Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1820: Meet acquaintances

"What are you thinking about?" Zhang Ting asked curiously as he ate the food delivered by Ye Shikai.

"I'm thinking, why did those criminals suddenly close their hands, is it that we are stunned," Ye Shikai said lightly, this is not a good thing, the enemy is dark, I am clear, now these people are disturbed, and then sure It is even more difficult to grasp.

"It's possible, but we are all investigating the case quietly, how do they know." Zhang Ting asked back.

"Maybe, our every move is in their eyes. Everywhere we go, we are followed."

"This ... is terrible. If it is so, they must have left Yanjing, how do we catch it." Zhang Ting stood up suddenly and said excitedly.

"Don't be excited first, this is just my guess." Ye Shikai motioned to Zhang Ting to keep calm. Everything at the moment is his speculation. The true situation may not be the case, but if it is really the same as what he said, it may be It is difficult to deal with, if the criminals really left Yanjing, they will continue to commit crimes in other places. Huaxia is so big, how easy it is to catch.

"I hope they haven't left yet, but I still have to report to the director. If these criminals really go to the field, we will jointly handle the case and arrest them." Zhang Ting said he would do it, even if he didn't finish his meal, he ran to the director Office.

"It's really an acute man." Ye Shikai sighed. He didn't intend to give up to continue the investigation. But the situation is indeed very difficult. There is no new case and no new clues. Now Ye Shikai can use it, only the fire. On-site test report.

Yanjing, the base of the Hades.

"See adults."

"See adults."

As soon as Ye Shikai arrived at the base, several people came out. The wounds of Soul Extinction have almost recovered. Nightmare and Ghost have seen him, but Mo Ji and Soul Extinction went down the mountain earlier, so this is the first time since Ye Shikai disappeared. Seeing him, he was very excited.

"Boss, you are finally back."

"How is it, extermination of souls, is the injury better?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Relax, boss, but the women in the film agency really started to be vicious, and I almost died there."

When it comes to film institutions, the atmosphere at the scene has changed. Everyone knows that they are all under Chen Yuxin, but now Ye Shikai is still at the Chen family. In this way, no one can understand this position. The leaders are their enemies or allies.

"Nightmare, what's the situation now." Ye Shikai changed the subject and looked at the nightmare beside him.

"Our people have returned to the European headquarters to recruit staff and expand their strength." Nightmare Hui reported.

"Very well, you are now Pluto, and all matters are up to you to decide." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Sir, I still plan to wait for the European headquarters to be rebuilt, and then I will leave Yanjing and go back, what do you think."

"I didn't say it, it's up to you." Ye Shikai continued. "But I agree with your decision. Yanjing, after all, is not our home. It is definitely not a place to stay for a long time. Return to the headquarters and regroup. During this time, the Hades Too many masters have been lost. It is not so easy to restore strength. "

"Please rest assured, I will definitely go all out."


Ye Shikai stayed in the base for a while. In fact, this was not the base of the Hades Palace in Yanjing. The original one had already been blown up. This place was originally the base of the Moon Temple in Yanjing. Later, the Hades came. Ji Qian Naturally, there is no opinion. In fact, since Ji Qian returned to Ji's home, she has also relaxed a lot on the management of the Moon Temple. Many things are handled by Serena.

"Boss, now you can talk to us about how it was missing. We almost turned the holy mountain at that time." Soul Curious asked, in fact, everyone was very curious. At that time, Kunlun Mountain was pressed for time. Ye Shikai was too late to explain many things.

"Okay, then I will talk to you, but I am afraid that you will not believe it. Just sit down and save yourself from being shocked."

After two hours.

Ye Shikai told all of his things in the Qin Dynasty, but after all, he stayed in Qin for two years, so many things happened, and he couldn't finish it for two hours at a time. He could only focus on the key points.

"So ... Boss, you married a girl in Qin Dynasty, and still look exactly like Su's sister-in-law." Everyone was shocked after hearing this. Such a "plot", if it was not for Ye Shikai himself, they thought It's nonsense.

"Almost, just, she is dead now." Ye Shikai sighed, He Linghan's things have always been a stumbling block in his heart, but then he also accepted this reality, he loved He Linghan until now. So, but they are not the people of an era in the end, it is an accident to be able to meet this, it is a pity that they cannot be together now.

"It's such a shame."

"Boss, what do you plan to do next, do you want to stay in the Chen family all the time." Ghost asked.

"Now Xiaoxin is pregnant, if it goes well, she will be born in a few months, I will stay here." Ye Shikai explained.

"Well, boss, take care of you here."

"Ghost, you still have Gu Xin to take care of in the East China Sea, so hurry back and don't let the girl wait."

"Relax, boss, I have already talked to her, and I said that I met a friend in Yanjing and would go back for a few more days. During this time, we will not be able to rest easily. If we return to the East China Sea now, we will meet next time. I do n’t know when. "

"Alright ~ ~ Then stay a few days longer."


After Ye Shikai left the base, he drove to another place.

"Yo, I haven't seen you in such a long time. Why did you come?" Ye Shikai met An Lan just after arriving at Tianya Group. She was about to go to a meeting. She was also worried about Ye Shikai's disappearance, but Su Qingyu told her After finding him in Linxiang, An Lan felt relieved.

"Sister Lan, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm here to find Qingyu." Ye Shikai explained.

"Okay, let me call her down. She should be in the meeting room now."

"If you are going to have a meeting, just have a meeting first. I will wait in the department for a while."

"Fortunately, if you go back to the department, those little girls should be very excited." An Lan smiled slightly, and Ye Shikai returned to the public relations department. Speaking of this, the period when he was a white-collar worker here, although plain, but This is like an ordinary person's life.

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