Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1111: She is coming

Ouyang Longyan was rescued from the North China Field Army in this way.

This made Li Tian and Duguxie and all his brothers depressed.

It is hard for them to imagine that there is such a high-powered figure in the world... they broke into the heavily guarded North China field army, and left with two people who were seriously injured and dying without knowing it.

How terrifying and terrifying.

God, if this person is a friend, it's okay... but if he is an enemy, then if he wants to kill, I am afraid that the entire North China Field Army, including the Duguxie and the ghost servants in front of them, I am afraid that no one can stop it.

So now Li Tian's most depressed thing is: Is the opponent an enemy or a friend!

"Little boss, what can I do? The two **** have been rescued now." Tang Xiaolong said depressedly.

"Grandma, I wanted to watch those two **** gate guys die alive and tragically here... I could breathe a sigh of anger, but I didn't expect someone to rescue them now... Hmph, I guess, the uncle must be That **** at the gate of **** did it." Tang Xiaolong said angrily.

Listening to Tang Xiaolong's words, Li Tian smiled faintly.

"It doesn't matter who saved them...but I think we better not provoke this person." Li Tian said slowly.

"Why? His grandmother, this **** who saved them is obviously against us... Why don't we provoke him? Damn, according to my law, once I catch this guy, I must teach him severely. Fan, that's really enjoyable."

"Furthermore, the little boss, should we just let go of that ecstasy and the two damned guys of Ouyang Longyan?" Tang Xiaolong said angrily.

Obviously he has no good feelings for those two people.

Just listen to Li Tian said slightly: "Although these two people are my enemies... but they are not the real murderers behind the scenes after all!"

"Furthermore, a character who can intrude into the North China Field Army and blatantly rescue Ouyang Longyan and Ecstasy in full view is definitely someone you and I cannot deal with... So even if I want revenge, it is There is no way."

Listening to his little boss saying this, Tang Xiaolong snorted unconvinced.

But he knew in his heart that Li Tian was telling the truth.

Everyone present, including Duguxie and the ghost servant, who would dare to say here that he could break into the heavily guarded North China Field Army and rescue two people who were seriously injured and about to die?

It is estimated that no one has this ability.

Therefore, Li Tian deeply understood that the opponent's strength was far beyond his thinking, so even if he wanted to do something, he still had to do what he could, otherwise he would be a fool.

After a pause, the ghost servant on one side said: "Young Master, don't worry about this anymore..."

"I think even if someone shows up to save those two guys...but don't forget, they are the most poisonous poison in the door of hell...so I guess even if they are rescued, it will not help, because they both One will still die."

Hearing what the ghost servant said, Li Tian nodded there.

"The ghost servant is right."

"That's it... Now that the two of them are saved, they will be saved... Anyway, they will die sooner or later."

"Our only goal now is to make a plan as soon as possible and prepare to go to the west... to find the dark city." Li Tiandao.

The brothers became excited when they heard Li Tian say this.


"Everything depends on you, little boss." Tang Xiaolong said with a smile.

The dark city.

Can Li Tian and the others really find a city of **** that is called non-existent?

No one knows now.

The North China Field Army Military Region is more than ten kilometers away from Binjiang City, and the next to the side is an endless wilderness area.

Because it is located in the northwest, the desert here is very large.

At this moment, I saw a deserted road that may be more than 20 kilometers away from the North China Field Army, but I saw a dark figure walking hard there.

Her figure is like a lonely wild goose... walking on foot.

What is the purpose of such a difficult trek? Who knows.

Pulling the distance closer, you can see that the figure is a woman, and a very beautiful woman.

Her hair was dark and bright, draped over her tender shoulders, and she was wearing a tight black leather jacket, vigorous and slender.

Carrying a black package on his back.

She seems to have walked a long way, a long way... because from the state of her expression, she seems to be very tired.

A cold and moving face reveals a woman's unique strength, her face is so beautiful, but it is a pity that she is sweating now.

His hands are so touching, but it's a pity that they are all dirty now.

But she didn't care. The only thing she cared about was the map she was holding in her hand. The map was crumpled, and a place was marked in red. Look carefully, but it was marked by the North China Field Military Command.

She actually came to the North China Field Military Region?

Who is she?

If you know who the woman who once loved Li Tian the most is, you must know who she is.

She was the one who had been missing for many days: Situ Ningbing.

Since Li Tian was taken away, this silly girl gave up everything to find Li Tian. She didn’t know where Li Tian was caught by the **** gate... and she didn’t know who would treat Li Tian, ​​but She knew that the only thing she could do was to find!

This silly girl walked along Yongzhou City, looking for and visiting...

First, she searched every street and alley in Yongzhou City... Finally she began to search one place by one place along the city around Yongzhou...

When she is tired, she just finds a place where there is no one to rest, and when she is hungry, she just eats some of the simplest food...In the dark night, she also shed tears in her heart for worrying about her lover.

But all the suffering, all the tiredness, did not knock her down.

Because her heart is firm, she vowed to find her favorite man, Li Tian.

Isn't this? Finally Huangtian paid off, she found it.

In the cities around Yongzhou, she accidentally saw people talking about the North China Field Military Region, and she was talking about a character named Li Tian.

When she heard Li Tian's name, she snatched a newspaper like crazy.

For this reason, she was also called a female lunatic...but none of this matters. The important thing is that she finally saw the one she loved the most and knew his whereabouts.

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