Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1856: God dance attacked

Tian Jing is the leader of the special team of the State Security Bureau's Shenbing Special Forces. He is a qualified subordinate of Jin Li. His plan will be approved by the National Security Bureau in eighty-nine times. Once the National Security Bureau approves, he can mobilize SAD special forces to assist the operation. The National Security Bureau will also dispatch elite troops to fight the "main attack". If there is no accident, the day after tomorrow will be possible.

"Mr. Ye, thanks to you this time, but tomorrow's things are still crucial. Last time we did not catch them all in Yanjing, this time, we must catch them all." Tian Jing said firmly.

"This is of course. Frankly speaking, so many people were dispatched in the last action, Longya, the police station, the National Security Bureau, I even took the members of the Hades to the encirclement and suppression, and even let them have a fish that missed the net, although I do n’t want to Admit it, but the strength of this organization should have exceeded our imagination. I have a bad feeling. "Ye Shikai said lightly.

"In any case, if they dare to continue the experiment, we will continue to block it, I don't believe it, they can continue this way."

"That's the case, but ..." Ye Shikai was suddenly silent. It was definitely a huge sum of money to build such a factory that could be experimented. The equipment was started with hundreds of millions of yuan, plus such a huge one. Team, I do n’t know how much money is enough. In addition, it takes several months to build. According to the information obtained from Long Xiaotian, this factory was leased to Howard for two or three months. scale.

In addition, if they also build factories abroad for research, and then bring the researched medicine into China, it will definitely be a disaster ...

"Tomorrow I will sneak in and try to find out the whole factory, otherwise we will lose a lot. Our opponents may not only be behind-the-scenes organizations, but also hawk moth people, or other mutant people, even Guoan. Both the Bureau and the SAD Special Forces will have casualties. "

"Okay, then pay attention, please."

"rest assured."

Late at night.


"grown ups."

Ye Shikai dialed the nightmare's phone, unconsciously, he and the people of the Netherworld had been separated for a long time, and they didn't know how they were in the Netherworld.

"Nightmare, how are you there?"

"Master, we are in very good conditions here, we have recruited many people, and the training progress has not been relaxed. After we returned from Kunlun Mountain, many masters of the dark list took the initiative to surrender to us. Now, I have promoted ten of them. Several leaders. "Nightmare Hui reported.

"Okay, very good." Ye Shikai had expected that since the three halls were attacked by Doris and Aphrodite, the power of the three halls was already not as good as before. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Doris forced many masters of the dark list. Allegiance to her is partly hindered by her strength and she can only choose to surrender, but there are also many people who are reluctant and can only choose to evade, waiting for one day to avenge their revenge. Now that the three temples are back, their chances have arrived, so many Immediately surrendering to the Hades is to use this "big tree" to fight against Doris. The underground world abroad has already tended to a "bipolar pattern". There will be a war in the future of the Lord God Realm, maybe the future is not needed, maybe this Time will come soon.

"Adult, I heard that you went to Hong Kong City to solve the case. Have you encountered any danger, or let the soul extermination go to help you."

"Relax, it's just a few little thieves. You are also using it. Just stay at the headquarters. As for the duel with Doris and Aphrodite in the future, I will come back."

"That's really great, if the adults come, they will definitely lose."

Although Ye Shikai did not get any treasures from the Kunlun Mountain ruins, on the contrary, Ji Qian lost the water element, but still got many high-quality cultivation resources. After returning, he did not delay for a day, plus his talent, although temporarily Did not break through the next level, but the internal force has increased a lot, otherwise it is impossible to support the Pluto helmet for so long, Doris is also very strong, and she will never relax, so she cannot be taken lightly.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shikai lay on the bed again. Today ’s long-term incubation consumes a lot of his internal energy, and it will be the same tomorrow. If it ’s not his foundation, I ’m afraid I ca n’t keep it up.

Late at night.

While Ye Shikai was falling asleep, he was suddenly awakened by a sudden and heavy knock on the door.

Dong, dong, dong.

Ye Shikai opened his eyes violently, quickly put on his clothes, opened the door, and it was Tianjing.

"What happened." Ye Shikai saw Tian Jing's face dignified and hurriedly asked.

"problem occurs."

"In the end what happened."

"Shenwu was attacked and was just taken to the hospital." Tian Jing's words made Ye Shikai completely sleepless. Shenwu was a member of the National Security Bureau. Although he was a bit grumpy, he still had some abilities. People attacked.

"What, how did it happen, where did it attack?"

"Just outside the airport, the pharmacy samples she escorted were also taken away ~ ~ Our people arrived in time, but only saved the **** dance, the sample ... was taken away."

"Let's go, let's go to the hospital quickly." Ye Shikai didn't expect that Shenwu would be attacked. She is a cultivator. The person who can easily defeat her must also be a cultivator. They must have been premeditated. The only explanation is that Ye Shikai went in and stole the potion during the day and they were immediately discovered. Then they stared at the **** **** dance and then ambushed in advance at the airport. Hands on.



"Doctor, how is her situation." Tian Jing asked anxiously.

"The brain was severely hit and concussed, but it was not serious, and there should be no accident, but it is still in a coma. If it is not, it will wake up tomorrow. As for the trauma to the body, it has not hurt the internal organs. Skin wounds, you should be able to get out of bed after a period of rest. "The doctor's answer relieved everyone, at least Shenwu was not life-threatening.

"It's really abominable." Shouted loudly, Shenwu was attacked, and they also had their responsibility. They did not think about it. They didn't expect that these people would dare to jump into the wall and attack Shenwu directly.

"Now that they already know that we are investigating, we will definitely transfer it immediately. We can't delay, and we can immediately gather the people we can call and quickly block the factory, otherwise there will be only one empty shell tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go immediately and catch this group of people."

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