Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1785: answer

"If you don't speak, you are acquiescing." Chen Yuxin has already got the answer from Ye Shikai's silence. This woman named He Linghan is definitely not an ordinary person, at least for Ye Shikai, it must be extremely important.

Chen Yuxin's brain moved quickly, linking several things she learned, Ye Shikai crossed back to the Qin Dynasty, and he insisted on going up the mountain for the rumor that Kunlun's secret realm could penetrate time and space, and the motivation was He Linghan.

"Who the he Linghan is, you must say today." Chen Yuxin's attitude suddenly hardened, she faintly had a bad hunch, and there were few women who could make Ye Shikai forget day and night. Is one of Ye Shikai's lovers.

"Xiao Xin, are you trying to force me again, every time, so you can do whatever it takes to get what you want, can't I have some secrets, you never consider my feelings. Ye Shikai countered.

"Really, then why don't you tell me those secrets, is it something that can't be seen?" Chen Yuxin sarcastically said, "Who is He Linghan and what is her relationship with you?"

"If I don't say, what will you do?" Ye Shikai said coldly.

"Then I will never let you leave. All of my people are out there. You can't escape at all." Chen Yuxin was furious, and the more concealed Ye Shikai was, the more ambiguous the woman was before him. Chen Yuxin couldn't tolerate this. point.

"So, I don't say, you don't plan to let me go."

"Never, I went to Kunlun Mountain. I was originally looking for you. As long as I can find you, those treasures don't matter. I will take you down the mountain now." Chen Yuxin said firmly.

"Okay, since you have to know, I'll tell you." Ye Shikai has also lost his mind. He can't tolerate Chen Yuxin's attitude. Every time, this is the case. His chest is as if pressed by a large stone, and he is out of breath. .

"He Linghan is my wife, and I have become married to her." Ye Shikai's tone was not concealed at all, he said firmly, and even intentionally angered her.

"what did you say."

"I said, He Linghan is my wife. We worshiped and became married. I went to Kunlun's secret place just for her. You are satisfied with this result." Ye Shikai shouted.

Chen Yuxin's hands were trembling, her face was blue, her eyes were red, as if she was extremely angry, and she felt extremely sad. The blow to her was too great. Her biggest wish was to be with Ye Shikai, but now she is Hearing that Ye Shikai had another wife, and he said it himself, this blow was enough to faint.

"I didn't intend to say it, you forced me." After the mood calmed down, Ye Shikai sighed, he regretted a little, but this matter could not be concealed sooner or later. Now, his heart can be regarded as relaxed. Many, carrying such a secret, are naturally uncomfortable.

"Xiao Kai, are you telling me the truth, you told me that you were just mad at me." Chen Yuxin shook her head and squeezed his arms with both hands, shaking constantly. She hoped that what she said was just Ye Shikai's anger.

"Xiao Xin, I'm sorry about this, but during this time we have been together, you have never heard my voice, you will always live in your own world." Ye Shikai murmured "At the beginning you I did so many things in order to dismantle me and dump rain and marry you, but you never knew how painful my heart was. In the later days, I was tired and depressed, but you never cared You just want to own me, my joy and sorrow, you don't care at all, in order to keep me, you even ... even ruin my Dantian. "

"Xiao Kai, those things are all my fault. I was confused for a while. I promise I won't, and I will listen to you later, okay." Chen Yuxin's tone was almost pleading. She didn't want Ye Shikai to leave again, let alone Ye Shikai for Another woman abandoned her.

"Frankly, when I first crossed the Qin Dynasty, it was difficult to accept for a while. Compared to modern times, it was a barren land, but I quickly adapted. I was there and I could live very easily every day. Although the war continued, But He Linghan is by my side, and I do n’t feel tired. ”Ye Shikai sighed.“ I did n’t think I could go back to modern times again. I did n’t even want to come back. ”

"But God made a difference. I finally came back. I was not prepared."

"Xiao Kai, I know what you think, but I hope you can think again. Now that you are back, if you go back, I'm afraid there will be no return, neither my children nor I can lose you." Chen Yuxin still He tried hard to persuade him, but he was determined and would never change.


"Father, after this snowy field, we are very close to the top of Kunlun Mountain."

"It's not easy. We didn't think of this trip to Kunlun Mountain. We lost so many people." Ji Tao sighed.

"Compared to other families, our loss is already very small." Ji Qiankuan comforted that the Ji family lost less than a hundred people, and some families even lost three or four hundred people. After all, Kunlun Mountain is the "holy mountain" of Huaxia. Every homeowner should be mentally prepared.

"It is rumored that there are many treasures in Kunlun's secret realm. If they can be obtained, this is a worthwhile trip, but ..." Ji Tao looked at the nearby families ~ ~ and a dozen families moved forward There are many big families like the Zheng family and the Li family. Even the Tang family and the Wang family, they are also powerful. Each family cannot be underestimated. The competition is still fierce. Can the Ji family get the final result? Treasures are still unknown.

The Ji family already has an alliance with the Li family. If they can get the treasure, they will be divided equally. Before that, if any family is in danger, the other must go all out.

"Family, look at the front, what is that." Chen Ligong pointed to the sky in the distance, countless snow monsters circling in the air. Although they had seen human-eating monsters in Tianyuan before, everyone was still facing snow monsters. Shocked.

"Looks like we're having trouble again."

The families stopped one after another, and they were three miles away from these snow fairies, but those snow fairies did not seem to have the intention to actively attack.

"Father, what should we do now, there is no other way to go around here." Zheng Yan saw this and asked Zheng Li to show.

"These Snow Monsters should be here all year round. I don't know how strong they are. I will send some people to test them first."

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