Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 937: Airlines to South America

There is a sentence called "I love you, nothing to do with you". It is used to describe Ji Qian at this time, I am afraid it is more suitable. If she is just a strange admiring woman now, then even if she has done so much Ye Shikai may not have a great reaction to the matter. It is a sincere "thank you" for more, but Ji Qian is not the same. She and Ye Shikai have a relationship. The two have had a close relationship, even if they break up now. Later, Ji Qian was still meticulous, and she tried her best to help Ye Shikai. He was even more guilty of guilt. Moreover, he had no way to make up for it. For the fame and fortune, Ji Qian, who is a **** of the moon, could not give Ye Shikai ...

"I have already bought the ticket. I must go to South America. Even if it is not for myself, I will go for those sacrifice brothers ..." Ye Shikai said here, all of a sudden, those brothers, when can they Find out the truth for them.

"Qingyu may have an accident at any time in Yanjing, and everything is up to you." Ye Shikai reached out and motioned to Ji Qian not to talk anymore. His heart was determined. South America was a tiger's hole, and even Su Qingyu could not leave him again. Driving him will not let Ji Qian take the risk for him.

"Since you have decided, then if there is danger, tell me again." Ji Qian sighed, Ye Shikai forced her to stay here. Although Ji Qian said, "Going to South America has nothing to do with Ye Shikai", but that It was just an excuse for bluffing him. If it wasn't for Ye Shikai, why would she go to South America for a vacation?

"Qian, thank you very much. It is always comforting to have you by my side." Ye Shikai sat next to Ji Qian, held her in her arms, and felt each other's body temperature.

"So ... do you have any rewards?" Ji Qian turned sharply and spoke in an extremely charming tone. She also stretched out Wen Wenyu's hand and stroked it on Ye Shikai's cheek. Her tenderness was like water. It was really pleasant.

Looking again, Ji Qian had already climbed Ye Shikai's body, gently pressing his body, and a scent of fragrance came out. This is a naked temptation.

"Qian, I'm a bit tired today." Ye Shikai turned his head away. I didn't expect Ji Qian to play this set. The last time the two played romance at the airport. After kissing Su Suyu, Ji Qian was also worried. But after she came to Yanjing with the spirit of the Moon Goddess, the two women seemed to maintain a delicate relationship. Perhaps, Su Qingyu had other ideas, and she defaulted between Ji Qian and Ye Shikai. the behavior of.

"Why, you haven't come to see me for so long, and I have helped you so much, shouldn't you do something." Ji Qian's eyes were charming, Ye Shikai suddenly felt numb and weak, she couldn't think of Ji Qian either Such a charming look.

"Well, this is what you asked for." Ye Shikai suddenly exerted her strength, hugged Princess Ji Qian, and quickly walked into the bedroom.


"Get up so early." Ji Qian wrapped her quilt and looked at Ye Shikai lying aside. There were already many cigarette butts in the ashtray. It seemed that he had smoked several cigarettes.

"Well, I can't sleep after waking up." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"How many times have I said that smoking is bad for my health." Ji Qian reached out and wanted to remove Ye Shikai's cigarette, and her arm stretched out of the bed, extremely white.

"Qian, I will return to my house when I meet, and I will go to the airport individually, and then I will go to the airport." Ye Shikai said faintly, things in South America are urgent, and he really does not have enough time.

"Well, time is tight, you go quickly." Ji Qian's face was a bit lost, but she nodded and agreed.

"After I come back from South America, I will come over to accompany you." Ye Shikai put on her clothes, stayed firmly with the "promise", and left the base of the Luna Temple.

Back at home, Ye Shikai also talked to Su Qingyu about the incident. Speaking of, she did n’t meet for more than ten days, but she had to leave when she got home. However, Su Qingyu didn't seem to react much. Maybe she understood it, or maybe she was used to it.

"Pour rain, I heard that South American cigars are good. I'll bring some for my dad." Before leaving, Ye Shikai planned to bring back some gifts in order to ease the embarrassment.

"Just do it, but my mother won't let him smoke, I'm afraid he won't smoke it."

"It's okay, or I'll bring some wine."

"Okay, you go quickly and come back, but pay attention to safety. When you come back, I plan to take a short trip together. What do you think?" Su Qingyu stepped forward, and sorted Ye Shikai's collar wisely. In his impression, Su Qingyu is not a travel and leisure person ~ ~ Even on weekends, she is either in the company or reading at home.

"Well, of course." Ye Shikai agreed. It seemed that she was in a good mood. The ghost sent a message that the plane was about to take off in one hour. He didn't think about it. He drove to catch the plane and left Su alone. Rain alone at home.

"Hope, you can come back sooner." Su Qingyu looked at the car leaving far away, there was a sorrow in her heart, her appearance was strong, and only when she was silent, she would reveal the weak side of her heart.

At Yanjing Airport, Ye Shikai looked at the newspaper. He has not always liked to fly. He was very eager to catch the plane, but after waiting for the boarding pass, he had to wait outside for the delayed plane.

"Mr. Ye, we are meeting again." Taking the newspaper away, a beautiful figure appeared in front of Ye Shikai.

"Tang Yun, it's you." Ye Shikai recognized the beautiful woman in front of her. The "most beautiful stewardess" in the past counted as if she hadn't met in a while.

"It seems that we have met at the airport several times." Tang Yun said with a smile. In this way, most of the two met, either at the airport or on the plane. Is this the place of fate between the two? ".

"Yes, by the way, are you going to South America, too?" Ye Shikai stood up and gave up his seat to Tang Yun.

"Well, there is a girlfriend who is getting married there, and of course I'm going to support it." Tang Yun used to be a stewardess, and she went around the world. It was normal for a few friends in other countries.

"By the way, please post a person and take someone with me." Tang Yun warmly invited Ye Shikai.

"No, I'm so embarrassed to go." Ye Shikai declined politely. He didn't have this interest and didn't have the time to attend a stranger's wedding.

{End of Chapter} 8

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