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Chapter 68: The Genesis Group That Started To Lay Out

While Xiao Yu and May continued to go to Vermilion City, the layout of a conspiracy on the other side officially began.

"Come in," said a man with a scar on his face in an office.

"Boss, we have made a breakthrough in our research," said a man wearing a set of black clothes with a Purple logo printed on his chest after entering.

"That's right, keep going, you know?" The man with the scar replied.

"I see, boss. I heard that there was a very strong Benjila on the road to Vermilion City. Do you want to send someone to take it in and let us continue to do research for the Creation Group?" the scarred man said. The subordinate said again.

"Go and have a look. After all, the fastest way for our Creation Group to rule the world is to take over some relatively powerful pet Pokémon as soon as possible." The scarred man replied.

"Yes, I understand," the subordinate said and then backed off.

"When is Alvin?" After the subordinate left, the scarred man opened a video call and asked a thin but shrewd man wearing glasses.

"Boss Hori Min (real name Hori Min Takashi), didn't you let me ambush at Bill's lighthouse before, and I secretly observed some things in the past few nights," the person named Alvin replied.

"Oh? What's the situation?" Hori Minlong asked with his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Somewhere on the other side of Bill's lighthouse, there lives an ancient Dragonite. If we can capture this Dragonite, then the strength of our Creation Group will definitely rise to the next level." Too much to say stand up.

"Well, I have finally gained something, and I will leave the task of capturing that ancient Dragonite to you," Hori Minlong replied quite satisfied.

"It's the boss, I will work hard to finish it," Alvin replied.

"Our Creation Group will definitely rule the world again," Hori Minlong muttered after shutting down the communication.

"Boss, what do you want from me?" After a while, a gorgeous woman with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a tight suit with a very hot figure came in and asked Hori Minlong.

"Alsa, how long have you been here with us?" Jue Youlong first replied.

"It's been more than three years. If there is no help from the boss, Alsa would be a dead person now," the woman replied.

"Then the boss wants you to do something, are you willing?" Hori Minlong asked again.

"It's my honor to serve the boss," Alsa said after kneeling on one knee.

"This thing is like this, I need you to disguise yourself and infiltrate a relatively declining Yongdao family in Kanto Region to get their family's secret recipe that can strengthen Pokémon's attack Attribute," Takashi Hori said.

"Don't worry, boss, Alsa will definitely complete the task" Alsa asked.

"I believe you can, go down first, and ask your brother Stephen to come to my side for a while," Hori Takashi said again.

"Okay, I see, I'll call him right now," Alsa replied.

"What's the matter, boss?" After Alsa left for a while, a man with straight blond hair still did not affect his handsome face.

"Stephen, I need you to complete a task. I don't know if you have the confidence," Hori Takashi said.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely finish it," Stephen replied with great confidence.

"This task is that I need you to mix with these declining families in the Hoenn Region in the next two months to get the secret recipe for their family to permanently keep the Pokémon Attribute as a pet." Hori Takashi said after handing Stephen a piece of information. One sentence.

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task ahead of schedule," Stephen said after receiving the materials.

"You go and call Milna," Hori Takashi said again.

"Yes" Stephen replied before stepping back.

"Boss, you are looking for me." After a while, a woman with long purple hair and a white collar at the waist came in with a rather delicate face.

"Milna, tell me about the distribution of our Creation Group's personnel," Hori Takashi said.

"Boss, although we were hit hard six years ago, fortunately our financial losses were not large. In the past few years, we have secretly recruited many people. At present, there are still 20 people from our headquarters, scattered in Kanto Region about 70 people

There are about 50 people in Chengdu Region, 50 people in Hoenn Region, 40 people in Sinnoh Region, 60 people in Unova Region, and 70 people in Carlos Region

Alola Region has the largest number of people, currently there are about 120 people," Milna explained. …

"Okay, I see, you want the best of these lurking people to mix into the bad organizations of various Regions first, and then we will take down these organizations together," Hori Takashi said.

"Okay, I see, I'll inform them now" Halla replied

"Mirna, you have worked hard these years," Hori Takashi said again when Mila was about to leave.

"It is my honor to be able to serve Chuangshi Group," Milna replied.

"Then let the boss treat you well." Jue Minlong pulled Milna into his arms fiercely.

"I hate it~" Milna replied coquettishly, but the voice sounded more like that of Captivate.

"呵~啦~" Hori Minlong put Milna on the table and tore apart Milna's white shirt with a little rudeness, and soon there was a very urgent voice in the office

4.8 "Boss, how do you want me to go out later?" Milna, who found that her clothes had become scattered after finishing the work, looked at Hori Minlong with resentful eyes and said.

"Next time you come to the office, you should bring an extra set of clothes." Hori Takashi said after handing Milna a similar set of shirts.

"Okay, I will definitely bring a few more sets of clothes next time," Milna replied after tidying up.

"By the way, remember to inform Professor Jonah and ask him to study a few more rage potions. I will take down the Rockets in Kanto Region in a while." Takashi Hori said again

"Okay, I got it| Milna blew ten kisses to Takashi Hori and left the office.

(sixth more).

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