Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1806: Disappearance

"What's more, when you were in Linxiang, you were like a fool. If you did n’t know, you thought you ran out of mental illness." Zhang Ting also remembered the last time she was in Linxiang, and she was still depressed. It happened that I encountered Ye Shikai at the police station, but I couldn't find it after searching for a few months. As a result, Ye Shikai went to the mountain in the middle of the night to "dig the soil". I didn't know what I was looking for. what.

"Well, there is a reason for that. I will explain it later, and my brain is normal, and I am not mentally ill." Ye Shikai was a little embarrassed. At that time, he had just returned from the Qin Dynasty and was almost "half an ancient man." It was normal for a while to be a bit uncomfortable, but Zhang Ting didn't know it and mistakenly thought Ye Shikai was "crazy".

"Every mental patient says that he is a normal person. You really should look at your brain." Zhang Ting said mockingly.

"Okay, I'm here to thank you this time. If you didn't help me in Linxiang, I might not be able to return now."

"And then." Zhang Ting continued.

"Um, otherwise, I invite you to have a meal and talk about your heart." Ye Shikai continued. In addition, he couldn't think of any other way to thank him. Zhang Ting and him knew it was an "accident". In the beginning, the two also looked down on each other, but later they became friends when they investigated the case together, and they did not know each other.

"This ... I can accept it, but the case is urgent recently, or I will ask you to have dinner before I have time." Zhang Ting was a little embarrassed. Although she was usually a bit "busy", she was very serious about the case. Completely "workaholic" character.

"Why, is there any big case?" Ye Shikai asked curiously, as if Zhang Ting thought something, suddenly took his hand into the office.

"Hey, what do you want to do, in the public ..."

"Less nonsense, look at these." Zhang Ting directly shoveled a lot of information to Ye Shikai without any discussion.

"what is this."

"Case information, I found that you have the potential to be a detective. If you show the case to you, maybe there will be new clues." Zhang Ting continued.

"You are too sloppy, how can you show the case to others casually." Ye Shikai asked in turn, and it turns out once again that if Zhang Ting's attitude can make a 180-degree turn, there is only one possibility, which is to ask for help. .

"You are not someone else. We have worked on the case together before, and you are still an instructor in the army. I can trust you." Zhang Ting pressed him to sit down on his shoulder. Ye Shikai was out of curiosity and did not refuse. Thick and thick, with information and photos.

"What happened to these photos, there was no one, wasn't it a homicide?" Ye Shikai asked, everything in the photos, thick abandoned water pipes, abandoned factories, and shanty towns. In short, some of them were chaotic and remote. The place.

"What the **** is going on here," Ye Shikai asked.

"You're right, this is not a homicide, but a disappearance." Zhang Ting nodded.

"The disappearance case, even if a person disappears, should not be handled by your case team. There are more missing people in the world, and there are many people seeking information." Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"The missing people are not rich or rich, they are all beggars, homeless people, scavengers, and some foolish people." Zhang Ting continued, and then he scratched his head with both hands, looking awkward. "But This is the 16th case in a month, and all cases are missing. "

"It's only been ten days since this month." Ye Shikai murmured.

"That's why the case is urgent. So many people are missing. This is not a good thing."

"It is true that the missing persons are the bottom of society. They are usually unobtrusive and easily overlooked. Once they disappear, I am afraid no one will notice them." Ye Shikai is not concerned about these missing persons, but the people behind the case. , They are obviously specifically to pick these people to start, in order not to attract attention, but what is the purpose.

"Hello, are you listening to me? Hello."

"Cough, of course, listen, you keep talking." Ye Shikai looked back, and he felt that the case was not simple.

"You and Me broke the case of the Scorpion, and I feel that you still have some skills. How ... can you help me?"

"Well, I promise you that I can help you investigate the clues, but these materials and photos are definitely not enough. I need more details, such as some confession." Ye Shikai continued to ask. "No. Someone who came to report what he said. "

"The first person to report the case was an old man picking up waste. I have recorded his confession and will show it to you immediately."


Chen family.

In this way, Ye Shikai did not invite Zhang Ting to dinner. Instead, he took a case and helped investigate, but Ye Shikai didn't feel anything. He didn't do anything now, and the matter of the Hades was left to Nightmare. He is now The new Pluto, and since the Kunlun ruins closed, the major families have also been "quiet" a lot. He is now doing nothing all day, except to take care of Chen Yuxin, there is nothing else. It is also a good choice to help Zhang Ting handle the case. By doing things, we can also maintain public order.

"Xiao Kai, you taste this dish. I made it myself ~ ~ Chen Yuxin is very considerate. Ye Shikai has a lot of kindness towards her now, and she always cares about her, which makes Chen Yuxin very It was moved. After getting married, she felt "warmth" for the first time.

"Yes, Xiaoxin, I have something to tell you." Ye Shikai put down the knife and fork in her hand.

"What's going on."

"I have a friend who works in the police station, called Zhang Ting. You should also know that she recently encountered some troubles in handling the case and asked him for help, so I may go out to help her in the next period, but Don't worry, this is not a business trip, I will go home to see you every day. "Ye Shikai explained.

"Case, what case?" Chen Yuxin asked in return.

"This is not important. The point is that I have promised her. It's not easy to make an appointment."

"Xiao Kai, otherwise you can think about it again." Chen Yuxin seemed reluctant. "How dangerous it is to handle a case, what to do in case of an accident."

"Relax, it's not a big deal. Besides, I'm a cultivator, and most people can't hurt me."

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