Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 991: Confidant

Chen Yuxi asked the waiter to take out a pair of exquisite scabbards and handed them to Jayton.

"Famous knives naturally need an excellent scabbard to match, so that they can match the reputation of the dragonfinch." Chen Yuxin motioned to Jayton for a gesture. She made the craftsman's craftsmanship, inlaid with precious stones, and just fit the size of the finch.

"This ... This is a peerless knife, and I ca n’t use it." Jayton still felt flattered. With his strength, even if it was given to him, it was difficult to control, but Chen Yuxin's purpose It's not that simple.

"Take it away, you can use it. If you don't want to use it, just put it as a gift I gave you." Chen Yuxin said all this, obviously, there is no room for Jayton to shirk, plus Jaton accepted it with gratitude for his love of famous knives.

"Thank you after you."

"So much said, now that I and your master are not married yet, are you so anxious to call me" Minghou ", shouldn't you still be Su Qingyu in your mouth" Minghou ". Chen Yuxin then turned sharply Jayton immediately put down the finches in his hand.

"This ... I heard that the adult is about to remarry, so you can change the name in advance."

"I didn't blame you, but, do you think ... Su Qingyu and me, which one is better for you?"

"This ..." Jayton froze for a moment, and didn't know what to say. Although the people after the underworld did change, but they couldn't turn their faces, they would not recognize them. If Chen Yuxin is better, then With the suspicion of "the flattery flattering the new owner", if Su Qingyu is good, it is too shameless to Chen Yuxin, she just gave away the dragon sparrow knife.

"This ... the two have their own advantages and are difficult to compare." In the end, Jayton chose a statement that he was not guilty of both sides.

"Haha, my vision has always been very accurate. As one of the leaders of the Hades, the most important thing is to be loyal to Hades, and you are better than anyone else."

"Thank you for your praise."

"If ... let you replace ... the work of the ghost, are you confident that you are competent?" Chen Yuxin's eyes stared, and the bottomless eyes looked unpredictable. This was tentative.

"Master Ghost always has a plan, and even Master Pluto often praises him, I am absolutely inferior to him." Jayton immediately said, "And Lord Pluto would not agree to this."

"It doesn't matter. I heard that you are also a smart and capable person in the Hades, and it is also the second think tank behind the ghost. If you have the opportunity to exercise, it will not be worse than him." Chen Yuxin continued.

"This ... Thank you for your praise." Jayton left after thanking him. Although he took the dragon sparrow knife, he looked very dignified at this moment. Chen Yuxin's words were a kind of temptation. He heard it. Yes, but now it has been changed after Ming, and Jayton also knows that Chen Yuxin's power can not be underestimated. He is a master of cultivation, and there is an entire Chen family under his control. I am afraid that the Hades will change in the future.

"Homeowner, give him such a precious treasure, does it really work." After Jayton left, Chen Ruoya also came in from outside. She knew all the conversation just now.

"Of course it is worth it. The Hades is in lowercase, not the ghost, and it is not the woman of Ji Qian. We need a confidant to ensure that the Hades is under full control."

"As for the finches, though precious, they have not made me feel bad, let alone cultivate their confidants, so the finches are in his hands, and they work for us after all."

"The owner is wise."

"Ready for the vehicle, I'm going to the base of the Hades." Chen Yuxin looked up and said lightly.

"Homeowner, but my aunt doesn't know about this, will he ... let him know."

"Well, let me inform you, and we are about to explore the ruins. Are you ready?"

"Homeowners rest assured, I have already made arrangements and wait for your order."


"So, Zeus wants to reconcile with me." At the same time, in a restaurant in Yanjing, Ye Shikai was talking with two women.

Those two women are naturally Tang Yun and Zhao Yanran.

"I just convey it for you. As for the result, it's up to you to decide." Tang Yun nodded. Speaking, the two met Ye Shikai, but they needed a little courage. After all, both of them were now chased by the "Shadow" agency. The killers, as the secret organization of the Chen family, the "Shadow" organization only obeyed the orders of Chen Yuxin or Chen Ruoya. Now, Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin are going to get married soon. If they are not handled properly, the two will be sheep and tigers. Snagged.

"I really didn't expect that Bai Cui turned out to be you." Ye Shikai's eyes basically fell on Zhao Yanran's body ~ ~ Most of her face was shocked. No wonder she was reluctant to live or die in South America. Revealed identity, it turned out to be an old acquaintance.

Ye Shikai instantly remembered that day, Zhao Yanran was hunted down and seriously injured. Fortunately, he was rescued by him. No wonder, behind the identity of the wedding company owner, there was also a "actual identity" of the killer. Under such a weak appearance, It is a powerful internal force.

However, Ye Shikai was also very depressed. The person who successfully disrupted his wedding with Su Qingyu was still a wedding planner hired by himself. Which guy originally recommended Crown Wedding Company.

In fact, the two women could tell the ambassador behind the scenes, that is, Chen Yuxin, but they deliberately concealed it during the entire conversation.

Tang Yun, like that day, claimed that he did not know who was instructed, and that explanation was still a one-line connection with the ambassador behind the scenes ...

"In short, I still want to thank you for conveying me, and the attack on the South American base, I will investigate, Bai Cui, oh no, Zhao Yanran, are you still willing to join the Hades?" Ye Shikai said lightly.

"As long as you don't mind, of course I want to stay." Zhao Yanran didn't sell him either. They also need to avoid the pursuit of the "shadow" agency and join the Hades, so they don't have to worry about danger.

"Wait a moment." Suddenly, Tang Yun stopped Ye Shikai.

"Do you have anything else?"

"I ... can I join." Tang Yun seems to have some lack of confidence. Anyway, she has also attacked Ye Shikai before. People with a little vigilance would not be willing to take this risk, and Ye Shikai could let go of it. She is already "Amnesty Kai En", and Tang Yun has the suspicion of "getting an inch" by doing so.

"I'll give you an address later, and you can find the ghost yourself."

.. m.8

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