Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1705: Sneak into Linxiang

He Linghan very much agrees with Ye Shikai's plan. This time, she did not object. This surprised Ye Shikai. After all, they finally found a place here. Now they must return to the obituary's nest.

"The shopkeeper Chen is a good person. He was dragged down by us before he went to jail. He will suffer a lot in prison." He Linghan continued. "In addition, you also said that he knows this place. If he really told Lu Wen, then We are all going to die. "

"Indeed, this is very tricky." Ye Shikai nodded and said, Chen Treasurer is his friend, and the person who can be trusted by Ye Shikai will naturally not be a person who sells friends for glory, but Chen Treasurer is not a security guard after all, and can survive severe punishment Torture, he is just an ordinary person. Anyone has a psychological defense. Since Wen Wen arrested him, it was concluded that there was a connection between him and Ye Shikai. Therefore, Wen Wen will use all means to obtain information from the mouth of Chen.

If Chen Treasurer really said this, then the Anxiongzi, who finally had a hard time, would have to be wiped out ...

The next day.

Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian took twenty dark guards to operate together. Before leaving, naturally they needed to disguise themselves and pulled out three carriages from the stronghold. They all pretended to be merchants selling groceries, Shang Guanjian took the lead, and Ye Shikai dressed as The coachman and the dark guard are the guys who help.

"General, don't you really need me to accompany me?" Mancang was a bit uneasy. He wanted to follow, but was rejected by Ye Shikai. Now they can be said to be "wanted criminals", and Linxiang City is also a obituary. The old nest is well guarded, and there should be fewer and fewer people accompanying him. In addition, He Linghan is here. Ye Shikai needs a confidant to stay here to rest assured. Mancang is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"Okay, you can't have too many people in this operation. You will be led here to stay. This is also an order. This stronghold has taken me months to build, and you must show it to me."

"Of course. General, you can rest assured. I will take care of the rest of the brothers here."

The time was tight, and everyone didn't dare to delay. The genius just left and arrived at Linxiang City at noon.

"Stop, who are you." At the north gate, the crowd was stopped by the gatekeeper.

"What's wrong, skinny monkey. If you don't see me for a few days, you don't know me."

"General Shangguan, how are you?" The officer called "Skin Monkey" saw the person with a shock on his face and saw no one around him, and then whispered.

"Now there are notices posted in the city. I want you and General Ye, who can catch alive. The bounty is five thousand two. Tens of thousands of troops are looking for people outside every day, and even training ca n’t be considered. You've left Chudi, why are you back? "

"It's hard to say a word. There are important things when we enter the city. You can make it convenient."

"Of course this is okay. As long as General Shangguan said a word, my skinny monkey would go to the sword and go down the sea of ​​fire, and never die."

"Okay, we went to the city to do something, and we left soon."

With the help of Neiying, everyone entered the city very easily. Of course, the pastry shop cannot go directly. They also need a "transit station". There are some secret guards in the city responsible for investigation. Their residence is the best place.

Government House, in an abandoned warehouse opposite.

"My lord, this is the case. Now the shopkeeper Chen has been put in prison."

"Is there any troop movement inside or outside the city?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"Master Uighur, there is no transfer of soldiers and horses."

"It seems that Yun Wen does not yet know the exact location of the stronghold, that is, Chen Treasurer did not recruit." Ye Shikai breathed a long sigh of relief. If Chen Treasurer truthfully explained, then according to the character of Yun Wen, he would definitely lead Tens of thousands of troops broke through their strongholds.


"We need to act soon." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Lao Ye, the guard is the weakest in the middle of the night. We nourish our energy during the day. If we hit at night, we will be able to successfully rescue people." Shang Guanjian said.

"Okay, let's do it at night." Ye Shikai nodded and turned to look at the dark guard behind him. "Do you have a map of prison."

"This ... subordinates are incompetent. This prison is also ordinary and special. Ordinary prisons are only used to hold ordinary prisoners, while special prisons are under the prisons and heavily guarded, and only those with documents can enter. We ... really can't get in. "

"The shopkeeper Chen must have been detained there." Ye Shikai had already expected that the place where Chen shopkeeper was detained must be well guarded and difficult to penetrate. Because of this, it was necessary to plan thoroughly, but now it seems ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ unknown is the biggest difficulty.

"Soul Calibur, you have a sense of God, can you detect it for me?"

"Okay, let me see it for you." Sword soul didn't refuse, Ye Shikai was a little easier. With its help, there should be no problem.

"Wait, there's an anomaly underneath the prison." Before long, Soul Calibur suddenly said, "After entering the consciousness, it was swallowed and twisted, it was completely dark, and I couldn't see it."

"How could this be."

"It must be a seal. A seal is set underneath the prison, which can shield all the senses, just like a signal jammer. The signal cannot enter, and naturally it cannot sense everything below."

"Yunwen is the royal family of the Chu Kingdom. He is proficient in cultivation, and the seal technique must have been passed down with the royal family." Ye Shikai analyzed that this seal technique has also been seen by him. It seems that Chen Yuxin's family has similar.

"So it seems that she had expected me to come. If someone in the city was going to rescue Chen, there would be no one except me."

"Shit boy, now that you already know, do you still plan to save people?" Sword soul asked, "Aren't you Huaxia people saying the old saying," I know that there are tigers in the mountains, and they prefer to go to the tiger mountains. "

"Yi Wen knew that I would come to save people, so I must have laid the Tianluodi net, but even so, I would have to kill a way." Ye Shikai said coldly, "This person, I will definitely save."

"At present, the only thing that Chen Treasurer can threaten you is that he knows the location of the stronghold. Besides, you and him are just ordinary friends."

"what do you mean……"

"Find him and kill him and let that secret rot in his stomach. Both you and the Dark Guard are cultivators. It is easy to escape from Linxiang City, but if you bring an ordinary person, it will greatly increase the risk. . "

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