Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1797: answer

"When we came before, we just met the Tang family and the Wang family's people withdrew, and they were all seriously injured. There were many people's bodies at the gate of the palace. Are you doing these things ..." Li Yueying asked curiously.

"Would you like to hear the truth or the truth?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Is there a difference, isn't it the opposite of the truth?"

"So you want to listen ..."

"Truth." Li Yueying sternly asked directly.

"I did it, but it wasn't all it. The Chen family also participated."

"But I saw Wang Lianfeng, who was seriously injured, among the retreating crowd. He is the owner of the Wang family and a master of the fit period. It is by no means ordinary people to be injured."

"Yes, I did it. If he didn't withdraw quickly, he wouldn't be seriously injured now." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Sure enough, you did it." Although Li Yueying had already guessed it, when she confirmed this, she was still shocked. Ye Shikai looked unscathed, and Wang Tang and the two had already suffered heavy losses. His strength I am afraid that it is far more than the fit period. This man looks so young, but he has hidden strength.

"The Wang family and the Tang family all have festivals with me. Moreover, they took the initiative to come forward and challenge me. Do I have any problems with them? Well, even at the time, even if the two of them were destroyed, to me It ’s easy. ”Ye Shikai said faintly, there are two peerless artifacts of You Xi and Ming Dao in hand, of course, no one can stop him. Wang Lianfeng and Tang Can were seriously injured, largely because they underestimated his strength, and more accurately , I don't know Ye Shikai.

"Of course there is no problem. The Tang family is a nail in my eyes and a thorn in the flesh. If you hit the Tang family seriously, their strength will be greatly damaged. I also want to thank you for it. The Ji family is also the same. The Wang family is weak. Ji The threat of home is small. "

"I don't want to help you, you don't have to thank me." Ye Shikai waved his hand. "Frankly, I have no interest in the intrigue between your families and conspiracy and conspiracy. I came here for myself. For the purpose, if you hinder me, I will kill you as well, and will not show mercy. "

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your plan and won't stop you, but I'm curious, if Miss Ji went to stop you, would you move her?" Li Yueying asked.

"She won't." Ye Shikai said directly, without hesitation.

"I mean, if, if that is the case, she will stop you, what will happen to you and will you do something to her?"

"Of course." Ye Shikai's tone was cold, and he turned away after leaving, leaving Li Yueying alone, oh no, to be precise, two people.

A female figure stepped out of the side and came behind Li Yueying.

"Hey, how about, I heard the answer." Li Yueying turned around and looked at Ji Qian behind her. She seemed a bit lost. She heard the answer with her own ears, and it was not bad for her.

"Heared." Ji Qiangqiang was struggling, but a trace of decadence wanted to be revealed.

"Thank you for your help." Ji Qian looked up and said in a weak tone.

"Raise your hand, if there is nothing else, I'll go first, you ... so do it for yourself."

After half an hour.

The three families divided the treasures on the scene and continued to move forward. Although the Chen family did not have an alliance with the Li family and the Ji family, the three families moved forward "harmoniously", like walking on the road with strangers.

"Speaking of which, the remaining families should also come." Ji Tao suddenly said, in addition to the five alliances, six or seven families should also have reached the palace, although the Wang family and Tang family suffered heavy losses, but also I don't know if they will come back again. Of course, if they know each other a little, they will not choose to come back and be beaten by Ye Shikai.

"Yes, but they have missed the opportunity. Even if they come in now, they won't get anything good." Li Changtian replied.

"Xiao Kai, where shall we go next." Chen Yuxin said softly, holding Ye Shikai's shoulder.

"There is only one way ahead. Let's go first."

The road ahead is getting wider and wider. The three thousands and thousands of people do not feel narrow. They soon came to a hall, but this palace seems to be a giant. Everyone seems to be very small here. The surrounding area is not so much "Lobby" might as well be called "square".


"Xiao Kai, has anything happened?" Chen Yuxin ordered the crowd to stop, and Li Changtian and Ji Tao also stopped.

"There is movement ahead."

"Is there any movement? Why didn't I feel it?" Li Yueying asked back, quiet around, not only Li Yueying, even the three homeowners did not notice the abnormality.

"It's true, but I can feel it." Ye Shikai said coldly.

Hum, hum, hum.

Suddenly, there was a low percussion from the "square", as if it was the impact of a bronze instrument, more precisely, the sound of a bronze bell, which was so deep and loud that everyone could hear it.

"Strange, where's the bell?"

"Yeah, I don't see anything hitting around."

Everyone held a flashlight, but couldn't see anything. The voice appeared as if out of thin air, but everyone knew that this was a sign that something was about to happen.

"It's not right." Ye Shikai listened to the bell, and felt a little familiar, seems to have heard it somewhere.

咚咚, 咚咚, 咚咚 ...

Suddenly, a sound of neat footsteps came, louder and louder, indicating that something was approaching here. Ye Shikai suddenly opened her eyes, her face showing a terrified expression, her hands could not help trembling.

"Xiao Kai, did you think of anything?" Chen Yuxin asked curiously when she saw this.

"Yeah ... Qin Jun ~ ~ what, what do you say."

"Quick, quickly withdraw." Ye Shikai said loudly, at the same time, in the darkness, the visitors finally revealed their true features.

"I'm going, what's that."

"What the **** is this?"

From a distance, a team of sergeants came slowly, but the difference was that they were not people, but "bronze statues", but their actions were no different from those of living people. Ye Shikai was too familiar with their costumes. The costumes and weapons are the same.

This is similar to the Legion of Living Dead encountered in Atlantis, but obviously, the "Qin Army" in front of them is more dangerous.

"Everyone, ready to fight." Li Changtian ordered, Ji Tao also ordered the entire Ji family to prepare to meet the enemy.

"Xin Xin, withdraw quickly, these Qin troops are very dangerous." Ye Shikai persuaded that he could feel it, but the distance between the two sides was less than one kilometer, and it was too late to retreat.

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