Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1829: Special capsule

"Grandpa, it turned out to be this identity. I finally knew who she was." Zhang Ting heard something from Wind Bell's words. It turned out that this woman is Chen Yuxin's person. That must be sent to monitor Ye Shikai.

"No wonder you have been impatient with her long ago, and you can only let her follow. It turns out that your wife asked her to spy on you." Zhang Ting looked at Ye Shikai, just like looking at a person who eats soft rice, her heart is more firm Ye Shikai In the Chen family, they eat soft rice. That ’s right. The Chen family is one of the four major families in Yanjing. With so many industries under their hands, Ye Shikai is “powerless” and must eat soft rice.

"I will explain this later." Ye Shikai continued. "Let's talk about the case."

"The bodies of those people have been sent for autopsy, and I think the results will be available soon."

"The autopsy can know the cause of their death, but it may not be able to know the identity of these people." Ye Shikai judged that whether these people voluntarily took the drug or died of the drug, it shows that there is a shocking secret hidden behind it, and the clue is broken. For a while, he has made up his mind to find out.

Two days later, the police conference room.

"Cyanide was found in the stomach of the deceased, and it can basically be judged that the cause of death was poisoned and died." Huang Hai told everyone the contents of the autopsy report.

"Xiaoye, only you were there at the time. Did these people really commit suicide by taking drugs?" Huang Hai asked.

"I'm afraid not. At that time, there was no odor in their mouths. If they really succumbed to poison, bitter almond odor should remain in their mouths. I think they should have taken highly toxic capsules beforehand. It happened. "Ye Shikai judged.

"If it's really as you said, the poison in the capsule should leak at any time. Why did you happen to be poisoned when you pressed them? In addition, more than a dozen people died of the poison at the same moment, isn't it too It's a coincidence that even if these people took the capsules at the same time, the timing of the cyanide leak should not be so coincident. This is somewhat unreasonable. "A police officer present questioned that other people thought the same, Ye Shikai There are many loopholes in the argument, and many details are untenable.

"I also thought about this, so I think that the poison in the capsule is not necessarily leaked by itself, but artificial." Ye Shikai continued.

"What do you mean?"

"For example, the capsule can be dissolved by remote control. In this way, it can control the leakage of cyanide." Ye Shikai explained that this technology has been seen abroad, but it should be rare in China. .

"Isn't this too far-fetched, where can I get this capsule, and it's just your guess, there is no evidence."

"There is indeed no evidence to prove my reasoning, but there is no evidence that I am wrong, and only my speculation can explain this autopsy report."

"Xiaoye, this is just speculation. We must pay attention to the evidence when we solve the case. We can't blindly investigate the case because of a speculation." Huang Hai continued. "But what you said makes sense. After all, the autopsy report has already stated that their stomach remains. Cyanide. "

Ye Shikai couldn't convince these police officers, but they were poisoned at the same time. It is more popular to say that some people "sent" these poisons into their stomachs at the same time. In addition to the speculation made by Ye Shikai, he can't think of anything else. Approach.

In the hotel.

"Does the kind of thing you just said really exist?" Zhang Ting asked curiously.

"It is indeed there, but Huaxia should be rare." According to Ye Shikai, this kind of thing is generally only available to professional killer teams. It is unexpected that there are even here, it is impossible, and there are forces abroad. This should be unlikely. There are only two explanations. First, some people in China also have this kind of capsule. Second, they bought it from foreign killer organizations. According to Ye Shikai, those killer gangs are more like businessmen and want to buy this from them. This kind of capsule is not very likely. After all, this is also regarded as a housekeeping skill.

"If it is just an ordinary kidnapping case, a disappearance case, it is absolutely impossible to use this kind of thing. I feel that this case is much larger than we thought." Ye Shikai muttered.

"The case is big. It's not our turn to take care of the serious case." Zhang Ting is still a **** fighting spirit. Of course, this is related to her personality, but this personality often Get into trouble, for example, Zhang Ting doesn't know much about the cultivator's strength. If you really start, Zhang Ting, an ordinary woman, will be stronger at best, and it will definitely not last for half a minute.

"Follow this clue, maybe you can check it out." Ye Shikai sent the content to the worm and asked him to look for information. If these capsules really exist in China, they should be able to find clues.

"However, how should we check it? Frankly speaking, I have been in the serious case group for so many years, and I have seen all cases, but I still heard the capsule you said for the first time." Zhang Ting said lightly.

"Oh, how do you know this kind of thing." Zhang Ting suddenly asked.

"Well, I heard people talking about it in the previous army." Ye Shikai casually found an excuse to perfunctory.

"You are in the army, you can still know this kind of thing." Zhang Ting asked back.

"That's your ignorance. Well, let's get back to the topic. If I guess right, following this clue, there should be a breakthrough."

"Okay, let's continue to investigate the case." Zhang Ting can't wait.

"Wait, I have some personal affairs to deal with." Ye Shikai said suddenly.


Zhongyuan City ~ ~ Cemetery.

"Qian, why are you here too?" Ye Shikai came to the cemetery with flowers, but did not expect to see Ji Qian.

"I'll take a look at the girl's clothes mound." Ji Qian said lightly. Last time, she was still unforgettable. Perhaps, as Ye Shikai said, it would be helpful to talk to her clothes mound in person.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to investigate the case and came to see her by the way." Ye Shikai placed the flower in front of the tombstone and said lightly. He is here, and it should be difficult for Ji Qian to speak.

"If you want to talk to her, then I can avoid it." Ye Shikai returned to the car and saw that Ji Qian was talking to He Linghan's tombstone alone. He was very clear that Ji Qian was talking, this was her "Communication" with He Linghan.

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