All the spiritual energy that entered Li Tian's body was affected by the compression cylinder in Li Tian's body. As the compression cylinder contracted, some liquid quickly appeared in the spiritual energy in the compression cylinder. , the high-intensity pressure directly squeezed the gases together, allowing them to form a new substance, spiritual liquid!

After the spiritual energy turned into liquid, the swelling feeling in Li Tian's body disappeared instantly. This made Li Tian realize that the method he had learned was very useful to him at present. He immediately stopped Overcoming the scruples of thinking, he exerted himself with all his strength.

All the spiritual consciousness was used to compress spiritual power. Li Tian sat there cross-legged, his body shrinking and expanding due to the compression of spiritual power. It looked like a spring, which was very magical.

This scene, not far away from Li Tian, ​​the Tyrant Jedi who was guarding Li Tian, ​​saw it all at once. He felt very magical in his heart, and immediately couldn't help but plan to ask Li Tian.

But looking at Li Tian's state at this moment, he knew that it would be very irrational to go there and ask what was inside. He still suppressed the curiosity in his heart and looked at it for Li Tianzhao.

For a person in the realm of heaven and man to be able to endure the curiosity in his heart and not ask questions, I am afraid that only a monk like Li Tian, ​​who is in the realm of the ninth level of innate heaven, has such ability.

Li Tian didn't know what kind of pain Tyrant Jedi endured for him. He was refining the liquid that entered his body with all his strength.

Almost every hundred drops of spiritual gas can be transformed into a drop of spiritual liquid. Soon, Li Tian transformed all the spiritual gas in his body into spiritual liquid, which was only as big as a fingernail. The spiritual liquid was swaying in Li Tian's body, and it seemed to be much less than before.

But just such a small amount of spiritual liquid made Li Tian feel that his combat power at this moment was much stronger than before!

If his previous combat power was ten, then his combat power at this moment is fifteen or twenty!

Increased exponentially!

After all the spiritual gas in the body was converted into spiritual liquid, the spiritual gas from outside never stopped entering Li Tian's body. Soon, Li Tian's body was once again affected by those spiritual powers. The gas is occupied.

Li Tian noticed the feeling of swelling in his body again, so he did not dare to be careless and started refining with all his strength again.

Just like this, over and over again, no matter how long it has passed, there is already a lot of spiritual liquid in Li Tian's body. If the previous spiritual liquid formed into a drop of water, then Li Tian's body at this moment The spiritual liquid in it is already the amount of a glass of water!

Don't underestimate the amount of just a glass of water. You must know that when it was just a drop of water, Li Tian's strength increased exponentially. Now with this glass of water, Li Tian's strength is almost dozens of times higher. Increasing!

And because of the method of converting spiritual power into liquid, the space in Li Tian's body that can accommodate spiritual power is still very sufficient, and only about half of it is used.

"There is still half of the space that can accommodate these spiritual liquids. You have to convert all the spiritual energy in the body into spiritual liquids!"

Li Tian also realized how beneficial the increase in these spiritual liquids was to himself. He did not give up such a good opportunity. He said this to himself in his heart and acted very hard. , even after the subsequent transformation speed increased, the spiritual energy entering his body was not enough, so he actively absorbed some spiritual energy into her body.

He maintained this state and continued the three-step process of absorption, refining, and transformation. He didn't know how long it had passed. When the amount of spiritual liquid was large enough, Li Tian was shocked to find that in his body The amount of spiritual fluid actually completely occupied the space in his body that could accommodate the spiritual fluid.

In other words, at this moment, he could no longer absorb spiritual energy!

"What should I do? Isn't it going to explode and die?!"

Realizing that he could no longer absorb spiritual energy, Li Tian immediately became nervous. It took him so much effort to absorb so much spiritual energy, and at this moment, he felt that he was stronger than ever before. If It would be a great pity to die from such an explosion.

After all, it would be a great loss for such a powerful body like him to die like this!

Feeling nervous in his heart, Li Tian couldn't help but plan to look for Li Yinxiao again and ask Li Yinxiao to help him.

"Okay, now that you have absorbed so much spiritual power, it's time for me to absorb some."

Seeing that Li Tian was still planning to absorb spiritual power, Li Yinxiao couldn't help but complain. You know, in order to make Li Tian more powerful, the spiritual power in this valley was originally hers, and he gave it to Li Tian, ​​but at this moment Li Tian actually planned to absorb all the remaining spiritual power, which immediately made him complain.

"Ah? Do you want to absorb it too?"

Li Tian didn't expect Li Yinxiao to absorb such spiritual power, so he couldn't help but asked in confusion.

It was also at this moment that he thought of a way. Since he couldn't absorb so much spiritual power by himself, he could have someone help him absorb the spiritual power.

Since Li Yinxiao said this, I am afraid he is capable, so if Li Yinxiao absorbs the excess spiritual power, wouldn't he be in no danger? !

"Of course. If I don't let it, I'll let you absorb it? Then it's such a good thing."

Li Yinxiao snorted lightly, and then immediately started to move.

Following his movements, all the spiritual power in the entire Shenyin Cliff flowed towards where he was. Although the spiritual power in the Shenyin Cliff at this moment was not as much as at the beginning, it was an entire canyon after all. There is still a lot of spiritual power left.

After Li Yinxiao started to move, all the endless spiritual power rushed towards Li Yinxiao. At this time, Li Tiancai discovered that the scene where he absorbed the spiritual power was also compared to the scene where Li Yinxiao absorbed the spiritual power. , simply not enough to watch.

The gap between the two of them is like the gap between short hills and steep mountains.

Li Yin Xiao's absorption formation is not only large, but the speed of absorption is also very fast. Basically, the speed of spiritual energy absorbed by Li Tian is more than ten or twenty times compared to Li Yin Xiao's.

Soon, Li Yinxiao absorbed all the spiritual power of the entire canyon.

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