Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 799 Cultivation

At the moment when Li Tian woke up from his wild thoughts, Tang Xiaolong and A Qiu over there also heard Li Tian's screams and hurriedly got up from Simmons' bed.

"What's wrong, little boss?" Tang Xiaolong hurried over and looked at Li Tiandao worriedly.

Aqiu also walked over quickly and looked at Li Tian, ​​who was covered in cold sweat.

"Little boss, why are you covered in cold sweat? Are you having a nightmare?" Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but ask, looking at Li Tian who was sweating in front of him.

Only then did Li Tian signal that his palms, forehead, and the shirt he was wearing were all wet with his cold sweat!

Li Tian raised his arm to gently wipe the sweat on his face, and nodded slightly: "Yes! I did have a nightmare!"

"What nightmare? Did it scare you like this?" Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but asked curiously.

Li Tian didn't want to say it, but shook his head slightly: "It's nothing... Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Tang Xiaolong and A Qiu glanced at Li Tian worriedly, and then heard Tang Xiaolong say: "Little boss, don't think too much... You haven't had a good rest these days... I think maybe it's because you are too tired. That’s why you have nightmares!”

Li Tian smiled faintly and nodded at his brothers: "Maybe!"

"You guys go to bed quickly...I'm fine!"

After hearing Li Tian say that he was fine, Tang Xiaolong and A Qiu returned to their beds.

At this moment, Li Tian also wiped the sweat from his forehead and slowly lay on the bed again... But after lying down this time, he couldn't fall asleep!

The strange dream just now kept popping up in my mind... Why? Why have I started having this weird dream since I was a kid? And who is the man in the dream who looks domineering like an emperor? Why do you feel so kind when you see him? Why did I cry when I saw the blood all over his body... And who was that gentle and loving beautiful voice just now?

All of this has become a mystery in my heart!

Li Tian sometimes fantasizes about it... Could it be that the two people in his dreams are his mothers? And the father?

Could it be them?

But when he thinks about this, Li Tian will feel inexplicably heartbroken... because he has never seen his parents since he started to remember! He has lived in that lonely and pitiful orphanage since he was a child... He has thought that he has no father or mother since he was a child!

Ever since he met Dugu Xie and told his parents the truth, Li Tian had thought that he hated them...but then he still felt heartbroken when he thought about it! After all, how can any son really resent his parents? How can parents not love their children?

So Li Tian still wants to find his parents!

Just like this, with endless heartache and all doubts, Li Tian lay quietly on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

He really wanted to have a good sleep, but as soon as he came down from the trip, the strange dream would appear in his mind... and Li Tian became depressed.

But he suddenly thought of something else!

That was the nameless mental formula taught to him by that mysterious senior!

I remember that when Li Tian first practiced the nameless mental formula, he would completely calm down... At this moment, in order to stop himself from thinking, Li Tian began to recall the mental formula in his mind... …

After Li Tian devoted himself to the mental formula, a slight cold air suddenly surged up in his Dantian.

When he suddenly felt the cold air, Li Tian was stunned!

Is this what the mysterious senior said (cold air)?

He still remembers that the mysterious senior master told him that once the body can gather (cold air), he can use this cold air to open the body's life and death mysteries? With this thought, Li Tian immediately didn't care much, so he began to concentrate on gathering all the energy in his body!

Slowly guided by the mental formula, the cold air in his abdomen gradually spread throughout his body, just like a cold current was injected. After this cold air was injected, his body began to evaporate inexplicably. , and the blood all over his body began to expand rapidly... It was as if all the muscles and bones in his body had been relaxed.

In this way, he silently recited the mantra in his heart... Suddenly, a slight tingling appeared in the center of his chest. The tingling was not very obvious at first, but the pain in his body As the cold current became stronger and stronger, he gradually began to feel a tingling sensation in his chest, and not only that, but even the lower part of his Dantian began to feel a tingling sensation...

The pain is getting stronger and stronger, just like a needle prick!

After Li Tian felt the stinging pain, he quickly meditated and accumulated the cold air in his body... He did not dare to release it into his body at will... At the same time, he also calmed down.

"What happened?" He was suddenly surprised.

"Why do I suddenly feel so much pain in my chest? And even my abdomen feels so stinging? And the pain is so strange?"

"Could it be that these two places are the door of life and death of the human body?"

Yes, because Li Tian's hasty extradition touched the door of life and death in his body... Once touched, his body would experience piercing pain.

After Li Tian thought this in horror, he was suddenly shocked.

No wonder Duguxie would tell himself not to try to break through the Mysterious Gate of Life and Death, because in that case, he would definitely be in danger. Li Tian then thought about the heart-wrenching pain in two places he just felt. After thinking about it, he stopped.

So he no longer dared to channel the cold air in his body, but began to focus on cultivating the nameless mental method.

After he started to practice the mental formula, he found that the mental formula was extremely profound... and the more he practiced it, the more incredible it became! It's incredible that it can be combined with the energy on the "Tian Shu Dan Scroll" that Li Tian first practiced!

It seems that this mental formula is used to guide Li Tian's previous practice (Tian Shu Dan Scroll).

When he felt this, Li Tian began to practice crazily...cultivated his own mental formula crazily, and this mental formula gradually integrated all the energy of the Heavenly Book Pill Scroll that Li Tian had practiced before. Together!

He practiced like this... I don't know how long it took... He has been addicted to it!

Time passed quietly like that...and he was still practicing intoxicatedly.

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