Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0063 You are also a saint

Meng Liang raised his hand and pulled Zhengdao back. Don't get excited, kid, no one can escape if you die, but as long as you don't die, you have to work hard to live! "

Five times the power exploded, Zhengdao couldn't break free from Meng Liang's shackles, and could only shout anxiously:

"How are you going to escape? We are all surrounded! If I don't go out to attract zombies and give you a chance, everyone will die. Meng Liang, don't be a holy mother! Let me go!"

I wipe it!

Meng Liang rolled his eyes, a black line drifting across his forehead.

It turns out that I am also a Holy Mother in the eyes of the righteous way, which is really amazing!

Pull him and push him towards Xu Jiani.

"Look at your man, don't let him be stupid!"

"He is not my man."

Xu Jiani spoke softly, but tightly hugged one of Zhengdao's arms with both hands, refusing to let him leave.

Meng Liang had already asked corpse-eating rats to scout around.

This is a circular space with no way out.

Then the only place where he could hide was a half-crouched stone statue not far away.

It has some undulating points that can be used for climbing. It can climb to high places and can naturally defend against attacks.

"follow me!"

Meng Liang took the lead and rushed over, and the five others hurriedly followed.

"Come on, you can climb all the way up to its legs!"

When it comes to the legs, it is almost three meters above the ground.

Everyone climbed up immediately without hesitation. They were surprised why Meng Liang could so quickly find a path that turned a dead horse into a living horse.

Meng Liang went up at the end, and by then the woman with bloody hands and corpse had already arrived.

Meng Liang slashed at them with his sword, and his attack output reached an average of 180.

This means that the defense of the Bloody Hand Corpse Girl is stronger than that of the Fat Slave, and their total health is actually 1,000!

Has the attribute of increasing blood volume.

Sharp, piercing howls came from all directions.

Meng Liang was finally the last one to climb onto the lap of the stone statue and was not devoured by the corpse girls.

"No! They can crawl too!"

Zhao Qiqi shouted in shock.

Everyone looked down and saw that the hands of these bloody corpse girls were highly corrosive. If they touched the stone statues, they would quickly corrode a hole in the stone statues. Then they would cling to the holes and climb up a little bit, although the speed was quite slow. But it will eventually come up.

"Don't be nervous, we can only attack if they go higher!"

Meng Liang was actually more nervous than anyone else, but he had to comfort everyone. This is what a team leader should do.

Finally, the zombies reached the attack range, to be precise, they reached the attack range of Zhengdao.

The length of his long-handled hammer is almost 1.8 meters. As long as the bloody-hand corpse girl climbs up a little, she can reach it.

A hammer hit a woman with a bloody hand on the head, knocking her down.

Everyone cheered as they watched.

Meng Liang felt that this was no ordinary fight, so he asked about the right way.

Sure enough, the weapon of Zhengdao has a knock-up attribute, so it can cause this effect.

"Great! Zhengdao, let's release one zombie, and you can knock the other zombies away to prevent them from coming up."


Everyone gained a little confidence and the battle began.

Meng Liang was still the main attacker, slashing at the zombies that climbed up.

Slash after slash caused a lot of damage, but his attacks really couldn't knock down the zombies like Zhengdao did.

Others followed suit.

Although its HP is 1,000, for Meng Liang, it only takes six or seven shots.

Finally, the first corpse girl was killed, and this strategy proved feasible through practice.

"Very well, keep going, just do it like this!"

Meng Liang shouted loudly to cheer everyone up, and everyone gained confidence.

The next ten minutes of the battle were one-sided killings, and dozens of zombies were killed.

There are not many zombies left, only about thirty.

However, they had climbed to a very high point. Meng Liang had no time to kill them, and Zhengdao had no time to knock them away.

Seeing that there was no place to stand, Zhao Qiqi couldn't help shouting.

"What should we do, Meng Liang!"

"What else can we do? Jump down and give it a try!"

After Meng Liang finished speaking, he jumped over the corpse girl's head. After landing on the ground, he turned around without hesitation and started fighting behind the corpse girl.

The others jumped as soon as they saw it.

As the saying goes, dogs will jump over the wall when they are anxious. It is only three meters above the ground. People can also jump when they are anxious.

"Hurry up, hurry up, get out of here and come back later after I lure them away!"

Meng Liang shouted while beating, and everyone else ran away immediately, only Zhengdao stayed.

"I'll help you! I'll make bait with you!"

"Go away! Holy Mother of Death! Why do I see you so annoyed?"

"Meng Liang, I know you are treating me well. Don't worry, I won't hold you back. We will live and die together!"

Zhengdao shouted, full of passion and a bit of sexual love.

Meng Liang is really speechless towards him, so just let him be.

The two of them fought and retreated side by side, and all the zombies were seduced and chased after them.

Meng Liang summarized the characteristics of the level 12 corpse girl with bloody hands.

He has strong mobility, has the attribute of increasing his blood volume, and has a corrosive attack on his hands, but there seems to be nothing else.

There is no way to fight this kind of zombie on flat ground. It can run much faster than ordinary zombies. This means that you can't fight while running, you can only run as hard as you can.

Their weakness is facing condescending attacks.

If you have a strong attack ability like yourself, you can kill them as long as you occupy the high ground, because they climb slowly, and you have time to complete the output before climbing up.

After a wide circle, there were no zombies around the stone statue, and the others climbed up again.

"Madonna of Death! Hurry up, you rush up to the stone statue first, and I will go over later. It will not be easy for the two of us to climb up together."

Zhengdao was not a fool. After hearing Meng Liang's words, he immediately executed it and ran in a half circle towards the stone statue, followed by several corpse girls.

However, because the corpse girl had corroded many holes in the stone statue before, it was easier to climb up this time. Just step on those holes and go straight up.

Seeing that the Virgin was safe, Meng Liang immediately sprinted towards the stone statue with half a circle, then regained a favorable position and launched a new round of attacks on the corpse girl.

This time the killing was smoother. The battle lasted less than ten minutes and all the corpse girls were killed.

Everyone laughed happily and everyone was sweating.

Not tired, just too nervous and exciting.

"Damn enemies, you are really powerful. I underestimated you, but it's a pity that you don't know my strength! Go to hell!"

The BOSS spoke again, and after the words fell, the ground began to tremble, and all the stone statues exploded into rubble.

The six people fell because of this, but they did not fall to the ground, but kept going down, and finally reached a grassy wilderness.

Changed the map!

This can be understood as the second level of copy.

The six people quickly supported each other and stood up, looking around nervously.

"Over there, over there! Look!"

Bi Lei found the target, shouted and raised his hand to point somewhere.

Everyone hurriedly looked sideways, and then were completely stunned. This is so majestic!

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