Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1708: Escape

"Then you will send an army to razor the ground there and kill everyone, won't you?" Ye Shikai sneered, and Lu Wen will do it because He Linghan is there, and Lu Wen will be removed soon after, because once He Linghan is dead, then Ye Shikai may accept the scriptures.

Ye Wen didn't answer. She was acquiescent. Ye Shikai believed that she would ask again and knocked until she got an answer. It did n’t matter if she did n’t get it. After all, Ye Shikai was now in her control.

In recent days, Yun Wen has been on the verge of mental breakdown every day. The last thing she regrets is that He Linghan didn't cut off the grass before the wedding.

"Yunwen, I actually understand you quite well. If it wasn't Linger, maybe I would really accompany you." Ye Shikai murmured, "I might as well tell you a secret until now."

"You say it."

"Actually, I am not from this era." Ye Shikai continued, "I am from the future more than two thousand years later."

"Well, do you think I'm a three-year-old child?" Yun Wen sneered. "I would believe such a ridiculous thing."

"This is true, I didn't lie to you." Ye Shikai also knew that it was not so easy to persuade Wen Wen, let alone such a thing.

"From the perspective of outsiders, practitioners are like human beings. I really come from two thousand years later." Ye Shikai tried to explain.

"You sent someone to investigate me before, but you can't find my previous information. That's because I didn't exist in this era before, so you can't find me."

"What I said is true, you believe me."

"It's true, it's nothing. You tell me so much, what's the use, I can't let you go." Qi Wen said coldly, seemingly not interested in all of this.

"I was married in my era, that is, getting married. Although we separated afterwards, but ..." Ye Shikai took out his mobile phone from the storage ring. The ordinary mobile phone is probably broken for a year or two. Even if it is not bad, it will be out of power for a long time, but the contents of the storage ring will not be damaged, plus he has not used it much, so the mobile phone is "new as ever".

Turning on the phone, there are many photos and dense memos in it. These are his notes. After he came to the Qin Dynasty, many modern memories began to pass away. Ye Shikai also realized this, so he "backed up" A moment.

Ye Shikai opened the mobile photo album, and drawn a picture from it. It was a photo of him and Su Qingyu. To be precise, it was a wedding photo of the two. At the beginning, Ye Shikai returned to Yanjing from abroad. One hundred were unwilling, so Su Qingyu also froze with a cold face when taking a wedding photo. For this reason, after the two fell in love, in order to make up for this regret, the two took a wedding photo again. Both laughed this time.

I was the first time I saw a cell phone, and I was a little scared. This thing even glowed, and there were pictures on it.

"This woman, isn't she Ho." Asked Wen Wen instead.

"It's not her. Look at this dress, it was what we wore in that era." Ye Shikai pointed out. In the photo, Ye Shikai was wearing a suit, while Su Qingyu was wearing a white wedding dress, just like a heavenly girl.

"So, she and He are two people, but they look exactly the same."

"Yes." Ye Shikai nodded and said, "At that time, I was illuminated by an unknown light, and in this blink of an eye, I came to this era, and fell near the village of Sheung Shui in Hanoi."

"When I woke up, I found out that a band of robbers was robbing the villagers, and I rescued them, among them ... Linger." Ye Shikai murmured, but did not notice that Yun Wen's face was turning blue.

"Enough, just because of this, do you love her? Am I worse than her?" Su Wen suddenly shouted and pushed away. If it wasn't for Ye Shikai's defense, her mobile phone would be "destroyed" by her. Already. Peerless Tangmen fo

"This is fate."

"Is n’t it fate that you and I met, she just appeared a little earlier than me." Ye Wen naturally felt unconvinced when hearing this, but then again, crossing this kind of thing is already ridiculous. After crossing I met another woman who looks exactly like my ex-wife. This probability is infinitely close to zero. Ye Shikai and He Linghan can meet each other, and they can only be explained by fate.

"Yunwen, don't you really want to let me go." Ye Shikai was silent for a while, and suddenly said something.

"If I can't get you, I will never let you come back to her."

"All right." Ye Shikai sighed and glanced out of the window.


As soon as Ye Shikai's words fell, the carriage stopped.

"Who asked you to stop." Wu Wen saw this, and immediately said ~ ~ Haizhu, there is a group of people in front, blocking the way. "The guards in charge of driving said, at the same time, dozens of guards have put on a defensive posture. Now it is midnight, and there is a curfew, and people are not allowed to take to the streets.

"Who are you, let them go." The guard stepped forward, trying to drive the black men in front of him.

Bang, bang, bang.

Suddenly, tongues of fire burst out in the dark, and the horse was frightened. His voice was noisy. It was Ye Shikai's familiar sound of guns, rather, the sound of submachine guns.

More than a dozen dark guards suddenly took out their assault rifles and fired at Yu Wen's guard. Everyone was unprepared and never saw such a "weapon." Even practitioners were shot to the ground and killed in a blink of an eye. More than twenty people.

"Save the Lord."

"Save my lord."

More than a dozen men in black jumped off the roofs on both sides, each holding a short knife, rushing into the guard and fighting with the guards. They were all dark guards, well-trained, plus Already ambush, caught offense by surprise.

"Goodbye, goodbye."

"You don't want to leave."

"Pluto King-Shadow clone."

Wu Wengang just grabbed Ye Shikai's arm, and another figure had sprang out of the carriage. Ye Shikai originally jumped out of the carriage and solved several guards with his bare hands.

"Fast, get away." Ye Shikai shouted, more than twenty dark guards took out a "black jar" from his arms, pulled out the pull ring, and threw it vigorously in the direction of the convoy. Within seconds, a burst of smoke erupted From then on, the entire bazaar was shrouded in white smoke, and Wenwen stepped out of the carriage, but there was thick smoke from the smoke bombs around him, and he could not see the people in front of him at all.

The smoke cleared, and the entire street fell into silence. Except for the bodies of more than 20 guards, there was no one on the ground, and Ye Shikai and An Wei disappeared.

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