Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1567: Homesick

In times of troubled times, heroes emerge, and the heroes are everywhere. The most important thing is the ambitionists who want to unify the world. They always stare at the world. In their eyes, this is a "big cake". They would rather give up their lives and fight for the world. .

Desire is the most terrible thing. If Ye Shikai is like them, then he will not choose to revolt against the Qin to save the people. He will always stay in Dongjun, hide his strength, secretly recruit sergeants, expand his power, and then find one. The best opportunity was to replace Ma Yao's position and become a hegemon. By that time, he could be regarded as a "major" in the world.

Ye Yekai does not have such great ambitions to fight for the world. For the 12 million people, he can fight for a life, but for the world, he cannot.

"Linger, you keep running with me, it really makes you suffer." Ye Shikai murmured softly in her ear.

"Fu Jun, I don't feel wronged, but after you arrive in Changsha, do you really intend to defend the girl for the uncle, don't you have any other ambitions in your heart." He Linghan's eyes flashed reluctantly, but she was for Ye Shikai Feeling injustice, as a general, he is eager for military exploits. Although He Linghan wants to be with Ye Shikai, he does not want to delay Ye Shikai's achievements.

"I first joined the Qin Army because of the invasion of the Wolf clan, and the world was responsible for the rise and death of the husband. For the millions of people in the Central Plains, I joined the army to resist the enemy. Later, the court imprisoned me as a" wing general ". I led the army to destroy the insurgents. Because those thieves burned and plundered, the local people complained and annihilated them for the safety of their lives. Finally, the court issued a ridiculous "decree" for that astronomical phenomenon, allowing the army to kill 120,000 people. I started my rebellion for the people. "

He said, Ye Shikai seemed to be lost in thought, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Yekai and his brothers changed only the "flag", but their principles never changed.

"Linger, I was born to death for the people, and my brothers, they even gave their lives, but I think they are worth it, but now, I just want to be alone for you, the other ones, I do n’t want to tangle Now. "

"Okay, you can talk less and rest more. Shangguan is still silent. We will not leave for the time being." Ye Shikai stretched out his hand, placed it on the pulse of He Linghan, operated the internal force of the body, and input an energy into her. Within his body, he has now repaired Dantian, and can use inner strength to protect the heart of He Linghan. As a woman, He Linghan is weak. Once infected, he is likely to become seriously ill or even die.

"Linger, I feel better." Ye Shikai asked softly.

嗯 "Well, I feel like there is energy in my body, and my body feels a lot easier."

"That's good, you can take a good rest before I come over again." Ye Shikai nodded and said, He Linghan was weak and couldn't transmit too much internal force at one time, otherwise it might cause back bite and need to come bit by bit.


Ye Shikai first went to the wounded barracks. Many of his brothers had already recovered and returned to the team. Xue San led his guard to **** He Linghan to Nanjun. He did not encounter the resistance of the Qin army along the way. The brother was ill, but there were no wounded, and because the army led by Ye Shikai has been escaping from the Qin army, there are more wounded and fewer sick in the team.

"Brothers are here to take good care of the wounds." Ye Shikai personally poured water for the wounded and made the brothers present very moved. He once established in the barracks that the best meals in the army should be given priority to the wounded. If the wounded did not Even if the generals ca n’t cook a meal, the whole army is sincere and united, and the sergeants are willing to work for Ye Shikai.

"General, shall we stay here in the future." A wounded soldier wrapped in white cloth asked.

"No, we will go to Changsha County after your injuries return to the team. There is no war there, and we can say goodbye to the days of sword and blood licking for the time being." Ye Shikai did not choose to hide the truth, this matter is related to the presence of All brethren are closely related. As the leader, he has no right to hide, nor does he want to hide.

"Changsha County, wouldn't it be further south?"


When the sergeant at the scene heard the news, he did not seem very excited. Many people bowed their heads, silently, and seemed very low.

Ye Shikai faintly heard a cry, looking down, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old "boy" in the corner was crying. In ancient times, it was not uncommon to enter the battlefield at this age. Ye Shikai was also somewhat disgusted, but recruited sergeants It is not his duty, but his subordinates are supervising.

"What are you crying for?" Ye Shikai did not blame him, his tone was very light, it seemed to be scared to scare him.

"General, are we ... can't we ever go back again." The "child" said in tears, Ye Shikai's face gradually faded, this question was like a sharp knife ~ ~ pierced the hearts of everyone .

Most of the ancients relocated and their hometowns were very heavy. Most of Ye Shikai's subordinates were from the Central Plains. They are now two or three thousand miles south. They are not familiar with life here. They are not used to it. In fact, Ye Shikai is also very clear. Many of them miss their parents at home. Although Ye Shikai rescued 120,000 people, these people also lost their original hometown. These sergeants have lost contact with their relatives in their homeland. In this environment, Once you lose contact, you may not see each other for a lifetime.

"Brothers, I promise you, even if I am still alive, I will take you back to my place of residence." Ye Shikai said firmly, he was very aware of this feeling, just like when he crossed the Qin Dynasty alone, his life was unfamiliar, Even "there is no penny" and no internal strength. If he was replaced by an ordinary person, he might have died hundreds of times. At that time, he would be homesick.

"However, when the violent Qin is still there, we are still wanted. If we want to return to our hometown in a fair and honest way, we must first overthrow the violent Qin, so the most important thing right now is to survive."

"The general is right."

"Yeah." The sergeants nodded one after another. They knew the current situation. If there were only a few thousand people, even if they were going northward now, they could not even survive Nanyang County, let alone be alive, in the face of the powerful Qin Army. Return to East and Hanoi.

"So, we must go to Changsha now, where we can develop our strength, conquer soldiers and keep up our strength, and continue to fight against the violent Qin." Ye Shikai said loudly.


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