Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1781: 1 definitely going

"Xiao Kai, please don't go." Chen Yuxin stopped Ye Shikai suddenly.

"What else do you want to say?" Ye Shikai's tone was cold, and he untied the bandage from his head. The wound on the head was just a skin trauma, which was not a big deal. He knew that if Chen Yuxin was entangled, his progress would be delayed.

"I ... I know I did a lot of wrong things, but there are reasons for it, Xiaokai, don't be angry, okay." Chen Yuxin didn't expect that Ye Shikai's Dantian should be repaired again. Of course, she would panic. In order to retain Ye Shikai, at the expense of this fierce hand, the gap between the two has been placed on the bright side.

"Did you finish talking, I'm leaving."

"Xiao Kai, don't go." Chen Yuxin wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You've been missing for so long, I've been looking for you." Chen Yuxin just pulled Ye Shikai, he just calmed down a bit and sat down again.

"It's complicated and I can't explain it for the time being." Ye Shikai said lightly, looking at Chen Yuxin's abdomen, because of pregnancy, her abdomen had begun to bulge.

"You have been pregnant for several months. You shouldn't come here, but you should recuperate at home." Ye Shikai said faintly. The child in Chen Yuxin's belly is his, even if he hates the femme fatale in front of him, but the child is Innocent, if Chen Yuxin is angry with the child, it is his fault.

"I ’m here to find you. Do you know in lower case, when someone said that you disappeared in the holy mountain because you traveled through time and space, and there are rumors that Kunlun ’s secret realm also has the energy to travel through time and space, so I came to find it. It ’s great that you finally come back. "Chen Yuxin was so happy that she could meet Ye Shikai again. Of course she was happy. After waiting for two months, her nerves collapsed. When she was in the snow just now, it happened by accident. It was discovered that the person who resisted the Snow Demon turned out to be Ye Shikai. When Chen Yuxin saw his head injured and passed out in the snow, he quickly sent him to a nearby cave to heal him.

"It's great to find you, lower case. I really miss you."

"You let go of me first." Ye Shikai worked hard to break away from Chen Yuxin's arms and kept a distance with her.

"Now that you have found me, you don't need to worry about it. Hurry down the mountain, I still have things," Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Xiao Kai, don't go." Chen Yuxin stopped him suddenly.

"Is there anything else?"

"Xiao Kai, now that I have found you, it is better that we go down the mountain now. The treasures in Kunlun Cheats, I don't care at all, I want you." Chen Yuxin advised.

"You go down first, I still have something, Kunlun's secret realm, I must go." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Why, lower case, you are not a person who does n’t even want to die for treasures, why do you insist on taking risks. If you were not passing by just now, you might have been killed by the Snow Monster." Chen Yuxin asked.

"I have my own reasons, you don't need to know that I will definitely go to Kunlun's Secret, and I must go first." Ye Shikai insisted to leave, but was stopped by the wind chimes and snow owls at the door.

"Aunt, please go back."

"Do you think you can stop me just by the two of you?" Ye Shikai sneered. Xue Yu and Feng Ling were both capable men under Chen Yuxin, and their strength was even above the nightmare, but Ye Shikai was sufficiently confident that he had now It's the fit period, and the gap between the parting period and the fit period is difficult to cross.

"Xiao Kai, let's not bother, can you go down the mountain, I promise you, I will stay at home to raise a baby." Chen Yuxin also stepped forward to persuade.

"I said, I really have something. You are pregnant now, and I advise you to go down the mountain, but if you don't want to, I have no other way." Ye Shikai's tone was still cold, a flash of memory, even in front of the wind bell snow The faces of the two men flashed out from the side, and they could not even see the figure. In the Qin Dynasty, his cultivation growth was not just a little bit.

Outside the cave.

There are no snow fairies nearby. It seems that the area of ​​the snow fairies has already passed. Ye Shikai intends to continue up the mountain. There are hundreds of people from the Chen family. They see Ye Shikai walking straight out of the cave, and their faces are curious and shocked. But no one dared to ask, some of them recognized his identity, Chen Yuxin's husband, and Chen's aunt.

"Stop him." Chen Yuxin suddenly shouted, the people present were naturally unable to sit still, and one after another took the sword to stop.

"I see who dares to stop me." Ye Shikai took out You Xi, and as soon as Jian Feng came out, several people in front were hurt by Jian Qi.

"Aunt Grandma, please think twice. The owner is also having a hard time these days. She is still pregnant. Please ask Aunt Grandma to consider it for the owner."

"I just want to leave, don't stop me, and I will never hurt you." Ye Shikai said coldly, "You all give way, I will never hurt one of you."

Chen Yuxin came to the crowd, Ye Shikai took the sword back. Actually, why could n’t he understand Chen Yuxin, although she had done many wrong things, hurt Ye Shikai, and hurt people around Ye Shikai, even in a dozen Hours ago, the Three Temples were almost wiped out by the Chen family, and Ye Shikai's Dan Tian was also destroyed by her own hands, but this is after all the past tense. He is not a vengeful person, but ... no matter what, he must move on Heading to Kunlun's secret realm, only there he will have the opportunity to travel through time and space and find He Linghan again.

"Xiao Kai, how do you agree to go back. UU Reading"

"I already said that, I have my own plan."

"Then you insist on going to Kunlun's secret place, there is always a reason, since we are husband and wife, why do you hide from me."

Ye Shikai is in deep thought. If he is honest, Chen Yuxin will be irritated. Furthermore, if a series of things are to be explained in detail, three days and three nights are not enough.

"I went to Kunlun's mystery, also for the energy that rumors can travel through time and space." Ye Shikai just said this lightly.

"Why, can't it be true ... When you were in the holy mountain, you really traveled through time and space." Chen Yuxin was a little incredible. It sounded really ridiculous, but maybe it happened to Ye Shikai. After all, many incredible things, only Can be explained with more incredible reasons.

"Um." Ye Shikai nodded slightly, turning and preparing to leave.

"Even so, haven't you come back now, why do you want to go to a secret place?" Chen Yuxin asked, but there was a kind of bad hunch in her heart.

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