Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 946: People around

"Keep here, don't let others disturb you." Ye Shikai instructed the dark guard at the door, a Tang Yun, who could not attract a practitioner to assassinate. The only possibility was that the practitioner came to kill Ye Shikai, and Tang Yun ... Unfortunately implicated, Ye Shikai feels guilty for this, but there is no way. Assassins are created for the purpose, they will not take care of them, let alone those innocent people.

"Yes, sir."

Hey, hey, hey.

As soon as I turned my head, I heard footsteps going up the stairs. Ye Shikai was too familiar with it. It must be Ji Qian who had come to such a great event.

"How are you?" Ji Qian quickly stepped forward and looked at Ye Shikai carefully. During the battle, she accidentally broke his clothes, but fortunately he was not injured. The opponent did not seem to be in love, but was fighting instead. While running, I even escaped with a smoke bomb. It stands to reason, if it was the killer who completed the assassination target, why did he choose to give up so easily, and since the divine Pluto was to be assassinated, how could he only send one assassin, There is also the "gunman" who shot the convenience store in his mouth. What is going on?

"Hey, you speak." Ji Qian pushed Ye Shikai's body, and then he reacted. He was so fascinated just now that he didn't react.

"I'm sorry, I just lost my head." Ye Shikai apologized. "I'm fine. The assassin ran away. I'll bring Tang Yun back first."

"Is there anything wrong, I just went out for a while, and something went wrong, I think you are beating." Ji Qian complained, "And you don't bring any followers this time."

"Tang Yun is my friend, and we just go to her friend's wedding, who can think of this happening." Ye Shikai was also helpless.

"See the appearance of the assassin." Ji Qian seemed to say a "nonsense", how can assassin directly expose the appearance.

"No, but I left this." Ye Shikai took out his "trophy" from the storage ring, the whip that had been frozen into an ice lolly, and the black robe that had solidified into a hard plate. In the storage ring, time It is static, so that nothing will react in it, and you don't have to worry about the ice melting.

"Take the test first, there may be some clues on it."

"Speaking of which, there is only one assassin. It is too arrogant." Ye Shikai said the doubts in his heart, and he still shot with bullets. For him, the bullets can be avoided. This is tantamount to being exposed first.

"I see that you are even more arrogant." Ji Qian slowly leaned over, suddenly took out a dagger from her wrist, and slammed it on Ye Shikai's neck. The whole movement was completed in an instant. , But was stopped by Ji Qian, yes, even Ye Shikai did not respond. If Ji Qian really wanted to "hand" just now, he might be really cold now.

"Just a joke, don't be nervous." Ji Qian dropped her dagger aside and flung her eyes. "Look, I can kill you alone."

"This ... what is my relationship with you and how can I be defense against you." Ye Shikai was obviously a little unconvinced.

"If you meet someone who really wants to kill you, see if they will give you a second chance." Ji Qian walked past Ye Shikai. As a strong man, he was not as cold-hearted and insidious as Zeus. He treats his friends with loyalty, so he also wins a group of masters, looking at him first, but his biggest weakness is also here, he is not fortified, maybe one day ...

"Then do you want to kill me now?" Ye Shikai said with a smile, and moved his neck toward Ji Qian, with a look of "rogue".

"Death, nothing serious."


"Tang Yun, I'm so sorry. This time I was involved. How should it be?" At night, Tang Yun also woke up and drank the duck soup carefully prepared by her servant. Less, the most critical mentality is stable. After a person is seriously frightened, he will be nervous and may need psychological treatment.

"Actually ... nothing, we didn't have anything wrong, did we?" Tang Yun smiled bleakly, she was comforting Ye Shikai, maybe she also guessed something.

"Yes, didn't you say there was an urgent matter, so did you leave from the wedding? I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, how about it, are you still in a hurry?" Ye Shikai suddenly remembered that Tang Yun had encountered some urgent matters before, and all passed by in the afternoon It shouldn't be a problem.

"It's okay. At that time, the landlord said that my room seemed to be moving and there was a burning smell. I called when I was not at home." Tang Yun nodded and said, "I just saw the text message he sent ~ www. ~ This is a misunderstanding, nothing happened in the room. "

"Well then, a false alarm." Ye Shikai said faintly. "I asked the servant to prepare a big meal, and I can eat it later."

"Well, thank you."

"Who is that gunman, why did you assassinate you?" At the table, Tang Yun still seemed to be entangled with the identity of the assassin. She was more curious, as Ye Shikai, who could live in such a luxurious villa in the local area. There are dozens of servants, and they must be a big man.

"Tang Yun, you don't need to worry about these. When the things here are over, you will return to Huaxia. This time it was an accident. You won't encounter such things in the future." Ye Shikai promised Tang Yun.

"I'm not afraid of being implicated, it's mainly your safety."

"Rest assured, so many people here are protecting me. There will be nothing." Ye Shikai patted his chest. He has told Tang Yun about the practitioner, but he still needs to keep some information about the Hades, not to let Tang Yun knows.

"Tomorrow I will almost go back. This kind of thing happened, and I don't have any thoughts about traveling." Tang Yun said lightly.

"Anyway, I'm still sorry." Ye Shikai said sincerely, whoever travels when encountering a gun attack will be very uncomfortable. Speaking of which, after the matter is dealt with, Ye Shikai should go back. The clues before Johnson's death are estimated There is really no hope ...

The mystery behind the action of Longya was whether he could find the answer. Ye Shikai suddenly felt a little confused. He lost his confidence. At this step, he was not willing to give up. It seems that everything is fate, maybe the time has come. , You can find the answer, Ye Shikai can only comfort himself.

"It's okay. I've been to more than a dozen countries, and it's not the first time I've seen a shooting."

End of this chapter

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