Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1569: indignant

"What do you mean." Ye Shikai faintly had a bad hunch.

"Take the move." Yan Wen also said that "there isn't much talk about people." As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled out his sword and pointed at Ye Shikai's neck. He wouldn't keep it at all. If he didn't dodge, I'm afraid this The neck was pierced, and in anxiety, Ye Shikai pulled out his sword and took a body to hide, blocking the sword's blade.

"Hey, you want to kill me." Ye Shikai stared at Jian Feng, only a few centimeters away from his eyes. If he shot a little later, he would become blind even if he didn't die.

"carry on."

Ye Wen didn't stop at all, holding the sword in his backhand, and after turning around, he got rid of Ye Shikai's imprisonment and stabbed with a sword.


The two swords collided together, and a dazzling spark came out. Ye Shikai's sword was gifted to him by Meng Tian. Although it is not a peerless sword, it is also a superb tool. It is extremely sharp and cuts iron. Of course, his There are mortal knives, You Xijian and other peerless treasures in the storage ring, but he does not plan to take them out. Both weapons are called "big killers", and the suffocation is too heavy. The 芈 文 is only testing him. Ye Shikai does not want to be injured by mistake. In addition, You Xijian is the sabre of Qin's famous general Wu Anjun. If he is noticed after taking it out, he will definitely get into trouble.

"Your swordsmanship is good." Yun Wen stared at Ye Shikai, his voice sounding serious.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"It's just that your swordsmanship is very strange, unlike ordinary soldiers' swordsmanship. On the contrary, your swordsmanship is somewhat similar to mine. It should be the secret of practicing the swordsmanship of the family." Ye Wenkai analyzed this, Ye Shikai I do n’t understand. Before, in modern times, he did n’t learn swordsmanship carefully. After all, he never touched this when he was dragon teeth, but he only used the sword after practicing.

"You are from Jixian County, and all signs show that you are a nobleman of the state of Yan."

"Either aristocracy or civilians, does it matter? The prince will be a prime minister, it ’s better to be kind." Ye Shikai waved his hand. He is a modern man, thinking that everyone is equal. Where does it matter so much, even in modern times? The children who practice the family may not be capable, and the children of the Xun family are not a few. For example, the son of the king of the Yanjing family is a typical "beautiful child." Now he can rely on the power of the Wang family for a moment of prestige. For ten or thirty years, the Wang family is bound to decline because of him.

"Of course it does matter. The commoner civilians are vulgar and shallow. As long as they can feed and warm them, it doesn't matter who they are selling their lives for. If they talk about the right path in the world, where will they understand this?" Wenwen said coldly.

"It ’s easy to eat and eat warmly, but there is no other king who can do it." Ye Shikai smiled suddenly, very ironically. If the people can eat and eat warmly, this is already It is the heyday of the peace, and where will it be like now, the chaos is everywhere, and the war is fierce.

"Of course you can, as long as I master the world, I will be able to reverse this troubled world." Wu Wen said firmly.

"If there is one day, I hope you can say it. If one day, you also become a tyrant, I will certainly fight back."

Ye Wen clenched her sword, perhaps Ye Shikai's words provoked her, and there was a strong "killer" in the air.

"Look at the sword."


Ye Shikai pulled out his sword to block it. However, just after the sword was unsheathed, it was cut in half by the scriptures. Seeing this situation, Ye Shikai never dared to care about it any more. .

In anxiety, Ye Shikai operated the internal force and took out the metal sword from the storage ring. This sword was made by the ghost with good materials and was indestructible.

However, Ye Shikai forgot that Yun Wen was also a cultivator. The sword pierced and felt only a strong internal force coming.


Ye Shikai was unprepared, and did not expect that Yun Wen would die. Only 40% of the internal force was used, and Jian Wen's Jian Feng could not be blocked at all. The strong energy directly knocked him out and hit him on the back. Above the stage.

Before he could react, Yi Wen stabbed with a sword, Ye Shikai could not escape, Jian Feng easily penetrated his armor and penetrated his body. Not only that, the long sword also penetrated his body. He stabbed him from the back and "nailed" him directly to the desk.

There was a sharp pain at the wound. Although this level of injury was not experienced by Ye Shikai, after all, it was penetrated through the body, and the suffering of the flesh was indispensable.

He did not expect that Wu Wen would be so fierce, nor did she think that her cultivation was so profound. In the past battles, even if Ye Shikai did not use all his internal forces, at least he could support it for a while, but this time, only three moves It was defeated, so it can be seen that the cultivation of Yi Wen should be above him.

"You ... are you okay."

Ye Shikai slowly opened his eyes, but what caught his eyes was Panwen's flustered face.

"What do you say?" Ye Shikai was very helpless. He hurriedly operated the internal force to protect his heart. Although this sword penetrated his body, fortunately it did not hurt the internal organs. The pain was a little more painful. These wounds will soon heal.

"I ... I'm ... I'm sorry ..." Wu Wen quickly stood up, anxious and overwhelmed, Ye Shikai could see that she was really panic ~ ~ At least two people have known each other for so long, This was the first time she had shown such a panic.

"You have a little patience."

Yi Wen pressed Ye Shikai's body and pulled out his sword. Blood immediately poured out of the wound and stained his armor and shirt.

In a hurry, Yun Wen tore a piece of cloth from his clothes and helped him bandage the wound.

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose just now." Qiu Wen loosened her palm and the sword fell to the ground, her eyes full of regret.

"You ..." Ye Shikai didn't know what to say for a moment, maybe he just talked a lot, and when talking about the "heartache" of the scriptures, she was so angry that she almost killed Ye Shikai.

"Is your injury all right?"

"It's okay, there's no stabbing of the internal organs, but it's just a flesh wound." Ye Shikai waved his hand, and Yan Wen wanted to step forward to check his injury, but was "pushed" by Ye Shikai.

"Did you just ... really want to kill me?" Ye Shikai asked.

"No, I didn't mean to kill you, it was me ... just now I was angry, so I didn't control it ... then ..."

"Well, you don't need to explain it." Ye Shikai put on the armor again and wiped the blood with a wet cloth. He didn't want to be seen as injured by the others. Just now the two were fighting in the camp, and there must have been movement. noticed.

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