Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 10081 Challenge

Therefore, there is a high possibility that Huang Mantian will challenge Fairy Liuli.

If this is the case, then it is very reasonable for King Huntian to challenge Tang Sanliu.

As for the Fool of Sand, what would he choose? In fact, Li Tian had some answers in his mind, but it was very unwise to say it at this time, so he didn't say it.

After that, there was an hour of waiting time. King Huntian was practicing in a space created by Li Tian. No one knew what King Huntian was practicing.

The remaining four people were no longer present and left here, but they would obviously come back within the stipulated time later.

For a monk, an hour is just a short period of time for cultivation. During this hour, all those waiting for them were practicing with their eyes closed. Soon, the hour was up.

Everyone was looking forward to it at this time.

Just when they were expecting it, Tang Sanliu, wearing a bright red cassock, was the first to appear in the air. After staying in the air for a short time, he jumped on the competition ring.

Next came Fairy Liuli, King Huntian, Fool of Sand, Huang Mantian and others, arriving one after another.

With the arrival of these people, the anger at the scene reached a peak.

Everyone was watching them, looking forward to the next game. Li Tian also chose a relatively front position at this time, standing and watching them, looking forward to the next game.

An elder of the Shenyin Sect walked onto the competition ring at this time. He glanced at the disciples of the Shenyin Sect and the Shenjian Sect, and then looked at Huang Mantian, Sand Fool, Hun, and Huang Mantian on the competition ring. King Tian, ​​Tang Sanliu, and Fairy Liuli said to them: "Now, the time for the competition has come. You can choose your own opponents. Tell me, who are you going to challenge?"

As soon as the voice of the elder of the Shenyin Sect fell, King Huntian was ready to speak.

"I plan to challenge Senior Sister Liuli Fairy. I wonder if the world of Liuli Fairy is willing to give me this face."

At this moment, someone spoke first. It was the person Li Tian analyzed before, Huang Mantian!

Huang Mantian looked at Fairy Liuli with full fighting intent in his eyes.

Seeing such a situation, King Huntian could only stop temporarily and look at them.

Tang Sanliu, who was standing next to him, could tell what King Huntian was thinking. He smiled faintly and then looked at Fairy Liuli, intending to see what Fairy Liuli said.

In fact, in this challenge, as the top disciples, they can completely refuse the challenge. In this case, their ranking will be preserved, but so many disciples are watching, and disciples from two sects are watching. If If you don't accept the challenge in order to preserve your ranking, you will probably be despised by all the disciples. This is the general trend, so Fairy Liuli has nothing to say.

Moreover, she also knew Huang Mantian's strength and was not worried about anything going wrong in her battle with Huang Mantian.

While everyone was watching, Fairy Liuli spoke and said with a slight smile: "Okay, I also want to fight with you, Junior Sister Huang Mantian. When I watched you compete before, I was really excited. Sorry, your fighting style is very passionate, I don’t have such powerful moves as you, my junior sister.”

Hearing this, Huang Mantian curled his lips inwardly, but still said with a smile on his face: "Senior Sister Liuli Fairy, what are you talking about? I know your strength very well. The pair of golden dragons you used before It can be said to be very powerful. If you use those pair of golden dragons, I probably won’t even have to fight you."

Huang Mantian didn't have the slightest understanding of the strength of Fairy Liuli's pair of golden dragons. She had only seen the golden dragons fight once, so she didn't have any understanding, so she was very afraid of the fighting power of the pair of golden dragons. However, in the subsequent battles, no matter how powerful the opponent was, Fairy Liuli did not use the pair of golden dragons as a means of attack. She did not know why.

At this time, Huang Mantian said this just to find out whether Fairy Liuli would use that attack during the competition.

After all, that attack was too powerful. If Fairy Liuli could use that attack, she would have to make some arrangements in advance.

"Oh, that attack."

Seeing that Huang Mantian was concerned about her powerful move, although Fairy Liuli wanted to use it, she was still very concerned about what Li Tian said in her heart. She immediately said simply: "Junior sister, don't worry, that attack on me is not for sure. We will use it, our battle must be fair and just."

She also knew that the attack was too powerful, and if she used it, Huang Mantian wouldn't have to fight her at all, so she said this.

The elder of the Shenyin Sect on the side couldn't wait any longer and said to the two of them: "Okay, since Fairy Liuli has accepted Huang Mantian's challenge, you two can enter the competition square space and start the competition as soon as possible. .”

"Okay elder."

This person was the elder of the Shenyin Sect. Fairy Liuli and Huang Mantian knew each other. They immediately spoke respectfully to the elder, and then both entered the square space of the competition.

As they entered the grid space, the atmosphere at the scene once again reached an extreme level.

"Wow, the competition is about to begin. I'm so nervous. Do you think, will Senior Sister Huang Mantian or Senior Sister Liuli Fairy win this battle?"

A disciple of the Shenyin Sect became excited immediately. He grabbed the corner of his rainbow-colored clothes and watched the video of the game nervously, looking forward to it.

The disciples of the Shenyin Sect beside her had the same performance as her. They were all very much looking forward to the next competition. They immediately said: "I don't know, I am also very much looking forward to it. Senior Sister Huang Mantian and Senior Sister Liuli Fairy are both Our powerful disciples of the Shenyin Sect, the battle between the two of them is truly a battle between dragons and tigers, this match will definitely be very exciting!"

Although the game has not really started yet, the disciples of the Shenyin Sect have already made reservations. This game will be extremely exciting.

After all, one of the two parties in this match is the most powerful disciple of their Shenyin Sect, and the other is the second-ranked disciple. How could it not be exciting if these two disciples fight.

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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