Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1721: Stronghold exposure

Guards have been patrolling in the woods all the time. Most of them are Ye Shikai and Mancang's guards. As for the dark guards, they are all stationed in the stronghold.

"Leader, there is a team of sergeants in front of it, it looks like it should be here." A group of men in black are hiding in the woods, watching every move here.

"In this case, the information given by the detective is correct. You immediately go to the back camp to inform the host and let the large army advance."


The commander of the man in black beckoned gently. Several companions behind him slowly stepped forward, slowly approached from several directions, surrounded by a group of evil wolves, and their goal was the patrol in front of them.

"Do it."

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen men in black rushed up and were extremely fast. They all seemed to be cultivators. Although the guards were all warriors, they were still incapable of dealing with the cultivators, not to mention that Such a sudden attack.

Click, click.

The white blade went in, the red blade came out, and the sudden attack of the black man was very effective. A patrol team of twenty sergeants did not respond at all. The black man was obviously a professionally trained assassin.

"No, there are assassins." The leader of the patrol was once Ye Shikai's captain. He was very good and responded quickly, but he was not able to fight against the attacks of more than a dozen practitioners. In a blink of an eye, the man in black wiped his neck with a dagger. In anxiety, the captain of the patrol pulled the crossbow from his waist and shot towards the sky ...

Hey, bang.

The crossbow fired into the sky and exploded in the air. This is the signal arrow given by Ye Shikai, with a small piece of explosive tied to it. It only needs to be fired into the air, and the sound of the explosion is enough to make Fangyuan hear clearly.

"Oops." The black man's head saw this, and took his own hands, flashed in front of the patrol leader, pulled out a dagger and pierced his chest.

"Boss, what shall we do now?"

"Follow me, kill in, leave none."



"What's the situation." Ye Shikai quickly dressed, and He Linghan and he were both awake. He wanted to sleep, but he heard the explosion of signal arrows.

Ye Shikai jumped out, the patrol sergeant had already reacted, and the people who were resting also rose up, and the dark guards gathered in front of the house for the first time.

"What happened?" Ye Shikai asked loudly.

"The sound of a signal arrow came from the woods, something must have happened." Shang Guanjian hurriedly said.

"What, how can this be." Ye Shikai's mind was tight. The captain of the patrol was his former guard, with excellent skills, well-trained, and even an experienced veteran. If he sent a distress signal, it must be really dangerous .

"General, I'll take a team of sergeants to take a look in the woods." Mancang said on his own initiative.

"No, you and all the sergeants stay here, and the Dark Guard is with me." Ye Shikai waved his hands. If you meet a practitioner, ordinary sergeants may not be opponents.

"Fu Jun, what's wrong, is it dangerous?" At this time, He Linghan had already changed his clothes and walked out of the house.

"It seems that an enemy came in from the woods. I took the dark guard to take a look. Linger, you are here, don't leave." Ye Shikai turned his head and said, "Shangguan, Mancang, you also stay here. , When I come back, everyone is ready for defense. "


"Well." Qiankun


Ye Shikai led the dark guard into the woods, and just saw the men in black oncoming. Ye Shikai could feel that they were all cultivators. Although they were not top-notch, they were considered good hands. Here, there can be so many elite cultivators, only one person, that is, Wenwen, these people are her personal guards.

Here comes the obituary.

Ye Shikai was panicking. This was definitely not good news. To be precise, it was a big disaster. He did n’t know why Wenwen would know the location of the stronghold, but at this moment, he had no time to think.

"Kill me." Ye Shikai ordered in a cold voice. Hundreds of people on both sides slaughtered together, but it looked "spectacular." The battle between practitioners was less than five minutes long, and the ground was already full of dead bodies.

"Pluto King Secret-Shadow avatar." Ye Shikai launched the main divine skill, and dozens of "he" suddenly appeared in the huge woods. This kind of picture surprised everyone, and the situation of the war turned to one side.

ten minutes later.

"Sir, everyone has been killed, there is no living."

"These men are extraordinary, and they are all cultivators. They must be people of obituaries, and how many people have the Dark Guard lost." Ye Shikai asked.

"Thirty-three people were killed, more than ten were seriously injured, and now they can still fight ... about eighty." Ye Shikai counted the number of people, and the loss was not small. After all, the number of opponents was not a small number. I am afraid that more people will be lost.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

After the battle, Ye Shikai's mind was awake a lot, but it was also very confused ~ ~ The incident happened too suddenly, he had no precautions, if the obituary really came, then this stronghold cannot stay any longer Already.

"Sir, look there." Suddenly, a dark guard pointed to the distance, and in the distance of the woods, a group of people appeared faintly. From the perspective of the shadow, this person was absolutely indispensable. Ye Shikai felt faintly Shaking, this is ... Chu Jun.

"I'm going, you go back and inform Shang Guanjian, let him gather everyone, prepare for defense, a large number of Chu army arrived."


"Others, as I entered the woods, there were many organs in it, and we wanted to delay as much as possible." Ye Shikai ordered.



Woods, entrance.

"Sir, according to the information returned by the boss, this is the entrance. Go straight along and it is the stronghold."

"General Huo." Wu Wen rode on a war horse and looked coldly at the forest in front of her, a proud smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and Ye Shikai's hiding place was finally seen by her, and it was so fast.

"The end will be."

"You personally lead 5,000 sergeants and attack me. If you meet someone, you will kill it."

"Master, but General Ye ..." Huo Ziqing hesitated a bit. He and Ye Shikai were very close to each other. Frankly, he really couldn't bear to do anything with Ye Shikai.

"Why do you want to defy my military order."

"Don't dare."

"Then quickly execute the order, I will give you half an hour."

"Well." After that, Huo Ziqing took the five thousand heavy guards into the woods.

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