Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1543: No retreat

If Ye Shikai really started, it would undoubtedly be a stab in the heart of the empire. This matter will not be known for a long time by Qin Shihuang, and then the whole country will know about it. Fight against the wolf tribe, in front of General Meng Tian The celebrity who led his rebels is definitely a shocking event, but it also means that Ye Shikai will be blocked by the Qin army in each county. The court will definitely reward Ye Shikai's head, and when he leads The army will become the target of criticism. Under the siege of more than 100,000 troops, he will undoubtedly lose.

Ye Shikai also considered learning Yan Yu, occupying a mountain and blocking Qin's attack, but this idea was quickly rejected. First, his subordinates had 15,000 people. A mountain could not provide so much. People, as well as weapons and ordnance, could not be replenished. In addition, although Ye Shikai rebelled, he did not consider the actions of the insurgents to be just. They relied on people and transport teams to obtain supplies. Ye Shikai could not agree.

Many counties and counties in Chudi have been captured by Hualian Butterfly. In her grasp, Ye Shikai and her have a good relationship. If they arrive in Chudi, they will also have a place to live. Yugong, Hualian Butterfly can get help from Ye Shikai, which is tantamount to gaining more wings. In addition, Ye Shikai, as a general of the Qin Dynasty, took the initiative to rely on the insurgents. This will surely attract more people to come over, and the power of Hualiandie will also grow. Privately, Hua Liandie and Ye Shikai have a good relationship, and she has no reason to refuse.

In fact, according to the development of history, Ye Shikai knows that Hua Liandie will end in failure, and she may be exiled somewhere, or she may die. Ye Shikai does not want her to be the result, but ... even if he said As a result, Hua Liandie cannot believe, even if she believes, with her character and identity, she cannot surrender to Qin Jun.

Puppet uprising is a road that cannot be retreated. Once it is done, it can only go to the end.

He Linghan should have traveled to Chu, Ye Shikai silently prayed in her heart, I hope she can arrive safely.

"Lao Ye, Chen Ping is drunk now, but he must be awake tomorrow. Lao Ye, if we start the army tomorrow, we must not keep him."

"Okay, now that we have made up our minds, we will never stop doing it." Ye Shikai nodded and killed Chen Ping, and he couldn't really turn back.

"Okay, I'll deal with him."

It was already late at night, but Ye Shikai's tent was "brightly lit", and a group of officers were discussing what was going on tomorrow.

"According to information, the 60,000 troops will be reached tomorrow, plus the 30,000 troops led by Han Hao, the opponent has a total of 90,000." Ye Shikai sketched on a map, with 15,000 people playing against 90,000 people. Such a disparate contrast, even if Meng Tian came to command, I am afraid it will be inadequate.

怎么 "Why, you are afraid." Ye Shikai laughed at the officers with a dignified look.

"General, we are by no means timid, if we are afraid, we will not follow the general." A captain replied.

"Yes, we are willing to obey dispatch."

"Don't worry, I already have plans." Ye Shikai comforted. "Although they have 90,000 people, we are not just 15,000 people." Ye Shikai's words turned sharply, and everyone was confused, some could not feel it. mind.

"General what does this mean."

"In addition to 15,000 sergeants, we still have 120,000 people." Ye Shikai's words came out surprisingly, and everyone was shocked after hearing them. The "120,000" people in Ye Shikai's mouth refer to the villagers who are 50 miles away. The army will **** them to the meteorite fall, kill them all, and destroy their bodies with the meteorite. Then at the scene, in addition to the 90,000 army, there are 120,000 people. If they can make good use of them, they will be able to cause chaos by then. .

"General, do you want the people to resist?"

"Of course not." Ye Shikai immediately refused, saying that the people were all bare-handed, and they were definitely not the opponents of the heavily armed Qin Army. If they resisted, they would actively seek death.

"But we can use them to cause chaos. If so many people do it at the same time, even if the other party has 90,000 people, it will be difficult to care about, and it will inevitably fall into chaos. By that time, we will not face it alone." Ye Shikai explained, in fact, He was very clear that he could not save all of the hundreds of thousands of people. Once the two sides slaughtered together, even if Ye Shikai had the ability to reach the sky, many people could not be killed, but at least ... he could save most of them. .

"Five miles from the meteor's fall, there is a valley that leads directly into the mountains. This is a great opportunity for us. After we have succeeded, we will organize the people to evacuate the valley, and we will arrange the sergeants there in advance. Keep Taniguchi and stop chasing. "Ye Shikai marked a place on the map, five miles away, and the time of the two Huoxiang can be reached, that is, Ye Shikai needs to block the time of the 90,000 army two Huoxiang ~ ~ This is not easy.

"Shangguan, you take 3,000 crossbowmen and stay at Taniguchi, responsible for covering the people's retreat into the valley. Remember, you must keep it." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Lao Ye, since I am willing to follow you, I have already prepared the body and broken bones. You can rest assured that even if you spare my life, you will keep the valley."

"Mancang, you lead the 4,000 Iron Armed Army. What you have to do is to block the 90,000 troops in the two counties. After we save the people, they will chase down like tigers and wolves, but you must block them. Can you do it? "

"The general will be willing to issue a military decree, guaranteed by human head, they must be blocked." Man Cang knelt down on his knees, his tone was absolutely determined.

Ye Shikai handed this heavy task to Mancang for a reason. Mancang is his first general and is good at fighting tough battles. His iron armour is also trained according to Wei Wu's soldiers. If you set off your army, you can be a hundred.

"Assaulting enemy forces and harassing formations are the responsibility of the cavalry. Mangahara, are you sure?"

"General, please rest assured."

"Well, all sergeants wear red scarves around their necks to identify themselves as enemies. In addition, each person carries dry food for three days. Once we have succeeded, we leave for the night and march towards Chu. So, the sooner we evacuate, the safer we will be, the soldiers will be expensive, will everyone know. "

"The general will command."

"The general will command."

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