Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1838: Substitution

Good boy, so courageous that he threatened me alone. "Huo Hua's heart trembles, Ye Shikai's dagger rests on his neck. As long as he strokes a little, he will not be able to save his life. Even if he escaped this knife, with Ye Shikai's internal strength, even if everyone on the scene added together, it might not be him Huo Hua thinks it's impossible to avoid his opponent's opponent. On the contrary, Zhang Ting is just an ordinary person with no inner strength. At best, he has some fist and effort. If he loses his life for such a woman, he will lose a lot.

"You're not bad, this time I lost my hand." Ye Shikai said coldly, knowing this, he really shouldn't let Zhang Ting come, and delaying the resolution of the case is nothing. The key is that she is here, I am afraid that her life will be in danger. .

"Okay, tell your choice." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"Okay, I promise you, let go." Huo Hua ordered him to release Zhang Ting. Ye Shikai reached out and pulled her over. The others took out their daggers and surrounded them.

"How about, I have let this woman go, should you also keep your promises."

"Okay, I still talk about credit, and I will never regret it." Ye Shikai pushed hard and pushed Howard directly away, and then quickly guarded Zhang Ting. Howard's men surrounded the two in a vague way. trend.

"Stop it all." Howard ordered. "Let's withdraw."

Ye Shikai saw them withdraw from the alley, and he was relieved, and the "prey" he had ran away was a pity, but fortunately, there were no casualties.

"How are you, are you okay." Ye Shikai took out the cloth in Zhang Ting's mouth.

"Huh, huh." Zhang Ting gasped for breath. On the one hand, she was a pity to let Huo Hua flee. On the other hand, she was easily captured by people, and she was naturally embarrassed.

"You just caught him just now, why did you let him go." Zhang Ting said excitedly.

"In my own ability, trying to catch him in this alley is easy, but his dozen or so men want to kill you. It is also easy." Ye Shikai said coldly. In the situation just now, he wanted to catch Huo Hua very Simple, but Zhang Ting has no one to protect. If he kills Huo Hua, Zhang Ting will be killed immediately by his men. For safety, he can only let Huo Hua away. In addition, outside this alley is Trouble, if it is really fighting, I am afraid it is difficult to end, so today's things will stop here.

Zhang Ting's face turned red, she was guilty in her heart. This time Huo Hua escaped, largely because of her responsibility. The most important thing is that she was still "lived", how can she always be proud Tolerate such humiliation.

"Actually, you don't need to blame yourself. They are all cultivators. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are all" supermen ", and we are new to them. They are the ground snakes here." Ye Shikai said lightly, "Are you okay, they didn't Do it for you. "

"Relax, I'm fine, just like my arm sprained."

"Okay, go back and take some rubbing wine. It's not safe here, let's go quickly." Ye Shikai said lightly. Zhang Ting was still a little unwilling and wanted to chase it up, but Ye Shikai directly pulled him away.

In the hotel.

"I didn't expect this group of people to be so difficult to tangle." Zhang Ting rubbed his arm with medicinal wine while planning to call.

"What are you doing."

"Call to report, these people are so powerful, you must ask the Secretary to reinforce us."

"Okay, okay, let's put down the phone." Ye Shikai quickly took the phone.

"what do you mean."

"This is Hong Kong City, not in Yanjing. It is inconvenient for so many police officers to come over, and they do not understand the situation here." Ye Shikai explained.

"Then what should we do, let us two go to investigate the case, and today you also saw that they have so many people that they must ask for support if they want to catch them."

"If you don't understand it, it won't be useful for more people to come, and it will only frighten the snake, but now it seems that we have alarmed them." Ye Shikai suddenly looked at Zhang Ting. "In the future, you must get my consent for your actions, otherwise you I ca n’t save you if something goes wrong. "

"You still say, today you actually ... said what made me die with him." Zhang Ting said indignantly.

"Isn't it to bluff him? Besides, what was the situation at that time, I had no other choice. If I don't put a dagger on his neck, you can't go today."

"Then what shall we do next." Zhang Ting asked.

"Since it is in Hong Kong City, it is natural to find people here to help."


The next day.

"Aren't we going to investigate the case? Why are you dressed like this." Zhang Ting came to Ye Shikai's room and saw him in a suit, very serious.

"I didn't bring it before leaving. I bought it last night. How about it? Fit it." Ye Shikai stood in front of the full-length mirror, turned his body, and fixed his tie.

"Don't interrupt, I ask why you dress like this, why, go on a blind date." Zhang Ting asked back.

"Of course not, but just to meet people, but he is a famous local clan, so he should dress decently." Ye Shikai said lightly. At this time, the wind chimes came out of the door.

"How did you come."

"Last night, I have reported to the family owner. My grandfather should still be careful." Wind chimes said lightly. Yesterday was the investigation. The wind chimes had to stay outside and couldn't think of what happened.

"Relax, last night was an accident, and it was her, not me." Ye Shikai pointed to Zhang Ting and said lightly, making her very depressed. Zhang Ting was already uncomfortable with the wind chimes, and now it's out of here One thing, naturally depressed.

"The owner has told me that today's actions of the uncle must be inseparable," Wind Bell said firmly.

"Fortunately, today I am not going to solve the case, but to find a helper." Ye Shikai did not refuse.

"You are going to find a helper and take me to chant." Zhang Ting said excitedly.

"My helper is not an ordinary person. UU reads You have a special status. Don't go anymore. I heard that there are many foods in Hong Kong City. You don't need to do anything today, just go and play."

"You ... hum."

Wucheng, Hong Kong.

"Yonggongzi came to visit, and there was a distance to welcome him." At the door of the Wu family, a young man was leading a group of people to greet him. When Ye Shikai arrived, the young man hurried forward.

"Wu Yu, son Wu, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ye Shikai said.

"It's windy outside, let's go in and talk."

Ye Shikai's helper is naturally the Wu family, one of the three major families in Hong Kong City. Last time in Hong Kong City, he helped Wu Yu master the real power of the family. This time it can be used by him.

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