Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1769: Lord

"The monsters should not be tyrannical monsters, but guarding beasts living under the cliff. This time with so many families and so many people came to Kunlun Mountain, those guarding beasts should also be aware of the movement and be stimulated, so Only then did they leave the nest. They were numerous, like swarms of wolves devouring the intruders in front of them. "At this time, the voice of Sword Spirit sounded in Ye Shikai's mind.

"It turned out that no wonder the families retreated to the middle of the mountain, and they would not chase it." Ye Shikai suddenly understood that to the practitioners, they are cruel and cannibalistic monsters, and to the monsters, the practitioners are Kunlun Mountain intruders.

Ye Shikai figured out a lot of things at once. The more people came, the more crazy those monsters were, but this is of course. Although there are many treasures in Kunlun Mountain, but there are too many monks and porridges, only the strong can get treasures. Others People, all cannon fodder.

"Weak meat and strong food, here is also the survival of the fittest. Most of those who are eaten by monsters are just ordinary practitioners. If they are in danger, they have no chance to fight back." Sword soul said lightly.

"That being said, there are so many monsters that swoop up like waves, let alone ordinary practitioners. I am afraid that even the masters of the fit period may not be able to withstand it." Ye Shikai was distressed and couldn't stand it. How could he cross this nature again.

"It's true, unless ..."

除非 "Except for something, Soul Calibur, please hurry up." Ye Shikai asked.

"During the fierce battle just now, I noticed anomalies. Before these monsters came out, it seemed that there was a strong gravitational pull. Anyone who wanted to leap directly would be pulled into the abyss, but when these monsters came out of the nest, this Gravity also seems to disappear, "Soul Calibur explained.

"You mean ... as long as these monsters come out, I will have a chance to leap into the heavens." Ye Shikai asked in return.


"Oh, this is really a good way." It's a pity that Soul Calibur is just the mental body in his brain, otherwise Ye Shikai really wants to throw him a big white eye.

"These cannibalism monsters are killed every time people come out. When they come out, the tide is like a tide, how can I get over them?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Well, you need to figure it out yourself."

Ye Yekai didn't dare to take such a risk. He couldn't believe that every time his life was in danger, he would be able to change his fortune, his life would only be once for everyone, and his chance would be only once.

But even if the chance is only one time, Ye Shikai must take a gamble. There are always more ways than difficulties, not to mention, it is not only him who wants to pass this genius.


"Persons, please be quiet and listen to the old husband." On the mountainside, Zheng Li suddenly shouted in front of the family, and the people present stepped forward.

"Zheng, what do you want to say?"

眼 "Right now, we have been attacked by these monsters, but it is not that we are not strong enough, but that the monsters have appeared suddenly. My major families have no defense and are fighting separately, so they are repelled."

"Yes, the Lord Zheng said so much."

"To be right, we have no fewer than tens of thousands of people, and there are more than a thousand masters and hundreds of powers. In addition, most of the homeowners present are in the fit period. Although there are many monsters, but We are not necessarily opponents. "

The people present at the meeting had a lot of discussions. After returning to God, they broke away from the fear of the monsters. Indeed, as Zheng Li said, they were quite numerous, but they were fighting on their own.

"Master Zheng, what do you want to say?" One of the crowd spoke out, and looking down the sound source, this person was Tang Can.

"I mean, since you all want to get over that heaven, for the time being, you should unite together to deal with these monsters, and when everything is over, you can say everything."

"Yes, the Lord Zheng is right. Let's unite and settle these monsters first, and we will talk about the rest later."

"Yes, if we don't unite, none of us can survive."

"Yanjing Wang's family, in favor of union."

"Jiangnan Sun's family, in favor of union."

"Now that the Zheng family has said this, my Tang family naturally has nothing to say, and the union is all right."

Compared with the private hatred between the families, all the people present want the past more, and the union is only for their own interests.

"Since it is united, we should cooperate sincerely, order unified, so that we can deal with those monsters." Zheng Li continued, "Zheng is not talented, but is willing to lead you across the heavens. If you can succeed, it is also your credit. . "

离 Zheng Li directly recommended himself. Although there are suspected positions, so many families really need a leader. Of course, it is only a temporary leader, or more generally, an "owner."

It can be seen that all the homeowners present are eager to try, they are all ambitionists, even if they are clear, this "Leader" position is only short-term ~ ~ but still want to be in the top position, because sitting here Location, you can look down on all the cultivation family, high above it, it is like the ancient Chuanxi Jade Seal, but it is a piece of jade, but it has made countless people fight for it because it is a symbol of power.

Of course, it is not so easy to want to be the "Leader". Every family here is extraordinary in strength. As the old saying goes, there is no diamond, no porcelain work, and the "heroes" who want to be present must be highly regarded. Or, their family power must be greater than any one present, so that they can have this qualification and confidence to order others.

But there are not many families who can meet these two requirements, and Zheng Li is one of them. The Zheng family is the largest in the East China Sea. It has the greatest power and talents underneath. Zheng Li himself is also very prestigious in the Chinese family. It was again that he offered to make an alliance, and there seemed to be no reason for the crowd to refuse.

"Since the family leader Zheng is willing to provoke the beam, we will naturally not oppose it."

"Now all the families must cooperate sincerely. If anyone breaks through and breaks the union, it is the sinners of the entire Chinese family. Therefore, we will all obey the orders of the Zheng family master."

"Since you are helping, I am disrespectful." Zheng Lizuo said.

"Father, do you agree?" Ji Qian asked beside Ji Tao.

"This is only the case now. Although Zheng Li's move has become more than 10,000 people, he also bears the greatest risk. If there is an accident, the Zheng family will become the target of criticism. Those monsters are fierce and unstoppable. Only I hope that Zheng Li can really crack it. "

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