Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1861: Action candidate

Now that they have escaped, they have taken away all the results and experimental data. It only takes time for them to build a new base abroad. "Ye Shikai continued.

"Then what to do, once they go abroad, even if we know where they are, we can't go at all." Cheng Luoqi said excitedly.

"You don't have to worry too much. I have my own way. Now your task is to deal with those mutants underground." Ye Shikai continued. "Let's go, let's go to the factory and see."

"it is good."

Cheng Luoqi drove the car and took Ye Shikai to the factory. Now the whole factory has been surrounded by thousands of policemen, and the surrounding roads have been blocked. But not only the people outside, even the policemen who are blocked do not know what is inside. What happened was that they were only performing the tasks of their superiors. The only thing on the scene was Cheng Luoqi, Ye Shikai, Tian Jing, and the Longya Special Captain who came to support, Ouyang Feng.

They are stationed inside the factory to deal with what may happen at any time, and Jin Li monitors every move here in the office of the Security Department.

Entering the laboratory, there are really heavy soldiers, SAD special forces, Longya special forces, and elite, fully armed from the National Security Bureau, even heavy weapons are used, all directed at the door, it is indeed Waiting for the battle, this also made Ye Shikai a little relieved. This is a real battle. They are even prepared. If they ca n’t stop these monsters, they will blow up the entire factory, even if they are all sacrificed here. Nor can a monster be sent out.

Ye Shikai once saw monsters in the ruins of Kunlun Mountain. The cannibalistic monsters in the sky and the monsters with wings like bats in the snow. Their number is more than tens of thousands, far more than 120. But their strength is far inferior to these mutants. Furthermore, at that time, Zheng Li used his own strength to integrate the formation of more than 20 families, which made those monsters useless, but now, there is no presence on the spot. So many practice masters.

Ye Shikai is also hesitant to ask for support from the Hades, if they have nightmares here, they can be more sure.

"Lao Ye, you are finally here." Ouyang Feng stepped forward to salute.

"Ouyang, what's the situation now." Ye Shikai asked back.

"We have detected life from underground, but the specific situation is not yet clear." Ouyang Fenghui reported.

"It doesn't matter, we have built a model of the underground structure based on the explanation of those researchers." Cheng Luoqi took out the computer, and the structure of the basement has been drawn on it. If those people did not lie, then the general situation should be regarded as the only variable. It is Ye Shikai what they looked like when they blasted.

"According to their explanation, in fact, there is not only a passage here to come out."

"What, then can these monsters come out of other places."

"Don't be excited." Ye Shikai waved his hand. "The other channel is the ventilation duct in the basement. It's very narrow and people can pass it. But these monsters are two or three meters tall and they are much bigger than people, so they can't pass. Come."

"Originally." Ouyang Feng seemed to hear Ye Shikai's words "Lao Ye, you want us to enter through the ventilation duct."

"Yes, frankly, if they really say that there are more than 120 mutants below, then I ’m afraid it ’s useless for anyone to go down, so small places, there are so many monsters, let alone me, any No one can kill them all. "Ye Shikai then turned forward." So, the only way is to blow them all up and blow up the entire basement to rubble. There is no other way. "

"let me try."

"let me try."

Ouyang Feng and Cheng Luoqi spoke in unison, they were fighting for the whole port city.

"Captain Ouyang, here is in Hong Kong City, of course we should play." Cheng Luoqi retorted.

"This is a serious matter. Our opponent is not a person, but a group of monsters. Of course, we must send the most elite troops."

"Okay, you don't have to fight." Ye Shikai waved his hand, and the candidates for the team were already arranged.

The plan is actually very simple, that is to send a squad to carry strong explosives, go down the ventilation duct, and detonate the whole underground, then even if these monsters are not killed, they will be crushed.

There is a lot of risk in implementing this plan. They simply do n’t know the following situation. Maybe they will be “meeted” by those monsters just after drilling the ventilation duct. Therefore, they must send cultivators down, so the action personnel are not SAD. The special forces are not the Longya Special Forces, but the special team of Shenbing led by Ye Shikai Tianjing, except for the injured **** dance, three plus one, a total of four people.

"Lao Ye, let me go down personally." Ouyang Feng took the initiative to ask for a job. Everyone knows that this task is a nine-death life. Ouyang Feng has been prepared for sacrifice from the moment he joined Longya, but Ye Shikai is now Not the former Longya Captain ~ ~ He has a family, someone he loves, and someone who loves him. If he really wants to die, Ouyang Feng would prefer that person to be himself.

"I have a storage ring. The ventilation ducts are very narrow. Explosives and weapons can't be brought in. They can only be put in the storage ring, so let me go down." Ye Shikai turned to look at Tianjing.

"How are you, what do you think." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Since entering the group, then we will definitely fight to the last moment, not to mention, this action is related to the lives of millions of people, even if it is true ... in the event of an accident, we have to complete it." Tianjing's attitude is also affirmed Although he often uses Ye Shikai, he never flinched, at least at this critical moment, he will never withdraw.

"We think so too." Phoenix agrees, as does the fright.

"Well, since everyone has no problem, then prepare according to the plan, the action will start at eight tomorrow morning."

Late at night.

Ye Shikai was lying on the bed, his heart was a little complicated, and frankly, he never thought he would die in tomorrow ’s actions. He had approached the edge of death countless times, or even pierced his heart by Zhi Wen. There is only one thought, that is, he is still dead. As a result, he still survived, maybe even Lord Yan will not accept him ...

But then, tomorrow ’s actions seem simple. In fact, everyone is going to die with determination. Ye Shikai knows them very well. If they ca n’t retreat, they will choose to die with the monster.

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