Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1884: 1ch chase

This is definitely a big conspiracy. Even Ye Shikai felt a chill in his heart. If things cannot be resolved in South America, then China will be affected sooner or later. The HST project is of great importance, transforming people into mutants. No matter where the matter is, it will be severely condemned. Since that is the case, why would anyone do the same thing to do this thing, the most important thing is that they have also succeeded, and the mutant army has already taken shape, they It takes a lot of effort to complete the HST project. What is the ultimate goal and how ambitious it is?

Everyone followed Ye Shikai's orders and began to chase down scatteredly. All of them have communication equipment on their bodies. After they catch up, they may not be the opponents of Doris and the mutants, but as long as they know their location, Ye Shikai can immediately lead people to rush over. Annihilate in one fell swoop.

From the current situation, there are only two possibilities. First, the Neptune Palace was seriously injured by the third hall, and Doris disease was rushed to the doctor. He can only choose to cooperate with the master of the HST project and try to use mutant people. After defeating the Three Halls, she will be able to secure the position of the Lord God Realm. Second, maybe the behind-the-scenes leader of the HST project is Doris, but this possibility is extremely small and can almost be ruled out. If she is really the behind-the-scenes leader, It's impossible to keep the mutant card ace until now.

No matter what the possibility is, Doris is bound to be related to the HST project. If you want to manufacture mutants in batches, you must need a large base, and it must be hidden enough to at least not be easily discovered by outsiders, so there must be them in South America. Ye Shikai must find the base, not only for the Three Halls, but also for the entire China, but when the new forces have the strength to threaten everyone, they must be removed soon, while the Three Halls still have a chance to win ...

"Continue to send people, but all who can breathe and move, all sent out, Doris may leave South America, and behind-the-scenes organizations may also move the base out of South America. We must not give them this time." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Let me stay and help you, you are short of staff now." Ji Qian insisted on staying. Ye Shikai was helpless and could only agree. Chen Li worked as the elder of the Ji family to protect Ji Qian's safety. Heavy, but he ca n’t interfere with Ji Qian ’s decision. The only thing he can do is to mobilize some Baiwu Army from the Ji family to come and support.


"How is the situation, has the injured brother been treated."

"Brother, there are too many injured people, there are hundreds of people, and they look very decadent. Some people have not even treated, and they left without saying hello." Zi Yun stayed in the camp and brought To treat the injured, she is a master of poison and a "therapist", but the entire camp looks like a hell, with bandages everywhere, the wounded lying on the bed, moaning in pain, most of them They are all injured by mutants, ranging from fractures to severe fractures and severe hands and feet. The situation is very serious, so they are also very afraid of mutants, smelling the color change, many people would rather leave without treatment, I am afraid they are also worried Fight against the mutant again.

"Forget it, they want to go, just let them go. They just want to live." Ye Shikai waved his hands, scaring the courageous people, no more.

"The injured person must be healed. The war is just beginning. Our opponent is not just Doris." Ye Shikai asked.

"Relax, brother, my medical team has arrived."

"That's good."

Doris has just dealt with the nightmare. Even if she escapes, it is impossible to leave here at least. She must be still a hundred miles away. Within this range, there is indeed an airport, but it is also in the hands of the three halls. Si ca n’t escape. If she wants to run, the safest way is to reach the 150-kilometer pier, where she can take any ship to leave, and the people dispatched by Ye Shikai have expanded the search range. Stop, you should be able to get ahead.


late at night.

"How come you haven't slept yet."

"Aren't you too." Ye Shikai greeted Ji Qian to sit down, and the Palace of the Sea King had been blown down by them. It was a magnificent palace. Ye Shikai was not a brutal saboteur, but Doris was hiding in the Palace of Sea King. With mutants, this is already an "insult" to this palace.

"It has been seven hours since the daytime battle, and I don't know where Doris is." Ye Shikai's biggest worry is not Doris, but the mutants. To be honest, compared to the HST project, Doris Si is not worth mentioning at all. To put it bluntly, she is at most a master of fit, but the HST project can make it, but there are countless mutants ...

"Variant people are different from ordinary people ~ ~ Their appearance cannot be hidden at all. If they go out hurriedly, they will be discovered, so they must have a base in South America. The base is not a person, even if it is not a person. It ’s the equipment inside, and it ’s impossible to withdraw all of them in a while. ”Ji Qian said lightly. This is a good thing. At least enough time for the people in the three halls, as soon as they are discovered, they can be wiped out immediately.

"But there is no news until now, I really don't know what to do."

"Boss, there is news." Suddenly, Mo Ji hurried into the camp and reported to Ye Shikai.

"The news I just received, I found the trail of Doris."

"What, that's really great." Ye Shikai shouted excitedly. The news was really exciting. "Where is she from."

"Southeastward, fifty miles from here, our people just discovered."

"Only fifty miles." Ye Shikai picked up the map and marked a point on it, which was in line with the direction of Doris' breakout during the day, and it seemed that she was really there.

"Go, let's go immediately, the sooner the better, and let people monitor her location and report at any time."

"it is good."

Ye Shikai and Ji Qian got on the off-road vehicle and set off with hundreds of people.

"Are there any mutants around Doris."

"Yes, according to their report, I did see more than a dozen mutants, and they followed behind Doris, with obedience."

"If the mutant is beside her, the place where Doris is going is probably the base of the HST project." Ji Qian said suddenly.

"It does make sense that the southeast direction is not the direction of the port. If she goes there, it is likely that she wants to go to the base of the HST project. If this is the case, we can just get rid of it together."

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