Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 801: Shootout on the bridge

In fact, Ye Shikai did not leave the market, but instead sat in the car to squat, and the ultra-clear camera mounted on the car recorded everyone who appeared to the computer. However, it took a month for the worm to make the device. Software, if you use an idiom to describe this system, it is "do not forget."

Any face in the lens will be recorded and registered. When the next time it appears, there will be a reminder. This system can effectively count the number of people in the entire wood market, even the masked exorcist. Entered.

According to his request, members of the National Security Bureau have installed hundreds of cameras in the entire market to achieve full coverage without dead ends, but unfortunately, so far, no traces of exorcists have been taken.

Ye Shikai didn't believe it. This exorcist is just a sewer rat. He never needs to come out. When he thinks about it, Ye Shikai is angry. For so many days, he hasn't found the exorcist. The worst thing is, Today is the third day prescribed by the exorcist. If there is no more action, then public opinion will explode again. The mountain is about to rain, and Ye Shikai has secretly heard the disturbing atmosphere in the air.

"Abominable." Ye Shikai punched the steering wheel with a vent, expressing depression in his heart.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell.

At this time, the system suddenly issued a sound of alarm, Ye Shikai suddenly looked up. In one of the displays, there was a man in full black clothes and a hood. From the figure, it was very similar to the exorcist, but it was a pity He didn't see the front, but since the system alarmed, it must be the exorcist, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it takes no time." Ye Shikai almost wept, and quickly locked the position of the exorcist.

"Hua'an Street, here ..." When I opened the map, I didn't know. I was shocked. The location of the exorcist was less than one kilometer away from Ye Shikai, and he didn't need to walk for ten minutes. Under his own eyes, Ye Shikai immediately started the car, but this was delivered to the door. There was no reason.

The exorcist walked into an alley and drove a black car. Ye Shikai naturally would not let it go easily, and drove behind him.

"Hey, Zhang Ting."

"Where did you die again?" Zhang Ting's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I didn't come to fight with you. I'm following the exorcist now, and he hasn't found me yet." Ye Shikai said quickly.

"What, really fake."

"Absolutely right." Ye Shikai said firmly. "I sent you his car information. You asked the National Security Bureau to locate it immediately and sent someone to stop it. I expected him to be on the Huatong Bridge."

"Okay, I'll let you know right away." Zhang Ting called excitedly, and hung up the phone.

"Asshole, you can't run." Ye Shikai cursed loudly. At this moment, the black car driven by the exorcist suddenly speeded up, and suddenly opened the distance. The two cars successively boarded the Huatong Bridge. The bridge collapsed because of illegal materials used by inferior construction companies, and the moth was used as a gimmick, which caused the dàbō of Yanjing public opinion to be public, but after the incident, the bridge was rebuilt.

Ye Shikai looked dignified, but the speed limit was on the bridge, and the speed of the car driven by the exorcist rose instead of dropping. Was he discovered that Ye Shikai stepped on the gas pedal and quickly followed him. Although his car was not a sports car, However, the motor was a super powerful motor from the Hades, and the body was replaced with bulletproof materials, which soon caught up.

Sixty yards, eighty yards, one hundred yards, the speed will increase and increase, but only in this way can the relative distance be maintained. This speed is already twice as fast as the normal speed. Ye Shikai now fully believes that driving Demon already knows someone is following and wants to speed away the follower.


The cars on the bridge were overtaken one after another. On this straight bridge, a "dragon racing" was being staged.

"It's quite fast, it depends on who's car is good." Ye Shikai stepped on the accelerator and rushed straight up. Since it was discovered, there is nothing to worry about.

"Zhang Ting, where did you guys die? Hurry up and seal the bridge, and let him run away later." Ye Shikai turned on Bluetooth and yelled directly.

"We are already on the road." Zhang Ting was in a combat suit, and the car of the National Security Bureau was driving towards the other end of the Huatong Bridge.


Suddenly, the exorcist stretched out an arm, and it was a sniper gun with a dark muzzle in his hand, not a joke.

Bang, bang.

"I rely on it." Ye Shikai slammed the steering wheel, two bullets shot out, opened the bridge, and sparks splattered.

"Actually there is a sniper gun." Ye Shikai suddenly remembered that after joining the task force, he brought a sniper gun to his superior, as if it was in the car.

Outstretched his right hand and touched the storage box ~ ~ A hard metal object, that's it. Ye Shikai reached out the sniper gun, opened the insurance, loaded the car, extended the window, facing the front The car fired several shots.

Bang, bang, bang ...

You two came to me, but there were only three things, shooting, accelerating, and twisting the steering wheel.

After a shootout, Ye Shikai hit several shots in the front cover, but fortunately the bulletproof material was not penetrated, and the windshield was shot twice, but only some cracks were cracked, and the car driven by the exorcist The rear glass has shattered into slag.

"We're in place." At this time, Zhang Ting's voice came out from the Bluetooth headset, two rows of armed forces of the National Security Bureau were guarded at the bridgehead, spikes were placed on the ground, and the muzzle was aimed at a distance.

"That's great. I'm still chasing him now, and a little shooting happened."

"Are you all right?" Zhang Ting asked in concern.

"I'm fine, the car is bullet-proof, but this is indeed a lunatic." Ye Shikai said lightly, "Now he's heading for you, it's up to you."

"Leave it to us." Zhang Ting nodded, ordering the armed men on one side to raise their guns and point at the bridge. One minute later, two cars were driving in the distance, Ye Shikai and the exorcist.

"Stop the vehicle in front, otherwise we will shoot." Zhang Ting shouted loudly with a loudspeaker, but instead of stopping, the exorcist's vehicle went faster and faster.

500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters ...

Those armed men clenched their firearms and fired with a single order.

"Zhang Ting, get out of the way, he's going to clear the gate." Ye Shikai turned around and shouted loudly at the Bluetooth headset.

Bang, bang, bang ...

Suddenly, the fire was full, and the front cover of the exorcist was immediately filled with many bullet holes.

{End of Chapter} 8

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