Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 942: Burst into headquarters

The so-called capture the thief and the king, he had performed countless assassinations in Longya at the beginning. Regarding the number of people, Longya had only a hundred people, so to put it bluntly, it is to win more with less, and win with the better. Paralysis, for a small number of special teams, beheading and disruption is the best means.

Bang, bang, bang.

There were gunfire everywhere, Ye Shikai shuttled through the crowd, and he was very skillful. Ye Shikai took out two M1911s around his waist, facing the gunman in front, repeatedly pulling the trigger, and the bullets were fired. The gang members fell down at this moment. "Terminator", like the gun battle plot in the movie, one-handed change of magazines in actual combat, this can only be done by a real master.

"Where's the Baclobo." Ye Shikai asked with a headset. Peripherals manipulated the drone and kept searching in the air above the slum, but the battlefield was chaotic. The Hades sent out seven drones. The entire slum is completely covered, but once Baclow is hidden in a certain building, it is useless. The most important thing is that according to the information of intelligence personnel, there is also an underpass built to hide people and avoid daily inspections. Police, if Barklow was hiding in the tunnel, it would be even more troublesome.

"Sir, we are still searching. He may be hiding."

"Abominable, keep looking." Ye Shikai shouted loudly. He could even hear the sound of the bullet rubbing his ears. He had already reached the mouth of Baklow's headquarters. Everyone also found that someone wanted to attack and took large calibers. The rifle was fired. If Ye Shikai had no internal force, he would be sieved now.


Suddenly, a white smoke shot from Baklow's headquarters. This was a rocket launcher, directed at the drone in the sky.


After a loud noise, a spark appeared in the sky, the rocket launcher easily shattered the drone, metal parts fell from the sky, and the shock waves generated by the explosion made everyone below them tremble.

"Stinger missiles, how can there be such weapons here?" Ye Shikai is familiar with various weapons, and found that this is not an ordinary RPG rocket launcher, but a large-caliber air defense missile. Such a weapon should not be found here. After all, such a Stinger missile is much more expensive than RPG, and Stinger missiles have high firepower, which is generally not used here. In contrast, RPG rocket launchers are not only cheap, but also convenient. Can also be used.

Ye Shikai had a thought in his mind. In this place, ordinary gangsters can never use such good weapons, so the only thing that can be used is the Baclo's escort, and here is the headquarters of Baclo, that is, It is very likely that others will be there.

"It really didn't take much time." Ye Shikai couldn't help secretly rejoicing and thinking about it.

"Let the drone do something for me here at the headquarters." Ye Shikai shouted loudly. As soon as the voice fell, several rockets were fired from the remaining drones in the sky. The target was precisely the headquarters of Bucklo.

Bang, bang.

Even the reinforced concrete can not stop the small rocket launcher of the drone, and several large holes were immediately blown out on the roof and side, and a lot of followers poured out from it. It was indeed Baclo's cronies, They are all dressed differently. Compared to those ragged gang members, these bodyguards wearing bullet-proof jackets are also imported weapons. Instead, they exposed Baklow's position. According to the plan, there were only half of the battle planned by Qingying. Hours, or the impact will be great, and they will definitely attract all the local police. At that time, both sides will ride a tiger.

After the rocket gun was fired, the machine gun on the drone fired again. The bullet hit the concrete, spewing countless dust, as if it were a smoke bomb. Of course, there was also blood and blood splashing. There was no shelter directly facing the drone's machine gun. It is a live target, bullets can penetrate through walls, let alone, it is simply massacre.

"Unexpectedly, Tony also brought some fun stuff." Ye Shikai smiled lightly. "Everyone listen, block all the fire exit from the headquarters to ensure that Buck is trapped inside."

"Yes, sir."

Ye Shikai made a leap, rushing into the headquarters from a gap, and just happened to meet a team of guards. Ye Shikai said nothing. The two pistols pulled the trigger in succession and the bullets were fired. The guard fell down and Ye Shikai's marksmanship was good. All of them are in the center, the bullet is in the center of the eyebrow, and there is no possibility of survival.

"Qian, I have already come in." Ye Shikai said to Ji Qian with a headset, glancing around, not so much as a headquarters, a palace, brilliant decoration, and many valuable decorations, but outside the door is A slum, dirty, chaotic, disordered, contrasting the two ~ ~ Baklow's money is also ill-gotten, it can be said that the reason why there will be slums, and people like Baklow There is no relationship, these money are "squeezed" from these people.

"Okay, we're following up." Ji Qian personally took a person, closely following Ye Shikai, and Baklow is still missing, but the guards are obviously "brave and brave". Where the resistance is more fierce, also In a disguised way, Baklow's position was explained. They would not have thought that it would not be a general mercenary or a top killer who came to take Baklow's life, but the famous Pluto Hades in the underground world.

In just one moment, Ye Shikai broke through the defense of more than a dozen people. The two pistols seemed to have life, and the bullets seemed to chase people automatically. Each shot would mean the death of one person.

"You're okay." At this time, Ji Qian also led someone to catch up. The outside turned into a pot of porridge, and Baklow's headquarters was suppressed by the fire of several drones. No more reinforcements will come. This is a lore. Good opportunity.

"Of course it's okay, these pieces are not my opponents yet." Ye Shikai said coldly, all on the ground were the bodies of the Baccarlo guards, and in his own right, it should be at the door.

"Come on." Ye Shikai kicked hard and flew out the metal gate. This surprised the mercenaries behind Ji Qian. Is this the strength of the practitioner?

"Baklow, I see where you are going." Ye Shikai's eyes were sharp, and his eyes fell directly on a curly man in the corner. This person was the leader of Kam's gang, Baklow.

"Kill me," the man shouted.

Bang, bang, bang.

After several shots, the office returned to calm.

"Well, now you are the only one left." Ye Shikai walked slowly towards Baklow.

End of this chapter

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