickly.

The co-pilot Xiao Gao heard it and said quickly there, "Yes!"

Then he opened the route instrument in front of him, and after opening it, he saw his face turned pale and ugly.

"Master, we have already arrived within the range of Tianshan Mountain... If we need to change the course, we will deviate from the range of Tianshan Mountain..." Xiao Gaozhe said.

After listening to the co-pilot Xiao Gao's words, the main driver in front of him was not only depressed.

"Damn it!"

"It seems that we have to pass through this storm cloud..." the main driver in front of us said slightly.

The little Gaoyi heard the main driver say this, and asked with a sad face: "The main driver, if there is a storm, we will be in big trouble..."

The main driver said: "Don't worry, I think this storm cloud has formed not long ago, and it shouldn't be so fast. As long as we pass through this cloud before the storm, it will be safe."

Hearing what the main driver said, Xiao Gaoye didn't say anything again.

"Speed ​​up, we have to cross this storm cloud as soon as possible." Just listen to the main driver.

So I saw them start to speed up... After their helicopter was speeding up, the two helicopters behind it also increased speed, and then followed in turn toward the huge storm cloud.

At this moment, all three helicopters rushed into the storm clouds.

The line of sight in the storm cloud was not very good, so the main driver turned on the infrared detector...They just shuttled through the storm cloud.

Hope to pass through this terrible storm cloud soon.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Twenty minutes passed.


But they still couldn't penetrate the clouds of this storm cloud.

After the time was consuming every minute, the face of Xiao Gao sitting on the co-pilot became increasingly ugly.

What about the main driver? A pale face appeared on his face, and even sweat came out of his forehead...

"Damn it, why is this storm cloud so huge?"

"Why can't we wear it?" The main pilot was driving the helicopter in front of him while wiping the sweat left on his face.

Just when the main driver had just finished saying these words, a thunder slammed and rang... Then he saw a few lightning bolts that brightened the sky.

"No, the storm is coming." The main driver in front of him couldn't help screaming when he heard the terrible thunder.

Where is the co-pilot in front of him? There was also a panic expression on his face, and his two hands held his seat tightly, staring at the scene with wide eyes.


Another terrible thunder explosion!

After the thunder, I saw a dark tornado sweeping over here above the sky.


At the moment when he saw the dark tornado blowing from the air, the main driver suddenly exclaimed.

Then he shouted: "Xiao Gao, hurry up... the storm is coming!"

Listening to his yelling, the co-pilot, Xiao Gao, quickly grasped the protective equipment beside him with both hands, then closed his eyes and greeted the terrible storm.

The moment the dark tornado blows from the front, the world shakes!

The entire helicopter was quickly surrounded by the tornado.


The whole helicopter suddenly began to shake violently.

What about the evil **** and the brothers sitting in the cabin? They were all resting quietly, and no one thought that the helicopter would suddenly shake violently.

Now everyone opened their eyes.

"What's the matter?" But the moment he saw Cthulhu opened his eyes, he asked with horror on his face.

But seeing the Duguxie and the ghost servants around them, both holding the protective fence next to them with both hands, then blinking strange eyes and looking at the entire cabin.

"Is there something wrong with the plane?" Tang Xiaolong over there asked with a look of horror.

After he asked the exit, he saw Cthulhu staring at the outside of the cabin window, but outside the cabin window, black tornadoes were blowing raging... and the helicopter they were sitting on was also in the whole Trembling violently.

"It seems that we are in trouble." A cold snort called out from the evil god's mouth.

After he said it, the brothers hurriedly looked towards the window...

They saw the storm! Saw thunder and lightning! I saw a natural disaster I had never seen...

"Oh my God, we have encountered a big storm!" Chen Qiaozhi in front of him cried out in horror.

"Big storm?"

"That...that...that...would there be an accident with the plane?" Tang Xiaolong's face suddenly turned pale in front of him, and asked there.

Then Chen Qiaozhi turned his face ugly and said: "Not only the plane will have an accident... I'm afraid... even us... we..." He didn't finish his words.

Although he hadn't finished speaking, the brothers all understood what he meant. At this moment, one by one looked out the window of the cabin with extremely terrifying eyes.

The plane continued to move forward in the dark storm... but the entire fuselage was already shaken violently by the storm, as if the entire fuselage might be "torn apart" by the storm at any time.

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