Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 910: Chen Yuxin makes a siege

"It is the responsibility of each shareholder to contribute to the company. May I ask what your Excellency has done." Song Kai's words were a direct question. What Ye Shikai did was a joke. If it wasn't for the Hades, it would help the group in time. Going through the difficulties, whether we can hold this meeting now is a question, but then again, if that is the case, I am afraid that others will not believe it. In their eyes, Ye Shikai is just a guy who eats soft rice, how can it bring One billion dollars.

Song Kai is not ignorant of the world, Ye Shikai is the husband of Su Qingyu in the eyes of outsiders. If Song Kai is really dissatisfied with Ye Shikai's "seemingly inaction", he will not be targeted in front of so many people He, he did this, but wanted to ridicule Su Qingyu by sarcastic Ye Shikai, so that shareholders can see how she is a "personal and only" president.

To put it plainly, or to discredit Su Qingyu.

"Mr. Ye certainly had credit for it. I also decided to join the group under his persuasion." At this time, a cold voice sounded, and everyone looked down the sound source, and all took a breath of cold air, saying this The person speaking is not others, it is Chen Yuxin, chairman of the Chen Group.

Chen Yuxin's strength, no one in the entire Yanjing business community does not know that her worth is more than all the people in this room together, and she has a variety of network resources, and her family's heritage is even more unfathomable.

Now it's Song Kai's turn to be embarrassed and offend Chen Yuxin. That's not a joke. If it gets hot, he should not stay in the business world or even in Yanjing.

Su Qingyu and An Lan also seemed shocked. It was unexpected that Chen Yuxin “supported” Ye Shikai so quickly, but Su Qingyu also quickly understood. After all, the relationship between the two was not ordinary. They were young people. Now Ye Shikai is ridiculed. Now, of course, she will come forward, but ... This makes Su Qingyu a little uncomfortable. Ye Shikai is her husband. She should also defend it.

Even Ye Shikai was a little surprised. Chen Yuxin was so surprised that she could go back so soon, but he felt warm and smiled at Chen Yuxin ...

For two full minutes, no one dared to speak. I didn't think that Chen Yuxin's words were so important. Others are still thinking about what the reason is, and let Chen Yuxin be willing to speak for such a man.

At this time, the most embarrassing is Song Kai. Before, he was targeting Ye Shikai, but now, Chen Yuxin is on the side of Ye Shikai, which makes him embarrassed. If he stops sarcastic, then he will admit to counseling himself before the shareholders. In addition, it shows that the "benevolent morality, righteousness, and righteousness" that he just showed is pretended, but if it is targeted, it is against Chen Yuxin, which is even more foolish.

When Song Kai heard the news of Chen Yuxin's shareholding a few days ago, he was secretly pleased. According to his ideas, Chen Yuxin's purpose for doing this is most likely to slowly annex the Tianya Group, and he had long wanted Instead of Su Qingyu, the arrival of Chen Yuxin provided the possibility for his thoughts, but now, Chen Yuxin does not have the tendency to go against Su Qingyu in the slightest. On the contrary, Ye Shikai is protected everywhere. Song Kai's previous thoughts.

"Unexpectedly, Miss Chen's participation was actually due to Mr. Ye's credit. It seems that I was mistaken." In the end, Song Kai chose to give in. Chen Yuxin's power was far beyond everyone's imagination. All of a sudden, everyone's eyes seemed to be It changed, as if a kind of irony to Song Kai's "jumping clown".

Indeed, I was so annoyed just now, but I admit it because of a sentence, can this not be mocked?

Of course, there were more than one person who wanted to oppose Su Qingyu, but when they saw Song Kai's "special encounter", they immediately dared not take any action and could only sit back and listen to the report.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yuxin said such a word gently, so that the entire conference room was "shocked." As a result, the entire report meeting was surprisingly smooth.

Ye Shikai returned to that corner, but it was different from the one who hadn't been asked before. Now he is a "Xiangxiang" and almost finished the whole meeting with him.

Three in the afternoon.

As soon as the meeting was over, Song Kai quickly left. At the meeting, he was embarrassed, almost like sitting on a needle, wanting to go ahead, but dare not, staying still, and seemed to be looked down upon by countless people.

"Xiao Xin, thank you very much during the meeting just now." Chen Yuxin's words saved a lot of trouble. Of course Ye Shikai had to come and thank him. Chen Yuxin was a shareholder. He said nothing at all. Said, it was actually lying.

"Nothing, just raise your hand." Chen Yuxin smiled a little ~ ~ a look of satisfaction.

"Miss Chen, I was really thankful just now." At this time, Su Qingyu also came over and inadvertently blocked Ye Shikai. She certainly thanked Chen Yuxin for her rescue, but her heart was not so smooth. Chen Yuxin protected his man. She had a strange feeling. Of course, she had originally planned to come out with Song Kai for a "lip-to-mouth battle", but if she took the initiative to defend Ye Shikai, the effect would be worse than Chen Yuxin.

"It's nothing."

"By the way, at the company's evening party, Miss Chen will come too." Su Qingyu said.

"of course."


"You seemed very happy during the meeting just now." In the president's office, Su Qingyu's dissatisfaction finally manifested, complaining to Ye Shikai, who was sitting on the sofa drinking hot coffee.

"You mean Xiaoxin." Ye Shikai first froze, and finally understood what Su Qingyu was upset. No wonder she had a face from the moment the meeting ended. Ye Shikai thought Song Kai was on the back. What did you do to make Su Qingyu unhappy?

"You ... you are so intimate." After Su Qingyu heard it, he was out of breath, a jealous little woman.

"Oh, sorry, I used to be called." Ye Shikai said that Su Qingyu was even more angry. Of course, she is a proud woman. She never worried about her husband's empathy, because she has enough Confidence, but compared to Chen Yuxin, Su Qingyu is still a little uneasy. Both in appearance and ability, the two women are heavenly pride girls, and Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin have known each other since childhood, their relationship is special. When Su Qingyu faced Chen Yuxin and Ye Shikai, he felt a little "panic" in his heart.

End of this chapter

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