Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1751: Selective amnesia

If you want to find He Linghan, you have to travel back to the Qin Dynasty, but this is not the same as going to any part of the world. It is exactly two time and space. At first, he walked through the past stupidly, but now he walks back stupidly. ...

Ye Shikai forced himself to calm down. Since he can cross back, there must be a way to come back again. Think carefully. At the beginning, he was in the holy mountain, encountered a strong light, and then passed to the Qin Dynasty. Right, that is the strong light. Ye Shikai was so impressed that he immediately got his direction. There are too many incredible things in the sacred mountain ruins. If he returns to the sacred mountain again, chances are he will return to the Qin Dynasty.

But the ruins of the Holy Mountain are not ordinary sights. If it is not opened, no one can enter, and no one can predict the next opening time.

I changed my mind and thought, why did he wake up in that unknown tomb, and since he came back from there, would he be able to go back there too?

"That's right, that's the tomb." Ye Shikai stood up suddenly, scaring Zhang Ting's body.

喂 "Hey, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going outside."

等等 "Wait." Zhang Ting stopped him quickly and put away the instant noodles on the table. "You're going, I won't stop you, but at least you need to be full, don't eat these non-nutrition."

"The knife is not sharpened, and someone will come to see you in the afternoon. Even if you are going, don't worry so many hours, when you want to find something, I will look with you."

In the end, with the bitter advice of Zhang Ting, Ye Shikai finally calmed down.

"Well, now there are only two of us here, where have you been in the past two months." Zhang Ting intends to listen to him calmly and calmly, even if all this sounds "absurd", she tries to understand Perhaps this is true of him.

"I went to the Qin Dynasty, and I stayed there for two years." Ye Shikai explained, "In the two years since the 35th year of Emperor Qin Shihuang, there has been a problem with the rule of the imperial court. There are insurgents everywhere ..."

"Okay, okay, no more, I have failed in history." Zhang Ting waved her hand. She didn't want Ye Shikai to give her a "history lesson" here.

"Yes, can you do me a favor." Ye Shikai took out his original cell phone from the storage ring and handed it to Zhang Ting.

"This phone is worthless, but the videos and photos in it are important, but now it seems to be broken. Can you help me find a place to repair my phone?"

"Relax, just leave it to me." Zhang Ting nodded. There was a special repair method in the police station, and frankly, she also wanted to see the "evidence" that passed through her cell phone. If Ye Shikai was not lying, this is A shocking news.

"You and you got a wife there, called ... He Linghan, right?" Zhang Ting continued to ask.


"But you are already married, have you forgotten, Sister Chen is still pregnant now." Zhang Ting's words, like a head hit, Ye Shikai calmed down, but turned to decadence, went to Qin For so long, he has forgotten many people and things, but Chen Yuxin has never forgotten. Ye Shikai did love her, but marrying her is inexplicable. If she was not pregnant, Ye Shikai would never have her Married, although they have the status of husband and wife, they are only in name, this marriage is only a shackle and pain to him.

"I will be clear with her ..." After a long time, Ye Shikai was just like this.

"Is that clear? She is still pregnant with your child. It is really strange to get up. Now that you are pregnant, you should raise a baby at home. How can I not get through the phone."

"You can't get her through." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Yeah, the Chen Group didn't say where she went."

"Where did she go?" Ye Shikai murmured, there is only one place in the world that will lose contact with the outside world, and that is ruins.


At this moment, the door of the room was slowly opened. Ye Shikai turned his head and looked at each other. Gradually, his eyes were a little moist, and in front of him was a familiar and stranger.

"Linger." Ye Shikai could not help but say a word.

"Sister Su, you are finally here, I can't stand him anymore." Zhang Ting rushed forward as if she saw a savior.

"Commissioner Zhang, I want to thank you. He has been missing for two months. He has no news. Now he finally found it." Su Qingyu thanked again and again, and then went to Ye Shikai.

"Where have you been in the last two months? Everyone is looking for you." Su Qingyu was very pleased. It stands to reason that her current status should not be too concerned, but Ye Shikai disappeared for so long that she couldn't help it. She was angry, so when she heard the news from Zhang Ting, she rushed to Linxiang and cancelled the meetings in the group.


"What, who is Linger." Su Qingyu asked curiously, Ye Shikai shook his head sharply to clear his head. The person in front of him was Su Qingyu ~ ~ not He Linghan.

But then come back, the two are really too much like a mold carved out.

"Cough, long talk." Zhang Ting coughed twice and didn't want to explain for Ye Shikai. In the two months he disappeared, he unexpectedly married another wife, and according to his law, he married an ancient The woman is a wife.

"Brother, I'm here."

"Boss, I am also here." At this time, Ziyu and worms came in from outside, and they came with Su Qingyu.

"Who are you?" Ye Shikai looked at the man and woman in front of him, his expression looked a little confused.

"Don't you remember the two of them?" Su Qingyu was a little shocked. She had seen both Aster and Worm. She was also from the Hades. How could Ye Shikai not remember.

"Brother, are you kidding me?" Zi Yan exclaimed.

别 "Farewell, when I found him last night, he wouldn't remember me anymore. If it weren't for a photo in my phone, I'm afraid he wouldn't believe me." Zhang Ting explained.

"Did he have amnesia?" Su Qingyu asked in return.

"Not all of them, you should remember some, for example, he remembers your name."

咳 "Cough, no matter what, since he has amnesia, something must have happened, let's go to the hospital to check it first." Su Qingyu felt Ye Shikai's abnormality, and after two months of absence, he seemed to be a different person.

"No, I can't go, I still have to find Linger." Ye Shikai refused.

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