Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0076 Capital Falling from the Sky

Entering the community building, the fortress here has been built. Baina’s team is experienced.

Moreover, they also had many props, which gave Meng Liang a lot of experience.

Strengthening crystal.

This thing is not used to add attack to weapons or itself, but to make the building stronger.

It is estimated to have a certain self-identification function.

This unit building is directly identified as a fortified fortress,

[Cement, bricks and tiles are solid materials. Doors are closed tools after strengthening. Glass is fragile and cannot be reinforced. Please guard the entrance such as windows.]

Meng Liang can also hear such prompts.

That is to say, this building may not be damaged even if it encounters giant zombies, but small zombies can get in through the windows.

It is still far inferior to my own safe house, but it can also play a certain role in protecting the fortress position.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

Baina has already begun to direct.

"Hurry up, find something to block the windows on the first floor, and use the terrain to kill zombies here. Others go up to the second and third floors and arrange at the stairwell. Be ready to retreat at any time on the first floor."

None of Meng Liang's group went to the second floor. Meng Liang felt that of course he had to be on the front line with his combat prowess. He was not trying to be a hero, but just wanted to take this opportunity to upgrade.

Meng Liang gave the right path to Xu Jiani and asked her to look after people.

He also warned Zhengdao that if he ran around and acted privately again, he would be treated as a deserter and dealt with according to military law.

Meng Liang doesn't have any military laws, and he plans to formulate one in the future, otherwise it won't work.

People started fighting zombies.

This wave is ordinary zombies. Fortunately, there are tables, chairs and benches blocking the window. Zombies can't crawl in, but people can kill the zombies outside through the gap.

Baina and several other experts stood in the center of the hall, ready to provide support nearby.

Baldi has told Baina that Meng Liang is level fifteen.

Baina was surprised at first, then sneered.

"I really underestimated you."


Meng Liang saw that she was talking to him, but he didn't understand what she meant.

Baina turned her head and said after a while:

"You have the capital to compete with me. You are strong and have the highest level. The most important thing is that you can win people's hearts. This is the potential that a king should have.

As the saying goes, kindness cannot lead an army. A general should have a cold-blooded heart, but a king should have a benevolent heart.

This time, in order to reduce more losses, I announced my retreat and abandoned Baldi.

He won't blame me, because he knows that my mission is to lead more people to survive, not to put everyone in danger just to save some people.

So my approach is suitable for a general.

But you sailed against the current, rushed into the black mist area with the strength of one or two people to rescue people, and successfully blocked the enemy, allowing us to enter here smoothly and prepare for battle.

This makes you look like a hero. Since you are a hero, there will always be people who admire you. Most of my people are tough men and they like heroes.

So you are very successful in winning people's hearts, this time I lose! "

Meng Liang was dizzy after hearing this.

It has nothing to do with him.

It was the Holy Mother of Righteousness who came to save people, and it was that idiot Baldi who said they were going to break off the queen. He was completely dragged down by these two idiots. How could it become his capital and give him the potential to become a king?

Meng Liang wondered whether the founding emperors in ancient times also had this experience.

I never wanted to be an emperor from the beginning.

But the people around him came to tell him.

Master, I think you can be honored as the Supreme Lord of Kowloon. You were born to be the emperor!

Meng Liang curled his lips and looked at Baina.

Displeasure was written all over her beautiful face.

Well, it turns out that when selfishness is exposed, it is also so unbearable.

With the heart of a little girl, she can't be the boss just because of this.

Meng Liang felt a little embarrassed when he thought of this, so he approached her and whispered:

"If you lose the first time, you will lose the second time. Sister, just wait to be tamed by me."

Baina turned her head with a cold face, only to find that the two of them were very close, with their lips no more than 7.3 centimeters apart.

She hurriedly took a step back, then her face turned red and she said angrily:

"Okay, let's see."

"You are just a woman, no different from women in the world. Remember, don't call me child in the future. I'm not much younger than you. It's easy to control you."

Meng Liang had already taken out the blood blade and stepped forward as he spoke. You can't level up just by looking at it. You should always be diligent in fighting monsters.

After Meng Liang joined the war, this window immediately became easier.

320 attacks can definitely kill zombies below level 10 with one strike, but others don't have this ability, and Meng Liang still attacks in groups. He extends his knife from the gap between tables and chairs, and swipes outside, killing four or five of them at the same time.

Everyone exclaimed.

"Too fierce!"

"He's so awesome."

"What level is he?"

"I just heard 15?"

"It's a lie, how could it be 15?"

At this time, the guys nearby were shocked.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the window not far away.

"No! It's a fat slave zombie! Level 11 fat slave! A series of them!"

The people over there shouted, and Baina immediately organized her forces to go over to support them, and went up in person.

Meng Liangze left the original window and went there. When he saw that there were too many people, he yelled:

"Make way for me!"

This shout was really effective. Many people had seen Meng Liang's strength, so they naturally let him rush to the front.

Meng Liang even pushed Baina away who was blocking the way.

Baina was annoyed, but before she could get angry, she saw Meng Liang put his hand out of the barrier and slashed it with his knife.

Level 11, four fat slaves with full health of 220, all dead!

This time almost everyone saw it.

Everyone was shocked and didn't even dare to talk loudly. Meng Liang's cruel methods can already create pressure on people.

So they spoke quietly to each other.

"Did you see it? Kill level 11 instantly!"

"It's still a group kill! I bet that the knife he swung at random is a group attack skill or group attack attribute."

"Of course, I can only cause damage to one zombie at a time."

"He's really a strong man."

Not far away, the three tortoise brothers felt chills on their necks.

The bastard was stunned, and the boy next to him said:

"Brother, luckily we didn't fight him."

The tortoise nodded and said:

"Nonsense, this method of killing us is just like playing for fun. Stay away from him in the future!"

"But what if he becomes the boss of this team?"

"Then be obedient! Do you want to die?"

The three brothers all shut up, fought obediently with their weapons, and guarded their windows.

The battle lasted almost ten minutes.

The situation was pretty good, the zombies that were chasing us had almost been eliminated, and the dawn of victory was just around the corner.

Everyone's hearts became relaxed, but suddenly the exclamation from a window made everyone's hearts pick up in their throats.

A zombie actually jumped in from outside, and all the tables, chairs and benches blocking the window were smashed!

[True. Level 11 Elite. Undead. Emperor! Appear, please be careful! 】

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