Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1565: Principal

"We have suffered heavy losses, so the most important thing now is to recruit soldiers, step up training, and prepare for future wars." Ye Shikai knows that it won't be long before the emperor will crash, and then the world will be really chaotic. By then I am afraid that it is not just Qin Jun. Fastest update

"I would like to remind you that we are no longer Qin Jun. This is the site of the obituary. We came to her, even if it was ... placed under the fence, so the behavior should not be too high-profile. In addition, I tried to avoid the oppression of the people. If anyone dares to do so, no matter where they are, they will be treated with military law, and they will never show mercy. "Ye Shikai instructed that no matter where they were, they should not be bullied. This is Ye Shikai's principle and bottom line.

"Well, I will understand."

"In addition, our ordnance, armor, and forage have all been consumed and lost, and we must quickly replenish it."

"General, Admiral ... there is a problem."

"You say it."

"General, the weapons and grass we used in our barracks were supplied by the county government. We do n’t need to worry about it, but now we are fighting against the Qin Dynasty. All logistics have been interrupted. We have recruited soldiers and horses, bought weapons and armors, and collected grain and grass. This all requires logistical support, but now we ... "

"This ..." Ye Shikai fell into contemplation. A clever woman can hardly cook without rice. In this troubled world, it is really difficult to gather soldiers without money and food. If you want to accomplish something great, without money and food, you must never stop, but then come back and want to achieve Major events cannot be "only money".

"When we started the army, we still had some money in our hands, which could be used to relieve the anxiety. As for the others, I went to the obituary to discuss it." Ye Shikai was deeply powerless. They were under the fence, and they did not belong to them. It feels really uncomfortable to be restrained.


After meeting in each battalion, Ye Shikai carefully counted the remaining soldiers and horses, and barely gathered 7,000 people. If he wanted to expand his army, he had to get the support of Yunwen.

"Report, General Huo Ziqing is here, and there are many horse-drawn carriages behind, with grain and ordnance on it." At this time, a guard came in to report.


Ye Shikai took the generals out, just to meet Huo Ziqing.

"General Ye, let's meet again."

"General Huo."

"These are all allocated to you by the lord. They cost a total of 7,000 people. In addition, the lord heard that there were many wounded soldiers in General Ye's camp, and he also gave a lot of good medicine.

"Thank you very much," Ye Shikai said.

"General Ye, now that you have taken refuge in the principal, then we are brothers in the same robes. We have heard that General Ye's army is brave and capable of fighting from East County to South County a thousand miles away.

"If I encounter difficulties in the future, I would also like to ask General Huo to help."

"That's for sure."

"I have already prepared good wine in my account. Can General Huo be interested in drinking two glasses?" Ye Shikai invited.

"Since General Ye warmly invited me, I'd rather respect him than obey him."


at night.

Military camp.

"Sir, you seem to be very distressed. Did you encounter any troubles?" Mancang walked into the camp, only to see Ye Shikai sitting in the position, sighing.

"It's because of Shangguan." Mancang asked.

"Well, you are right. Although I have sent Xue San to investigate, I still feel panicked." After so many days have passed, if Shangguanjian is really safe and sound, he should have arrived in Nanjun.

"Adults are more concerned. General Shangguan is also a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles. Even if he really encounters difficult things, he must have a solution."

"One more thing, Huo Ziqing delivered military equipment today, but it cost only 7,000 people."

"Sir, I don't understand what you mean."

"This is the meaning of the obituary, she seems to intentionally not let us expand our army." Ye Shikai murmured, he was not an ingratitude white-eye wolf, but received too little favor, but he was curious, why did the obituary do this? Do n’t you trust him? Maybe you do n’t. If you do n’t trust him, why do you actively send troops to meet him?

"Why is this."

"I'm not sure." Ye Shikai shook her head. Since Yunwen returned to Chu to start a troop, she seems to have become a person. Ye Shikai can't understand her. Maybe this is a necessary city government as a "principal". . Mobile phone e

"After all, we also have 7,000 people. Although Qi Wen now has several counties in his hands, it is difficult to take out so many supplies at once." Ye Shikai perfunctoryly said, and Mancang had no doubt.

"After a few days, I went to Wenwen and asked for it."


The next day.

"Do you have to be so anxious, is there anything important." Ye Shikai came to the mansion of Yunwen with a little hurried pace. As soon as she came in, she saw that she was sitting in the garden drinking tea, which was quite pleasant.

"It's nothing, it's been a long time since I met you, I want to chat, how about it, are you free?" Ye Shikai spoke to his mouth, but was "swallowed" back.

"Of course, since you're here, I'll be free, come, and serve tea."

The two chatted a few times. Ye Shikai wanted to ask questions about logistics supply several times, but didn't say anything. He helped him when he was in the most difficult time, and gave his subordinates food and clothing. How can he be too few.

Ye Shikai thought about it for one night, but he also wanted to understand. Since he could not “beg” to the scriptures, he could only take the initiative to attack the counties and counties of the imperial court, obtain gold and silver supplies, and collect the Qin Army.

"After a while, I plan to take the initiative to attack Nanyang County ..."

"No ~ ~ I don't agree."

Before Ye Shikai finished speaking, Yun Wen directly refused.

"Why is that."

"You have only a few people in your hands now, so you dare to hit Nanyang County. If you go, wouldn't it be death."

"I have my own way, and I don't need you to worry about this." Ye Shikai stood up, and was about to leave. Suddenly, a sword was placed on his neck.

"What are you trying to do?" Ye Shikai asked.

"You have run to me now, so naturally you must obey my orders, including your subordinates, of course." Wu Wen said coldly, "You don't seem to be clear about your position."

"So you disagree."

"You and your brother have just settled down. Do you want to take them so fast?" Yun Wen turned sharply, but his tone was gone, but it was a little flat.

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