Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1842: The disappearance was solved

All the exits are blocked and no one can escape. Cheng Luoqi ordered immediately.

"Yes, Captain."

Ye Shikai glanced around. The people inside were armed with pistols, and a few people used long firearms. Obviously, they were not ordinary people, but this also confirmed Ye Shikai's conjecture. How can ordinary people hold guns. According to the information given to him, this Howard will come here when he is out of the casino, and he will come three times a week, basically every two days, an abandoned factory. It is self-evident why he came so often.

"Quick, go over there and see if there are any people."



There are many empty rooms in the factory building, Ye Shikai still does not know what is inside. At least, Howard has not found it. Although he killed his men, he is a cultivator. If he is really inside, he must be hiding somewhere. It's in the corner.

"Howard must be inside, everyone, search separately."

Zhang Ting was holding a pistol and wanted to go up to find someone, but was stopped by Ye Shikai.

"Don't move, and if you meet someone later, I'm worried that you will have an accident." Ye Shikai advised.

"I'm going to go no matter how dangerous it is, but I'm a policeman." Zhang Ting was a little dissatisfied, but in this house, it seemed that she was really the "weakest". She has the same name, is professionally trained, and has advanced equipment. She is just a policewoman with great skills.

"Police Officer Zhang, don't worry, my men will find Howard."


Suddenly, there was a sound in the distance, an iron door in the distance was kicked and flew out directly, two SAD members were hit by the flying iron door, and even a man fell to the ground with a gun.

"Who fires."

Bang Bang.

Cheng Luoqi saw a figure flash, but the speed was too fast, only to see a faint, the abandoned factory is full of cement and waste, the environment is complex, and the bullet is also difficult to hit.

"No, it's Howard, you are guarding here." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, he rushed out first. This Howard is a cultivator, and his men are all cultivators. Although the SAD members are trained, but After all, he is not a cultivator. I am afraid there will be losses if he is face to face, so Howard must be caught by him.

"Hui wanted to run." Ye Shikai caught up in a few strides, Howard was not his opponent at all, and he couldn't even escape, and he was caught up by Ye Shikai within a few strokes, knocking him to the ground.

"Mr. Huo, we meet again." Ye Shikai laughed coldly, and the SAD team members who caught up also caught up and pointed at Huo Hua with a gun.

"It turned out to be you." Huo Hua recognized Ye Shikai and was so angry that his hair was itchy, but now he has been captured and is helpless.

"Good guy, it turns out that you are really here." Zhang Ting saw this person and said indignantly, so it seems that she and Ye Shikai bet that she lost. In the future, she really has to follow his instructions, not enough. Catching Howard was the result of her longing.

"Unexpectedly, you have even invited SAD, I am underestimating the two of you." Howard Howard's dress in front of him is obvious. He also knows the Hong Kong City Security Office very well.

"Okay, it's useless to say more. The case of disappearance in Yanjing and Central Plains, you did it, hand over the people, maybe you can still be taken lightly." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"I've been arrested, no matter what, I can't escape to death." Howard closed his eyes slowly. Suddenly, a spit of blood spewed out of his mouth, his face was grim, and in a blink of an eye, he became a living person. A corpse.

"What's going on." Cheng Luoqi said in shock, Ye Shikai stepped forward to try his pulse, the person was dead, and there was no bitter almond smell in his mouth. This method of death was exactly the same as those in Central Plains at that time, if not unexpected. He also took this special capsule, that is to say, someone was remotely controlling the outside and released the poison in the capsule in his stomach.

"There are people outside." Ye Shikai yelled, and everyone immediately lifted their spirits, but the surrounding area was dark, and only the wind blowing through the evening wind could see anyone.

"This Howard is dead, what shall we do, is the clue of the case broken again?" Zhang Ting said excitedly, once Howard died, then they came in vain. Obviously, Howard was just a small fish, But without him, all the "big fish" behind him ran away.

"Don't panic, since this abandoned factory is Howard Howard's base, it shouldn't get nothing, let's find it again."

"it is good."

Everyone scattered to find, and soon, the SAD team found the person who was hiding.

"Captain, there are people here, there are so many."

Ye Shikai and Zhang Ting also rushed over. In the tunnel inside the factory, they found dozens of ragged people, all of whom appeared to be beggars and scavengers. This is exactly the missing person in Yanjing and Central Plains, but They all looked emaciated, as if they were malnourished and must have been in detention for a long time.

"Have you all come from Yanjing and Zhongyuan?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Yeah, we are all kidnapped to this point."

"It really is them, hurry and rush to the hospital."

"Quick ~ ~ Quickly send them to the hospital." Cheng Luoqi immediately asked the team members to come forward to help, she did not expect that Howard actually kidnapped so many people to Hong Kong City, what is his purpose.


"Although Huo Hua is dead, the missing person is still found, at least it is worthwhile." Zhang Ting said lightly at the door of the hospital. There are so many things happening tonight, but she still has some reactions. Come.

"Yeah." Ye Shikai nodded. Although the missing person was found, Howard's death meant that a larger conspiracy had not surfaced. If not dealt with, a second Huo would soon appear. China, and disappearances will occur one after another.

"But something is amiss. There are more than forty cases of missing cases between Yanjing and Zhongyuan, but we can only find less than thirty people. What's going on." Zhang Ting suddenly asked.

"The police in Hong Kong City have surveyed the abandoned factory. There are really no people. The only explanation is that those who have not been found have already been killed." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Asshole." Zhang Ting punched angrily on the wall. "Howard, this asshole, it's a pity to die."

"Howard is just a little boss. If he is just dead, there will be a second Howard soon." Ye Shikai said lightly. "You go back to Yanjing first. The disappearance case is solved, and you should go back and explain it." "

"What about you, won't you go back with me." Zhang Ting asked.

"I want to stay here."

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