Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1732: Probe the news


"There is no internal response in the city. Even if you are in the city, it is not easy to inquire about the news. In addition, Yun Wen still does not intend to let us go. These days there are patrols moving around the city. We will not die, she will not give up. "

"This woman is too vicious, and turning her face is almost the same as usual." Mancang complained. "Why the sister-in-law has a hot head and went to find her actively. We should try to stop her at that time."

"Perhaps ... Xunzi was worried that when Yiwen was angry, she would kill Lao Ye, so she took the initiative to find her in exchange for Lao Ye's safety. Although we don't know where Xunzi is now, at least Lao Ye is still safe, and It's in the government. "Shang Guanjian analyzed. Xue Sanlai was very timely. With the person responsible for gathering information, some things can be made a lot easier.

"I contacted some of the original old ministries. They were all members of my original team. I took them into the city first, and established an intelligence base there. It would be best if I could find out where Xunzi was."

"I also have a lot of old ministries in the army. Although they have all been demoted, after all, there are a lot of people. If I go to persuade them, we will have our own troops." Both Shangguanjian and Mancang were in the army. Generals, of course, they have a lot of faith, and now they have reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. Of course, they hope to attract all available forces.

"No," Xue San said suddenly.

"what happened."

"This is absolutely impossible. Both of you have too high prestige in the army. Even if you are disguised and entering the barracks, even the soldiers may know you, and although your old ministries are quite large, it is because of this. If it is mixed with people who have already trusted in the protagonist, then we will all be exposed. "Xue San explained, thinking carefully, his words are very reasonable, people are unpredictable these days, especially when they have run out of water now However, there are only twenty or thirty people left, and how many people are willing to follow them down. Once the Wenwen knows their position, they will definitely send heavy soldiers to clean up. Not only will He Linghan not be rescued, he will be unable to protect himself.

The most important point of, when he was in the base, how did 芈 文 know their position, now it seems that there is only one explanation, that is, if there is only one of them, it is extremely fatal.

"You are waiting here, the more critical moments, the more patience you have, the things in the city will be left to me."

"Okay, Brother Xue, please be careful."


Linxiang City, the official government.

"What's wrong, you don't look very happy. The guard came to report today and said that you want to go out." Yun Wen sat beside Ye Shikai, but he was not interested at all. On the contrary, Ye Shikai was lying on the bed, leaning over as far as possible Staying away seemed extremely disgusted with her.

"If you are under house arrest, I'm afraid you will commit suicide directly." Ye Shikai taunted, waved his hand, and signaled that Wen Wen was leaving. "The phantom pupil you cast last time made me dizzy now, don't make me no more, let I take a break. "

"Don't be angry, I'll take you out after a while."

"I'm tired and sleepy now, you should hurry up." Ye Shikai cried impatiently, and 芈 文 had no choice but to leave him alone in the house.

"Blade soul, what kind of tricks is the phantom pupil, so powerful, I don't even have the slightest resistance." Ye Shikai asked secretly. Sogou Library

"It is probably a kind of pupillary technique. The source is not clear to me. After all, it has a long history, even before my birth, but from your reaction that day, it is definitely a mental attack, and The effect is very strong, if not for me to help you, your brain and nerves will be destroyed at that moment. "

"It's ... so powerful." Ye Shikai took a breath, and the scene of that day was still vivid in his eyes. As soon as Yun Wen started firing his phantom pupil, Ye Shikai fainted. He didn't even have time to react, and there was no resistance. power.

"This is of course. The mental attack is inevitable. It will cause damage to the brain. You haven't touched it before, so this time you will naturally fall into a coma.

"However, although the power of the phantom pupil is great, it also has great side effects on the user. Generally speaking, the user must have a strong internal force, and in addition, it must also bear the effect of backwash. It stands to reason that the text should also It ’s not enough to start the phantom pupil. Maybe, what tricks did she hide? ”Sword soul ’s explanation explained Ye Shikai's understanding, but she was also very worried. He could not prevent this trick. He still wins.

Ye Shikai, who was insomnia slowly, got up and walked to the window. He couldn't help but have He Linghan's figure in her head. She didn't know where she was or how she was at this moment.

The next day.

"Xie Xue, a prisoner did come in the dungeon recently, but the protagonist just ordered to clean up a clean room for the prisoner. We don't know who it is."

"What about the date?"

"Six days ago ~ ~ came early in the morning."

Xue San nodded silently. It was the time when He Linghan took the initiative to look for Yunwen six days ago. The environment in the dungeon was dirty and chaotic. They were all the most serious prisoners. They could let Yunwen personally order to clean the room. I'm afraid there is only He Linghan.

"Okay, little five, this time you helped me a lot." Xue San casually lost a few pieces of silver to the man in front of him.

"Hehe, where are you from, Xue, it ’s just a matter of convenience, but ... where have you been lately, Master Xue, why haven't you heard of anything in the rivers and lakes these days?"

"Haha, just go around, just ask you about these things this time to help me as a brother." Xue San didn't explain in detail. He looked to the dungeon in the distance from the window of the tea house. Since the last time Ye Shikai After breaking into the dungeon with the dark guard and rescued Chen Treasurer, the guard force here has also been strengthened a lot, and an arrow tower has been built on the periphery to watch the early warning. It is even more difficult to save people.

"Little five son, I may ask you for it in the future."

"Where is Grandpa Xue, as long as my youngest son is able to make a good effort, go to the sword and go down the sea of ​​fire, I will never die."

"Well, today's conversation between us, you can't tell anyone, you can't even tell someone you have met with me."

"This ... Ye Xue, what's wrong with you, the prisoner in this dungeon is not a simple character, you will not want to ..."

"Don't ask this, sometimes you know too much, but it's not a good thing."

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