Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1590: Riverside conversation

Using the way of soldiers, attacking the heart is the top, attacking the city is the bottom, the people ’s hearts are unchanged, and the social order is still the best result. If the strategy is to kill the people in the city and turn it into a **** on earth, he would rather not attack the city. It is also helpless to let the original county decrees continue to govern. For one, Ye Shikai is a general who can attack the city slightly, but he has no ability to govern the county. The two are also for the stability of the people.

"When a large army enters the city, it must not disturb the people, nor must it break into the houses, rob people's wealth, hurt lives, and if there is, don't be lenient." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Rest assured, I have let the generals of each battalion inform you. Lao Ye, you are strict in governing the army. You have already contracted three chapters before entering the city. I think the sergeants did not dare to presumptuously." Shang Guanjian nodded in response.

"It's better to pay more attention to it. We managed to establish an image. Don't let a piece of rat feces ruin a pot of porridge." Ye Shikai was still a bit uneasy. In ancient wartime chaos, it was really possible to achieve the same force as the autumn. So Ye Shikai was very worried.

"I understand."

The 20,000 army quickly moved into the barracks in the city. If they did n’t live enough, they lived outside the city. On the day they entered the city, there was really no sergeant chaos. The people in Deng County praised the strict discipline of the rebels, which made Ye Shikai a little relieved. some.


"This time we overtook Deng County, we didn't cost a single soldier, and we let the five thousand Qin army surrender. We screened and compiled three thousand sergeants, including five hundred cavalry. In addition, the materials and money in the city were all returned. In the statistics. "Shang Guanjian passed the statistics of his subordinates to the table.

"The situation of these materials must be reported to the principal, how much gold and silver jewelry is placed in the treasury. This is not something we should care about. I am curious about the three thousand sergeants. What is the situation, I want to listen to the details."

"Speaking of this, I have to complain to you, Lao Ye. After we arrived at the barracks, we found out that among the 5,000 Qin Army, one-fourth were 14-year-old dolls, and the equipment was not complete. People are wearing thick cloth around their waists as protection. Where is the army, so we will abolish them all. "

"You did it right, it should be like this." Ye Shikai nodded in response. If a unit used even fourteen or five-year-old children, it would not be far from the annihilation of the whole army. What can these children do on the battlefield? It is clear that he is going to die.

"What about the 3,000 people you adapted, there will be no young or old."

"Rest assured, I only have young adults."

"Qin Jun used even his 14-year-old and 15-year-old children, it seems that it is not far from the country of death." A general next to him said with a smile.

"Yeah, it seems easy to conquer Nanyang this time."

Ye Shikai was not angry when they saw the crowd. They are all battle-hardened people. Although they now look proud, they will not belittle the enemy on the battlefield.

"One more thing, the prince heard that we conquered Deng County and praised the army for 5,000 silver and hundreds of fine wines."



"I had anticipated this for a long time, everyone, let's conquer Deng County. This is our first battle since our army entered Nanyang. The protagonist trusts us and gives us this opportunity to" open the door ", and I hope you will not relax. The next battle is the tough battle. "




On the bank of a river ten miles outside Deng County, Ye Shikai brought the guards here, and Lu Wen was sitting on a boat and cooking fragrant tea.

"The last time there were assassinations, you dare to take me to this place to drink tea." Ye Shikai got off the horse and got on the boat, said lightly.

"Drink tea first." Wu Wen did not answer, smiled slightly, and handed the tea cup up.

"Thank you." Ye Shikai drank the hot tea.

"Rest assured, if there are assassins coming this time, it's self-throwing."

Ye Shikai's internal forces were running. He could feel that many people were ambush near the boat, and there were even people underwater, but they were not assassins, but the guards of the obituary.

"Okay, then I can drink tea with peace of mind."

The two chatted for a while. Ye Shikai looked around. The river was flowing from north to south, and from south to north. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his head. If a sergeant could be carried on a wooden boat, it might be able to go both on land and water. It's not rush, but you can travel day and night. With this flow rate, you can reach Wancheng in three days and two nights. If you travel by land, it will take at least one week, and there are several cities. To reach Wancheng, you need one city. Yizhai dozen.

"What are you thinking about?" A sentence from Yiwen made Ye Shikai come back to God.

"No ... nothing."

"Let's get something right," said Wen Wenfeng. "Talk about your conquest of Deng County this time."

"In fact, there is nothing to say. The county commander of Deng County is weak in character, surrounded by enemy forces several times his own, and surrender is sooner or later. However, I used other methods to advance his surrender, that's all. Ye Shikai said lightly.

"You laid down Deng County in half a day. As soon as I led the army, you had already done everything. This is the first effort to start a war."

"You shouldn't just praise me when you come this time ~ ~ Let's talk, the next step is planned."

"A decisive battle with the Qin Army."

"This is not a good decision." Ye Shikai heard this, frowning, and said coldly, the two armies were in the wilderness, killing the enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred. Ye Shikai's least favorite was this kind of battle. A "meat grinder", not to mention, in terms of overall strength, the insurgents do not have an advantage. They should not fight hard for strength, and should avoid such **** battles.

"I didn't want to, but ... Qin Jun won't let me get everything done, let me tell you the truth, I have received information that 50,000 Qin Jun have assembled in Zhaohe, intending to raid our army, if I do not take the initiative , They will also come to fight, so ... rather than miss the fighter, it is better to take the initiative to wipe out the Qin army. "

"Zhao He is not far from Deng County, you tell me this, wouldn't you want to ..."

"This time, I've got you working."

Sure enough, Dao Wen told him to come to the river for tea, which must be a more important task.

"Frankly, I have no experience in commanding a battle of tens of thousands of people. The last battle with the Qin Army was in Dongjun. My subordinates were defeated by the Qin Army. The wolf was like a rabbit with a burned tail."

"Last time you were trying to save people, how could 10,000 people be the opponent of the 90,000 Qin Army, and the commander is still your old superior, Han Hao, but this time is different, we have the advantage, and it is not a problem to wipe them out. . "

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