Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1876: Stand in line

Thinking of this, Ye Shikai couldn't help but regret it. The matter of the next war book seemed to be "a hero", but it was not all a good thing. As Emily said, if he didn't go, it would be a war game but a timid war. Those cultivators who come to Huimeng may shake their confidence, but if he goes to the appointed place, he will be directly thrown into the trap set by Doris.

"Emily, I have an order for you now." Ye Shikai said suddenly.


"Of course, since you are here to join the League, you should listen to me. As the leader, I certainly have the power to give orders. Why, don't you obey orders?" Ye Shikai said proudly.

"You ... well, what order do you have, just say it." Although Emily was unwilling, she was helpless. If she did not obey Ye Shikai's order, she could only be kicked out.

"I order you to take all the people in your Sun Temple to South America in advance, and stay at the place agreed by both parties. Pay attention to the movements. If there are any movements, or any movements of Doris, you must be the first. Time to report. "Ye Shikai ordered.

"This ..." Emily was reluctant, of course, this was to let her go to the front post. If there was really a change, then Emily's ability alone could not be Doris's opponent. This is simply to let her die.

"What's wrong, you don't want to." Ye Shikai asked back, "If you are in trouble, you can leave now."

"Okay, I agreed."

"Well, since that's the case, you should start now, the plane is ready." Ye Shikai reminded, "Remember, you must report to me immediately for any action."

Emily took Ye Shikai's order, and then boarded the prepared plane. Although she was reluctant, she was helpless and could only do so.

"Adult, although Emily's strength is ok, but she is not firm, she came to join us, in essence, she wants to rely on us. To put it bluntly, she is just a clue. At best, she has cooperated with us. You Send her to be afraid of her rebellion. "The nightmare was a little puzzled by Ye Shikai's decision. Since it was an outpost, it should be sent out with a strong heart, and Ye Shikai even sent someone like Emily.

"Relax, how could I just let her go. Just now I had sent Soul Extinguisher and Dark Guard on the plane." Ye Shikai waved his hand and explained to the crowd.

"That plane is so small, won't Emily find it."

"Relax, the Soul Destroyer is hiding in the cargo compartment and will not be discovered. After he arrives at his destination, he will be under covert surveillance." Ye Shikai did this, and was not full of support, letting Emily go and send him out. The soul monitors, but he has other uses.

"As you said, Emily does have the suspicion of clinging to the grass, but it is for this reason that I can find out the truth and reality of Doris." If Doris really set up an ambush in advance at the appointed place, Emily's character will inevitably be "turning into battle", when Doris will let her lurking in the three halls, and Ye Shikai will be able to count.

Ye Shikai hates the betrayal. In fact, if Emily really turns her back, Ye Shikai can understand that as a master of medium strength, she must rely on one side to survive. Once the station is wrong, her life cannot be saved, Ye Shikai let her Going also gave her a chance to stand in the team again, but then again, if she did n’t change, it won him his trust.


Two days later.

"Adult, we are all ready, and all the required aircraft have been transferred. After the inspection, we can take off at any time." Nightmare explained that there are more than 3,000 practitioners here and need more than a dozen aircraft, so Ye Shikai Plan, starting in batches, Europe is far from South America, and it will take some time to get there.

"Grandpa." The wind chime walked slowly to Ye Shikai.

"What do you have, today is the day of departure, there are many things I want to arrange, if you have no important things, go away."

"Auntie, my subordinates just want to remind you that if you can not fight, it's better not to fight, don't forget the three chapters of the contract between the aunt and the owner."

"Don't worry, you don't need to remind you of this. I have my own measure. I don't mind if your movie agency moves with you, but you'd better get some peace. Here you want to take your life, there are more than three halls." Ye Shikai The cold sound warned that the wind chime wanted to continue, but when he saw this, he could only follow behind obediently, silently. It is also a good thing to have several of them as "bodyguards".

Hades also had a base in South America. Although it was only a short-lived one, there were also some local forces. The Hades will also be here. They are not new to South America.

Ten hours later.

"Nightmare, you take the dark guard and warn around."

"Ghost, you quickly gather all people together, we don't have much time."

"Magic, you go and inform Emily ~ ~ and let them return to the airport to report the situation."




Everyone landed at an airport in South America. From the moment they stepped into South America, they had entered the power of the Neptune Palace. Ye Shikai did not dare to be negligent, because their every move may be under Doris's eyes ...

Thousands of people are vast and the team is several kilometers long. Ye Shikai looked at them and felt a little more confident. The location of this battle was in a wasteland ten kilometers away from the Palace of Neptune. It was an empty land, left There is a river on the side and a forest on the right. There are no residents around. Even if there is a war there, no one can perceive it, so it is the most suitable for the decisive battle between the two sides.

"Emily, has there been any movement recently?" Ye Shikai asked.

"No, everything is normal. Doris is gathering people to prepare for a decisive battle with us." Emily's face was calm.

"Boss, what she said is true." The soul extermination echoed, Emily knew that Ye Shikai sent him to monitor, but did not dare to complain.

"That's good, Emily, you made a big contribution this time. If we can win, you will be an ally of my three palaces. I will thank you in the future." Ye Shikai nodded and flashed his eyes. A trace of strange color, fleeting.

"What do we do next."

"Everyone, listen to my orders, go directly to the battle site, and prepare for the battle. This is our life and death battle with Doris. I will win or lose in the first battle."

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