Pick up an assassin as a wife

Chapter 9055 Night Attack

"I don't know how long I can hold on, but if I continue in this state, I'm just worried that the problem will become more and more serious. Now I haven't even found the key way to treat myself, but I have no choice. Keep going, if I continue at this speed, I will probably never find any clues again." Li Tian frowned and said, the series of things that happened in front of him were all telling him very clearly The seriousness of this matter.

Canglong also understood that time was tight. They had kept things simple before, thinking that they would give Li Tian a month.

Now it seems that the time is not enough at all. If they continue at this speed, there will be an even more troublesome situation waiting for them in the future.

"If things like this continue, I'm worried that the problems we will face in the future will become more serious. We must seize the time now." Li Tian closed his eyes and flirted for a while, suppressing the injuries in his body. , and also prepared some medicines, which can more or less help him stabilize his current situation. The power of the holy sword has become stronger and stronger during this period, and he doesn't know what the trace left in his body is.

It looks like a scar, but in fact it's more like a tarsal maggot, which is constantly eroding her vitality. If it continues at this rate, I'm afraid it won't take long for her to completely collapse. .

After adjusting my physical condition, I took the time to start reading these books.

At this time, his spiritual thoughts expanded to the entire Shuibo Village, and he quickly realized the seriousness of the problem. Some strange creatures were approaching here. Unlike humans, the blood of these guys is cold, and they are a group of cold-blooded creatures. Seeing as the number was only seven or eight, they actually attacked Shuibo Village? You must know that there are hundreds of humans here. If they really take action, even if these spiritual tribes are very strong, they will not be able to defeat them.

Li Tian only thought about it for a moment and realized that these Leng Xue creatures were the Spirit Race. Their strength was pretty good, but they were not invincible.

Sure enough, the next second I heard the sound of horns coming from the entire village. The village, which had become very peaceful, started to become noisy at this moment.

"The Spirit Tribe is coming, the Spirit Tribe is coming!" Someone shouted loudly, as if they were worried about such a scene.

Compared to them, Li Tian was very calm at the moment. These things were complicated to talk about, but there was nothing to worry about in actual actions. These guys didn't know the seriousness of the problem at all.

"It looks very complicated now, but it's not like this when we actually start taking action." With a smile like this, Li Tian said and stood up: "I originally wanted to know how to find clues. Well, but since it’s these spirit tribes who have come to the door on their own initiative, it seems I should take action and teach them a lesson!”

"Do you really want to be like this? You have said before that you will ensure that you do not expose your identity. If you do this this time..."

"Since you are from another continent, it is not a strange thing to have some fighting ability. Besides, although these people in the village have attacked me indiscriminately before, I It seems that they are all good people and are very kind to me. If I watch them get hurt, it is impossible for me to do such a thing, so this time I naturally have no other choice but to take action and give them some help. These guys who don’t know the heights of heaven and earth should learn a lesson!”

Li Tian said it very seriously. He understood these things very clearly. There were some things he could do and some things he couldn't do either.

These Eldar want to kill people under their noses, which is definitely not possible, so no matter what method they use, they must avoid such a thing from happening.

Hearing what Li Tian said, Canglong here also became quiet.

Soon, the sound of fighting came from outside


"How could the Spirit Tribe attack our stronghold at this time, and also at night!" Feng Xingyun was wearing armor at this time. He looked completely different from his graceful appearance during the day. He held a sword in his hand and had a solemn expression on his face. , if it was daytime, they would not be very worried even if the Spirit Tribe wanted to attack them, but this time the Spirit Tribe chose to attack at night.

This reason is naturally self-evident. These guys are probably coming with bad intentions.

Although the strength of Shuibo Village is pretty good, if those powerful warlocks really come here, then the result will be different, and I am afraid it will become more and more troublesome.

None of them want to see this happen.

"Feng Xingyun, today is the day you die!" At this moment, a figure appeared in the air, wearing a big red robe, with a bald head and red eyes. The whole body exuded a strong smell of blood. At this time, he was looking at it with cold eyes. Feng Xingyun touched the ground: "But before that, I still want to know one thing. If you are willing to tell me honestly, we can understand the things between us!"

"whats the matter?"

"I heard that there was a strange phenomenon coming from the sky during the day today. Could it be that some treasure appeared nearby? And it seems that someone else came to your village. If you don't want the entire village to perish, then... Hand him over honestly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude. Although we are not prepared to destroy your human race, if you are disobedient, it is not a problem to destroy a small village like yours." Bald Eldar Tribe said.

"Chixin, do you really think you can do this? Even if the master is away, our Shuibo Village is not afraid of you. If you really want to take action, you..."

"Are you really not afraid?" Chixin said with a smile. After this guy finished speaking, six spirit tribes appeared around him. They were all flying in the air and overlooking the village. When these six spirit tribes appeared, everyone gasped. He took a breath of air and then fell silent!

Seven sorcerers!

This time, the Spirit Tribe actually sent seven warlocks here, which means that these guys are preparing to really destroy Shuibo Village!

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