Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1588: Behind closed doors

"Obviously, at noon tomorrow, all the sergeants will line up in front of the city gate, ready to go, and take seven days of food and grass to go to Deng County." Ye Shikai took out a dagger and inserted it directly into Deng County on the map. The generals are all excited, and the war is imminent, and they must be up and down with their enemies.

After an hour, the generals dispersed and returned to camp to prepare for their departure tomorrow.

"Lao Ye, this marching route is exactly the route we went south on that day." Shang Guanjian pointed to the line drawn on the map and murmured.

"That's right. At first, our brothers were chased and killed by Qin Jun. They were constantly attributable. After trying to get rid of it, they went south from this route and entered South County. This was their life." Ye Shikai nodded his head. Speaking, I do n’t know if it ’s a godsend. This army ’s offensive line is very similar to his original escape route. I hope the ending will not be the same ...

"You have analyzed before. If you can end the battle within a month, our army's victory is 70%. Now the Lord wants to make a quick decision. Isn't this the best arrangement?"

"Yes, that's right, the three brothers Xue also sent information. There are no signs of troop deployment in the Central Plains. I think it is because the war has not yet broken out, so we must make good use of this time."

"No wonder, I don't agree with the strategy of besieging the siege. Just now I was curious why you have become so impatient this time that you have to quickly attack Deng County."

"To put it bluntly, the situation is compelled. If we have enough time, how can I be stupid enough to attack fast, so although I can overcome the city, but the loss is not small, and if we siege the city for three months, even if we do not fight, they It is time to break out of water and food, and surrender. "Ye Shikai turned sharply and sighed," Unfortunately, time is not good for us. "

"Lao Ye, you don't need to worry so much. I think the protagonist seems to care about your words. If you go to persuade and give directions, she will definitely listen."

"I hope so." Ye Shikai suddenly turned around, looked at Shangguanjian, and asked inquisitively, "Shangguan, what do you think of the protagonist?"

"This ... Although the protagonist is a female stream, but he is from the Kings of Chu, who is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and understands the political means of men. He also has a good idea in his heart. It's not too much to describe. "Shang Guanjian said faintly, he is not a joke person, these are his heart words, it seems that he has a high evaluation of the scriptures, even using the word" hero "to describe.

"Yes, you are right. The protagonist can develop the power into this way. It can be described as a hero in the world. If she wants to talk about strategy, she is not lacking, but ..."

"Lao Ye, do you have anything to say?"

"Forget it, nothing." Ye Shikai waved his hand. "Shangguan, we will start tomorrow. At that time, there are big and small things to deal with. The night is dark. You go back to rest first."

"Okay, I'll retire."


The next day.

"Lao Ye, although the small town of Deng County is short, if you want to attack it, you ca n’t do it with war horses and armored soldiers. We need to wait until the siege equipment arrives under the city. But we are now leading the army so fast. It's behind. "Shang Guanjian advised. As soon as the army set off, Ye Shikai ordered the army to go at full speed. Shang Guanjian thought it was a bit risky.

"Shangguan, you know what the best strategy is to fight." Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"What is it."

"Bad soldiers without a fight, our army arrived in Deng County in the blink of an eye. How could its generals know that we did not bring siege equipment, those people are wine bags and rice bags, and we will arrive so fast that they will definitely think that we are potential If you have to get it, just order people. They may not dare to fight us. If they can surrender, we can take down the city without a single soldier. In this way, for us, for them, for the people in the city. It's a good thing, "Ye Shikai explained.

"Lao Ye, I see what you mean."

Xundeng County is a hundred and twenty miles away from Wuxian County. It would have taken more than a day. In just half a day, 20,000 troops arrived under Deng County. He was aggressive and untiring.

"The army camped outside the city and surrounded all four gates. The drums of war must be constantly moving and the drums must not be stopped. The sergeants must also build their momentum and create a posture that is about to attack the city." Ye Shikai ordered Road.

"Oh, subordinates understand."

Qi Ye Shikai sat in the camp and issued orders to all levels. Although the army arrived "in a hurry," everything was in order.

"Full position, you go to the city and call the battlefield. Remember, you ca n’t use radicals but threaten them. These generals are timid like rats. You use radicals to do nothing. On the contrary, if you use both hard and soft, they will open the city Surrender. "Ye Shikai instructed.

"That's it, subordinates understand."

After an hour.

"Shangguan, how did they react?" Ye Shikai asked.

"What's the reaction ~ ~ Keep the gate closed, the strong bow and crossbow have been set up on the city wall, so far I haven't seen their defender, asshole, is a group of shrinking turtles." .

"Don't worry, if I were them, the gates would be closed. Their purpose is to delay time, but I will never let them succeed." Ye Shikai said coldly.

怎么 样 "What happened to the full warehouse."

别 "Don't mention it, my throat is almost shouting. I asked a captain to continue calling for him." Shang Guanjian walked back and forth anxiously "Lao Ye, what shall we do next."

"It seems that relying on a few ruthless words on our lips will not scare them, we must act."

"Wait for this general." At this time, Xue San suddenly entered the camp, and he was ordered by Ye Shikai to go to Wancheng to inquire about Qin Jun's information. He heard Ye Shikai arrived in Deng County and immediately returned. Already.

"Xue San, how do you know I want to use you." Ye Shikai's mouth slightly raised, patted his shoulder, motioned him to sit down.

"I received a military order from the general one day in advance, so the general must have asked me to come back and help conquer Deng County." Xue Sanzuo said.

"You're right. I originally hoped that Deng Xianshou would know some current affairs, but he was not expected to fight behind closed doors, so I sent a letter a day in advance to let the three brothers Xue come to Deng County Now it seems that the time is just right, "Ye Shikai said lightly.

"General, make it clear what tasks you have. I ’m Xue San still saying that, go to the fire, and never die."

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