Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1571: Arrive in Changsha

In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, the insurgent forces were around, and even when there was a county, there were several forces. They occupied the city as king, and Changsha County was naturally inevitable. Before the scriptures did not start, Changsha County had the Qin Dynasty ’s government office. Two insurgent forces, and these forces took refuge in her after Yu Wen's uprising. A big reason is that she has money, food, and weapons, and Yu Wen is not just a bag of money. To some extent, She is an excellent leader. The reason why she was able to quickly expand her forces and defeat the local Qin Dynasty government was because she had included a large number of insurgents.

Many people do not necessarily represent strength, but the cleverness of the scriptures is here. She has compiled a large number of insurgents. First, they replaced their commander generals with their cronies, and then the old, weak, and sick in the general. He was afraid of the expulsion of the deceased, and the remaining young adults were strictly trained and managed in an orderly manner, and the army's combat effectiveness was greatly improved.

Furthermore, under the banner of "rejuvenating the country of Chu", the scriptures were supported by many people in Chu. From the noble wealthy merchants to the local old Chu people, they did not accept the administration of the court. After the fight, they turned the corner. In just one month, Changsha County became the "old nest" of the scriptures. Compared with other counties and counties that are in war, Changsha can be regarded as a paradise.

Changsha, Linxiang City.

"It's really prosperous here." Ye Shikai led his army into the city and couldn't help but sigh.

"Grandpa, would you like to see this fine silk, buy some for your wife."

Qi Ye Shikai stopped in front of a shop with a lot of fine satin and cloth in it. She reached out and tried it, and it was really good to touch.

"Let ’s take a look, it's not that I'm talking nonsense. Even the clothes of the county's family members are all my family's supplies." The shop owner said, pointing to a piece of satin.

"Yes, yes, shop, wrap them all up."

"Success, Grandpa, wait a minute, I will send the shop buddies to your house right away." The shop owner greeted the buddies and loaded the satin and cloth.

"General, my brethren rushed to Linxiang all the way, it was very hard. At the end, he asked if I could take a day off for my brethren." Mancang stepped forward and asked.

"Yeah, we haven't stopped since the beginning of Dongjun. It's too hard. Now that we come to Linxiang, we can find a place to settle." Ye Shikai nodded and said, "I don't have any opinions. In addition, each The brothers sent two or two pieces of money and asked them to buy something to eat and drink. "

Ye Shikai's administration of the army has always been strict, but to be honest, after starting the army in Dongjun, his brethren have not stopped and risked their lives. Ye Shikai feels guilty, so he has no opinion on the proposal of Mancang.

"Hey, the end will thank the brethren for the generals."

I heard Ye Shikai's "holiday", these brethren also showed a rare smile, as if a tight string, relaxed when disconnected.

Li Linxiang county magistrate also ushered in, and Ye Shikai stepped forward to meet him.

"This must be the prestigious General Ye. In the next Sun Feng, it is the Linxiang County Order."

"Fortunately." Ye Shikai said first.

"The principal has already ordered, since General Ye has arrived in Linxiang County, as a county magistrate, I can't wrong the brothers. The barracks have been resettled, and General Ye can live with the brothers."

"Thank you, Mr. Sun, for your good intentions, thank you very much."

"Haha, the protagonist has a very high opinion of General Ye, and even said that you can be a world famous person like Meng Tian."

"It's nothing but a compliment, and I have never concealed it. I have also been a general under Meng Tian, ​​and I know his strategy is far-reaching."

"General Ye, I have prepared a mansion for you, please come with me."

"Thank you."

After arriving at the "mansion" that Sun Feng said, Ye Shikai couldn't help but be shocked. Compared with the "mansion" in East County, this mansion is not only small, but also more luxuriously decorated. Many of the calligraphy and painting decorations, Ye Shikai, who did not know these, also saw that these decorations were expensive, and the house also arranged housekeepers and servants, and even the bed sheets were paved, which could be regarded as "bag-in check-in."

怎么 样 "Well, General Ye is still satisfied. If there is any poor care in the next place, please forgive me."

"Master Sun is so polite, frankly, I traveled south from East County to eat and sleep all the way, avoiding the pursuit of the Qin army, and I have a place where I can settle down. I am satisfied with the mansion that Master Sun prepared for me. It ’s a paradise on earth. ”Ye Shikai said politely, Sun Feng would be so attentive to him, 80% because of the scriptures. Since ancient times, the debt of love is the most difficult to pay. Ye Shikai owes the scriptures again, but ... At the barracks, she stabbed Ye Shikai, so that was offset.

"General Ye is satisfied. I have prepared a banquet in Fuchu, and I ’ll clean the air for General Ye and his wife in the evening. Please enjoy it."

"of course."


"Linger, what do you think of this place, are you still satisfied?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Of course, in a troubled world, there is such a place to settle, I am very satisfied ~ ~ He Linghan nodded." Grandpa is also very satisfied, but he is old, from East County Going south, I suffered a lot of sin along the way. "

"Linger, we will not run again in the future." Ye Shikai took her into his arms and said softly. He was very ashamed of He Linghan. As a husband, he should not let his wife travel for thousands of miles for his decision. Killing, this time will definitely leave an indelible memory for He Linghan, and even a shadow in his heart.

"Now we have gone to 芈 文, and we must fight in the future."

"Relax, I'll be fine." Ye Shikai stroked her head lightly, and now he has the internal strength, even in the face of a siege by thousands of people, he is at ease, without any panic, and naturally won't worry about death.

Hey, hey, hey.

At this time, a sudden footsteps suddenly came from outside, and Ye Shikai instinctively turned his head to look at the door.


"It's Xue San, what's the matter." Ye Shikai heard the voice of those who came and opened the door.

"Falling generals, something happened."

"Let's go to the lobby and say."

Xie Yeshikai's heart sank. If it was not an urgent matter, Xue San would not be able to "break in" into his room to report.

"What the hell."

"On the bazaar just now, our sergeant drank alcohol and had a quarrel with the local trader. During the beatings on both sides, our sergeant accidentally ... killed someone."

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