Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1605: Lord Vengeance is back

Hatred filled the brothers in front of me.

Everyone looked at the corpses of Aqiu and Na Ge on the ground with endless sadness on their faces.

In the end, Chen Qiaozhi's eyes were red, and he slowly moved the bodies of A Qiu and Old Monster Ge out of the pool of blood, and put them aside.

Looking at the corpses of the two brothers on the ground, everyone bowed their heads deeply, grief there.

"Who did it? The **** **** did it?" a roaring voice called out from Xue Wuhen's mouth.

I saw that Duguxie strode out suddenly, and then went to look at the black-robed man's body in the corridor outside.

After reaching the corpse of one of the black-robed men, Du Guxie saw the face of the black-robed man in front of him.

But I saw that the corpse on the ground was a middle-aged man in his 30s. At this moment, his heart seemed to be shattered by a palm and died on the ground. There are also a few black-robed men's corpses over there. .

These people in black robes are all pale, and there is a purple-red thing on each person's arm that looks like a birthmark.

Looking at these black-robed men, Duguxie suddenly said, "The gate of hell!"

"The people at the gate of **** did it."

When Duguxie suddenly guessed who it was, all the hatred brothers over there ran over.

"The gate of hell? Did the people at the gate of hell?" the brothers asked with blood red eyes.

Duguxie said coldly: "Yes."

"These people in black robes should all be from the gates of hell!" Duguxie said.

Tang Xiaolong slammed a fist against the cold wall, and roared with blood-red eyes: "Damn bastard, bastard... They must pay their debts and avenge Aqiu and Ge Lao." His fist slammed. On the cold wall, all five knuckles were smashed with red blood, but he didn't seem to care about the pain, just staring at it with eyes full of blood and anger.

Grief is permeating the brothers.

Everyone's face is extremely sad.

After they finally sorted out the bodies of Na Ge and A Qiu, they sat in the room sadly.

Everyone bowed their heads deeply and did not speak, and the heavy sadness made them seem to completely lose any interest in speaking.

This day is destined to be a sad day!

No one thought that such a tragic event would happen in such a short time.

Old Ge, Ah Qiu is dead!

But what about Li Tian?

He still didn't know, really didn't know how sad he was when he learned of the death of his good brothers! ! !

When Cuiwei stayed overnight, Lord Vengeance didn't come back.

The smiling Buddha and Jiang Dashan didn't know where their son went this night.

When it was almost 12 noon, I saw a figure of Cuiweiju slowly appearing at the business hotel.

When the members at the door saw his figure, they ran over excitedly.


"My son, you are finally back."

Yes, I saw that the person who came back was the Vengeful Prince who disappeared overnight.

He was still wearing that old mask, his wrinkled face and his eyes were confused and sluggish... When the brothers' voices yelled out, he didn't seem to have reacted, and he took a weak step step by step. come over.

When the men in front of him saw the weird expression of Prince Vengeance, they didn't dare to speak too much, but followed him closely.

There was blood on the upper arm of the Vengeful Young Master's right arm, but the blood had already been removed, and he walked inside step by step.

At this moment, Yun Canghe heard the sound and ran out quickly.

At a glance, he saw the vengeful young man who was a little lost.

"You finally came back." Yun Canghe said with excitement after walking over.

The Lord Vengeance finally came to a moment, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth... he didn't speak.

Looking at the bitter smile on the corner of Prince Vengeance's mouth, Yun Canghe immediately asked, "Did you not find the man and the woman?"

The Vengeful Young Master sighed long and nodded worriedly there.

"I searched all night, almost the entire Binjiang City... but I didn't find Ningbing and the others from the beginning to the end!" The Vengeful Master's voice was full of endless worry.

As the Vengeful Prince said so, Yuncanghe in front of him said, "It doesn't matter...that girl must have been hiding, or they should go home."

The Lord Vengeance looked into the distance, and the corner of his mouth murmured: "Hope..."

"But what I fear most is that Ningbing and the others fall into the hands of the old yin and yang demon." The Revenge Master said.

"If she falls into the hands of the extremely cruel Yin and Yang old demon, it will be broken." He added.

Yuncanghe looked at the vengeful son with a worried expression on his face, and said with a slight comfort: "Don't worry, Ji Ren has a natural state... I believe that girl should be fine!"

"Besides, the Yin-Yang Demon has been seriously injured by you... Even if that girl really meets the Yin-Yang Old Demon, she must be able to escape." Yuncanghe said.

Lord Vengeance did not speak, but just stood there blankly.

In fact, what Yun Canghe just said is somewhat reasonable. After all, the old Yin and Yang demon was severely hit by his Ten Jue Sword Qi, and the old demon had been severely injured. If nothing unexpected happened, he would be Situ. If Ningbing encounters the old Yin-Yang demon, it is indeed difficult for the badly injured old demon to take Situ Ningbing.

After comforting himself for a while, Lord Vengeance finally made a smile.

"Well, maybe Ningbing and the others are indeed hiding..." The Revenge Master said.

Hearing the words of Master Vengeance, Yun Canghe showed a slight smile.

"By the way, when you were away this morning, someone came to see you." Yun Canghe suddenly said to Lord Vengeance.

The Lord Vengeance heard Yun Canghe say this, so he asked, "Who is looking for me?"

"Duguxie and the ghost servants... they seem to have agreed to cooperate with you." Yuncanghe said.

After hearing Yun Canghe say this, the revenge man in front of him suddenly became excited.


"Duguxie, and the brothers have agreed to cooperate?" Lord Vengeance said suddenly.

Yuncanghe smiled and said, "Yes."

"They came once at about 10 o'clock in the morning, but you just stopped at that time... So our people sent them away... I believe they will come to us soon."

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