Pick up an assassin as a wife

Text Chapter 1781 Weird Situation

Just when he was thinking wildly in his mind, a terrible scene suddenly appeared.

I saw Duguxie and Ghost Servant, who were originally like dead bodies, lying on the bed, but for some reason, the two of them suddenly straightened up.

At the same time, the eyes that were tightly closed suddenly opened at this moment.

However, there was no trace of human emotion in their eyes, only a feeling of emptiness and nothingness.

At the moment when Dugu Xie and Gui Pu straightened up suddenly, Anan felt a chill on his back... as if there was something ominous behind his back.

Suddenly looking back, my God, I don't know when, Dugu Xie and the ghost servant were standing behind him as motionless as dead people, and at the same time, two pairs of godless eyes stared at him unblinkingly. Looking at him.

Scary and weird.

After Anan turned his head, he suddenly saw such a terrifying scene, and was so frightened that he screamed for a moment.


With a scream, he hurriedly stepped back, and at the same time opened his frightened eyes, looking at the two Duguxie and the ghost servant who were as motionless as corpses.

But after Dugu Xie and Gui Pu suddenly stood up in a daze, they didn't speak or make any other movements. They just raised their empty hands and glanced around the room, as if they were in a panic. Looking for something... Then the two of them walked stiffly out of the room.

Acts like a zombie.

When Anan saw these two guys walking out stiffly, he was stunned for a moment.

"Oh my God, why are they awake?"

"Also, why can't they say a word? And why do their eyes look scarier than dead people?" Thinking of these, Anan felt an unprecedented feeling of fear in his heart.

"No, looking at how they looked just now, they seemed to be looking for something?" Anan thought in his mind.

After thinking this in his mind, Anan felt more and more strange.

He knew that Dugu Xie and Gui Pu had been poisoned by the master of the Hell Gate (puppet poison), but Anan had no idea why the two of them were so awake and had zombie-like expressions on their faces.

In order to solve the mystery in his heart, Anan quickly followed. He wanted to see what Duguxie and the ghost servant were going to do!

But when Anan quickly followed from behind, Duguxie and the ghost servant were still walking like zombies, thumping, thumping, thumping.

His steps were extremely heavy, and his movements were also dull.

It was as if the two of them had completely lost consciousness and were completely dominated by others.

The two people's limbs were stiff, and every step they took looked extremely awkward. At the same time, with their empty and lifeless eyes, they looked like zombies crawling out of the grave.

But what on earth are Duguxie and the ghost servant going to do? No one knows.

All I know is that after the two people went down the stairs, they turned around and walked directly towards the dining hall inside the hotel.

There are four or five waiters in the canteen at the moment.

Because this time was rest time, the four or five waiters in the canteen were not busy, but just gathered together to play cards.

But when Dugu Xie and Ghost Servant walked in stiffly, the four or five guys glanced at them, but didn't pay much attention...they were still playing cards there.

But just as they were playing cards, Duguxie and the ghost servant suddenly walked into the dining hall, grabbed the scarlet raw pork lying next to them, and began to eat it directly. The whole behavior was completely like wild beasts.

Eat raw pork?

Oh my gosh!

I saw Dugu Xie and the ghost servant behaving like wild beasts, grabbing the raw pork and stuffing it into their mouths. Their faces, mouths, and hands were covered in blood.

"Hey, hey, look..."

"Am I kidding him? Are these two guys crazy?" I heard a few waiters in the canteen who were brushing cards suddenly startled when they saw the actions of Dugu Xie and Gui Pu, and couldn't help but say .

The other guys were also dumbfounded at this moment.

"What the hell? People eating raw pork? This is the first time I've seen it."

"Be good, you two perverts."

Just listen to the five guys scolding and saying in surprise.

But Anan, who was hiding in the dark, also opened his eyes completely when he saw this moment, looking at Duguxie and the ghost servant in disbelief.

But what about the ghost servant and Duguxie? But it was as if he couldn't hear any sound at all. He just kept holding the raw pork and stuffing it into his mouth.

"What should we do? Brother He... what are these two perverted things for?" One of the guys looked at the guy next to him named Brother He with wide eyes and asked.

The one named Brother He was slightly older than the other four, and he was looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Suddenly he held the stool under his buttocks in his hand, and said angrily to Duguxie and the ghost servants in front of him: "Get out of here, you damn things... what the hell are you? You actually eat raw meat... Get out, get out go out."

When Brother He held up the bench in his hand and shouted angrily, Duguxie and the ghost servant didn't seem to hear them at all. They continued to hold the bloody raw meat and stuff it in their mouths.

When the other guys saw that Dugu Xie and Gui Servant were completely indifferent, they suddenly picked up the benches they were sitting on and stared at Dugu Xie and Gui Servant cautiously.

When these guys saw that Duguxie and the ghost servant didn't respond at all, they became angry for a moment.

"Brother He, cut these two perverted things..."

"Yeah, Brother He, teach these two bitches a lesson... and tell them to get out."

After this group of guys said this, Brother He finally couldn't help it anymore.

So he held up the bench in his hand and said, "Okay, let me do it and teach these two perverted things a lesson."

With a roar, Brother He took the lead, holding the bench in his hand and hitting Dugu Xie on the back... and the guy on the other side also hit the ghost servant with the bench.

But with a click, the two benches hit Duguxie and the ghost servant hard...

The hard wooden bench shattered instantly... And where were Duguxie and the ghost servant? But he was completely indifferent, as if nothing had happened, he was still hunched over and continuing to eat the raw pork next to him.

Seeing that Dugu Xie and the ghost servant didn't react at all after being beaten, the guys here were completely dumbfounded.

Darling, what on earth are these two things?

Why did the bench hit both of them, but there was no reaction at all.

While these guys were stunned, Brother He finally couldn't help it and suddenly grabbed Dugu Xie's shoulder.

"Get the fuck out of here." As Brother He roared, he suddenly stretched out his fist to hit Dugu Xie, who was lying down eating raw pork.

But as his fist struck, Dugu Xie suddenly turned around with his blood-stained face, and at the same time stared at him unblinkingly with his eyeless eyes...

An unprecedented fear surged directly from Brother He's heart, and before he could react, Duguxie suddenly grabbed Brother He's neck with one hand, and then twisted it hard with a click. , Brother He's entire head was broken off directly, and his body fell to the ground with a plop, dead.

He was easily crushed to death by Dugu Xie.

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