Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1771: Back to Teana

"Since you insistedly refused, I wouldn't force it." Li Yueying saw this, but he had no choice but to give up, and without Ye Shikai beside him, he had lost a lot of help. Frankly speaking, Li Yueying also came to try his luck. After all, Ye Shikai is the aunt of the Chen family. If Chen Yuxin comes here, Ye Shikai should reasonably be in the Chen family's team, but the Chen family has not yet arrived, so Li Yueying hopes to win Ye Shikai.

"Have you ever eaten anything? I saw that you didn't carry a backpack, so you shouldn't bring any supplies." Li Yueying handed over a few buns, still hot.

"If I do n’t have supplies, where did this tent come from, but thank you for your kindness." Ye Shikai did not refuse, took the bun and ate, Li Yueying is not a "naive and simple" girl, everything she does Ye Shikai can see this, but at least for now, she is not malicious.

咳 "Ahem, the Chen family has not yet arrived here, and I have sent a guard to look for it. I think ... the Chen family should be able to arrive tomorrow morning." Li Yueying said lightly.

"Should." Ye Shikai is also curious, why the Chen family has not been there for a while, perhaps, it is because God intentionally prevented him from meeting Chen Yuxin.

"If the Chen family doesn't come tomorrow, how are you going to ... how can you do it alone?"

"I have my own decision. Besides, those monsters are so difficult. In my opinion, even if the families work together, they may not succeed." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"You don't seem to have much confidence in us."

"Li Yueying, you should know my identity. I am Pluto. Although I am married to Chen Yuxin, I am not a Huaxia family in the final analysis. Of course, you decent guards are also wary of me, but it does n’t matter. But the point is, I am very clear about the relationship between the various families. It seems to be united, but it is loose. In fact, speaking of vows, in fact, they are all born with a ghost and called unity, but they are mutual use. "Ye Shikai mocked" This way The union is, at best, a group of sheep holding a ball for warmth. "

"Then what do you say, if there is no union, is there a better way?" Li Yueying did not refute, although Ye Shikai said a little bit, but it was true.

当然 "Of course, the union is always better than the internal 讧. Instead of dying inside, it is better to die in the hands of those monsters. If you are lucky, you may win."

"Okay, it's so late, you should go back. I have only one person here, and you are Miss Li's family. If other families see us here at night, I'm afraid your rumors will be indispensable." Ye Shikai euphemistically said. "Purchase order", Li Yueying had no other words, turned and prepared to leave.

"Yes." Suddenly, Ye Shikai screamed.

"what happened."

给 "I'll give you some advice. Go back and tell your father. If there is a fierce battle tomorrow, please do what you can."

The next day, early morning.

"Strange, where did he go?" Ji Qian led several months of Wei, looking for Ye Shikai's traces everywhere, but there were 10,000 people on the field, looking for someone like a needle in a haystack.

"You're looking for him." At this time, a voice sounded behind him, Ji Qian turned her head, and Li Yueying stood behind her.

"Miss Li, it's you."

"He was there on the hillside. I just saw him last night."

Ji Jiqian said that Li Yueying ran in the direction of his fingers. Sure enough, a small camp was found on the hillside, and the tent was still there. Ji Qian opened the tent, but there was no one inside, and the fire on the ground had gone out.

"Strange, he was still here last night." Li Yueying was also a little curious, the genius was just bright, did Ye Shikai have left.

"What did you do to him last night?" Ji Qian asked afterwards.

"This ... there is nothing to tell, but Ms. Ji is assured that I just asked him to discuss things."

"Li Yueying, although I and you have some friendship in Bai Qi's ruins, but I still advise you, it is best to stay away from him." Ji Qian was a bit displeased. In fact, she did misunderstand Li Yueying, but it prevented her In the face of the Li family, he didn't do anything else, and after leaving a few harsh words, he left.


"All of you, we will start at noon at noon. Whether we can succeed depends on today's battle." Zheng Li gave instructions to the families. He is now the "Leader" after all, and naturally no one will object. Actually, last night All the homeowners were invited by Zheng Li to discuss in the past. Although it is not a good idea to attack quickly, the homeowners decided to make a quick decision after discussion. This is Kunlun Mountain, not elsewhere. Once it is delayed, if you wait until the ruins are closed, or Kunlun's mystery was closed, but they were all empty of bamboo baskets.

"Today, the 28 Chinese families are here, united and there is nothing to stop us."

"Yes, as long as we cooperate wholeheartedly, it is easy to deal with those monsters."

While taking advantage of the morning, Ji Qian and Yuewei continued to search for Ye Shikai's trace, but he disappeared as if the world had evaporated.

"The Lord Luna is in no hurry, maybe the Lord Pluto just went back to find the General."

"It is indeed possible ~ ~ Ji Qian was in a hurry, and she was completely forgotten. Ye Shikai wanted to act, but she didn't have a helper around her. How could this work, so he would definitely go to the members of the Three Temples first. If Wang Kai and the Underworld would be around, he would have helped.

"Right now, several adults in the Hades are washed down by the avalanche. There is no news. If Hades wants to find them, they must go down."

Wu Jiqian wanted to go down to find the mountain, but the family members were going to act at noon. If she went down at this time, she would definitely not be able to come back at noon.

"Miss, the owner asks you to go back now and discuss the action plan." At this time, two members of the White Mist Army also followed.

"Okay, I'll go back now."

At the same time, Ye Shikai was also starting his actions, but Ji Qian's guess was wrong. He did not go down to find the ghosts and dream about them. Although he also wanted to find some helpers, this was too time consuming. Ye Shikai If you want to find the energy in Kunlun's secret realm and travel through time and space, you must "top the list."

Ye Shikai did not go down the mountain. After separating from Li Yueying last night, he continued to move forward and re-entered Teana. Unlike yesterday, the surroundings are calm and peaceful, and those monsters have disappeared without any trace, but Ye Shikai is very clear that they are not disappearing, and They are all hidden in the dark, invisible, and often more dangerous.

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